PvE blog

Padmin Ponderings

Hello Nerds!

We are just over a month into Revision 30 and wanted to take a moment to give a few quick updates.

Photo Contest Winners!

The votes have been counted and here are your winners

First Place

Marin Martian by CARnivore_nds

Fireworks by cujobear

Second Place

Busy day at CFC by Chef_zuul

Third Place

Astral Plane by Chef_zuul

Loved Up by cujobear

The Starting Line by Chef_zuul

At the Drive In by CARnivore_nds

Thank you to all those that stopped by the Arts building to vote. Prizes will be handed out to the winners as we see them online.

The Village of the Cities

Don't forget to claim a plot to represent your city/town/build at spawn!

There are still plenty of spaces available. To claim a space, stand in the numbered plot and make a modrequest.

We would love to see everyone represented in spawn.

Dragon Fight

Once again, life likes to play havoc on our free time and we are slightly behind schedule in releasing the dragon fight.

Planning and development are under way and we will release it as soon as possible.


Padmins have pulled the first batch of suggestions from the suggestion box and hope to have responses posted to the forum by this weekend.

Thank you for your submissions, we appreciate your comments and ideas.

There were a couple of suggestions asking to add information to the Rev 30 info post. We will be updating (or in some cases, have updated) the info post with new information. Make sure to check the info post for information regarding the revision throughout the rev.

~the padmins