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Creative revision 25 reset date!


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The creative server will reset on Tuesday the 24th at 4:00AM BST, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Creative+Reset+-+Revision+25&iso=20130924T04&p1=136 click that link to see what time it is for you.


What you can expect: The world as you have seen is a world painter map, The world will start out as a 4000 by 4000 map then over the course of the revision it shall reach a 6000 by 6000 map. There are no cardinal roads but we are having a spawn city again. There shall be a warp for redstone towers (new addition where you can go and build redstone contraptions and learn new redstone techniques), a warp to pixel art and a warp to bigtown. If you have any questions please ask myself, Dumbo52 or Cyotie911 or comment on the reddit post. Just as a final thing I'd like to thank every mod/admin that worked diligently on making this new revision as good as it is.

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