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YoJoAbyss [Sapphric]


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Today I went to log onto the server and noticed that a ban had been placed upon my account for "griefing"...


I am well aware of the rules of the server, and humbly apologize for the damage that was done-for it was not done upon my own accord...


I had a nephew stay over for the past few days and let him play while I was over at my brother's home, and had made the mistake of letting my computer stay on and unlocked...I am very sorry for whatever troublesome actions he committed, but plead to please not punish me for this mistake that was made, for I will ensure that if given access to the server, that it shall never again occur...


I thank you for your assistance in this matter and hope to get back on A.S.A.P 


Have a wonderful day.

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Ban information:


Ban for YoJoAbyss on c.nerd.nu for Grief on S nerd.nu/appeal by Sapphric on 2013-08-16 18:25:35 (no more bans, 1 notes)


Please be patient and Sapphric will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.

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Hi YoJo, thanks for appealing.


You were banned for griefing in at least three different places on S on August 15th, including crop grief, base grief and placing obsidian over someone's chests to prevent them from opening.


It may well have been your nephew who did it, but ultimately you are responsible for your own account. From nerd.nu/rules: "You are responsible for your own account. Anything that is done on your account will be viewed as done by you, and will be treated as such. Please do not message the moderators with the excuse that someone else used your account. We have no way to verify this, and as such, it will not be tolerated as an excuse."


As such, I'm going to set the ban length for one week. Please post here again on August 23rd stating that you have read the rules and will abide by them from now on.













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Good day,


As promised, I am here to confirm that I have read all of the rules stated for this server and promise to abide by them from now on and ensure proper protection over the account that I myself am responsible for. I hope I can be of benefit to the server in the future! This server is without a doubt, my absolute favorite and I can't wait to resume gameplay on it :)


-Sincerely, YoJoAbyss

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