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Posts posted by LadyRavenOwl

  1. The Sadmin team has a question for our Survival community.  Would you prefer to have the SAL arena designed and built by the admins or would you like to have a chance to build it yourselves in a contest?  As a whole we are making an effort to bring the community into the decision making process for the server we all play on.  Please vote in regards to one way or the other.  If you have anything additionally to say, please do not hesitate to reply below.  We will decide on the course of action Friday, March 6th, and act accordingly on the majority vote.  Cheers!  :D

    • Upvote 2

    You act like toxic has no definition, like it's just a made up word. It may have been used a lot at one time, but that doesn't remove it as a valid description for some people. Take the following chat logs of you in #RedditMC http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=rwvc2NUp I've literally never seen a staff member behave in this way but somehow they are equally at blame? If you can't agree that that was toxic, then I don't believe you can be reasoned with or have any type of meaningful discussion about improving this community.



    If instead you had only written the following, everything would have been perfectly fine:


    I find your experiences limited being that this is your one and only post on the forums.  Staff has never been beyond reproach with their actions and has made plenty of mistakes.  Granted, as staff members we do try to keep our actions in check and respectful, as well as lead by example.  That being the case, I see no reason for our staff team to be calling players names in public or even in a limited staff group conversation.  I've mentioned to the whole staff team and other players before that if you wouldn't say it to a player's face (and even if you would) then don't say it if it's rude.  There is just no reason to be disrespectful to other people here.


    That all said, I am not quite sure where you got the impression that Eehee acted like toxic had no definition.  I'm not also sure what your intent is in targeting Eehee is other than trying to illicit a reaction that validates your point.  If you have an issue with the actions of a player, then there are better ways to address it than this.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Great news!  WorldEdit now works on the contest build world!




    Simple, modreq for region. /pos1 & /pos2 work, so areas can be redefined & protected, overriding Plotme's annoyances.


    We considered that as an option but the goal was to make it so that you all would not have to modreq for a place to build and then wait for someone to assign you a location.  This lets you guys as the builders select and claim your plot and have control over it as you see fit.  It also generates the plots for everyone so that there is no need to create each individual region like in previous contests.  :D

    • Upvote 1
  4. I am locking this thread due to the original poster asking for it be done a couple times.  I apologize for the delay. Darkelmo, if you have changed your mind about locking the thread, please feel free to PM me or begin a new thread.  In the future, just a reminder for everyone to be respectful and open-minded to other players and their standpoint as always.  <3

    • Upvote 7
  5. What's the prize for winning?


    If your build is selected, it will be put on the upcoming Survival rev's map.  More detail will be given to the candidate closer to rev launch.  :D



    I wasn't aware the Survival Admins were running the Creative contest. (JOKE)

    [image snip]


    Hahaha, we have been in contact about this with the Cadmins for some time.  Sirtacoface and I have been discussing the contest world since before the Creative launch.  He, Bardidley, slide, and I finally got it up and live last night and they gave us Survival Admins to run a contest on it.  I understand there is some kinks in it (such as no WE) but we are trying to work issues out so that things run as smoothly as possible without impacting your ability to build.  I'm sure that if there were any suggestions on what plugin would be better to use than /plotme that the Cadmins and Tadmins would be more than happy to hear about it.   :D

  6. Greetings My Fellow Builders,


    Great news from Creative Admins, Survival Admins, and Tech Admins!  Creative now has a new contest build world for our events!  You'll still be able to participate in Creative chat and see all your friends but there will be a flat world with designated plots for all your contest needs.  Look for a different post explaining more about this brand new aspect of Creative.


    For our first contest, the Survival Admins are hosting a sunken ship build contest.




    Build an elaborate ship wreck that can be pasted into the bottom of an ocean.

    This ship ideally would have multiple decks and seamless breaks in the ship body.

    The ship should be approximately 50 by 100 blocks in size.



    Please note:

    Your build, if selected, will be submerged underwater in the upcoming S rev.



    You're welcomed to use any blocks of your choice.



    Contest ends March 23, 2015, midnight CDT.

    Winners will be announced March 25, 2015.

    Selected winner will have their ship featured on Rev28 of Survival and their name featured at spawn.


    For any questions, please contact any Survival Admins.

    • Upvote 5
  7. Fazaden, I am so sorry I didn't see this sooner.  I am very excited to see this put into action.  If you're interested in having Survival oriented prizes, myself and the other server admins would love to talk about it.  I also love the idea of the subreddit flair.  Feel free to hit me up on IRC or here.  :D

  8. Just an update.  The theme for the donation drive will be very very similar to this.  It will in fact be so similar that we will be giving buchanman credit for his idea.  We are considering a map of approximately 1,000 blocks wide or so.  The idea we were discussing entailed end islands spliced together to create planets with bits of smaller rock between them  A jump boost would be in effect for most of the server.  We were thinking about having two larger "planets" or "asteroids" for the spaceships to be docked to in order serve as a home base.

    We were also thinking about having something like buff blocks instituted.  For example, mining a certain ore would give them a buff.  Or having little ore islands for mining.


    Mini Games that were being considered were:

    -Mini Maze Races

    -Connect 4



  9. Hello everyone!


    It is our pleasure to be your new Sadmins and cannot wait to launch Rev 28 for you guys.  We know you have a lot of questions and hopefully some will be answered in this post.  All further questions can either be left here, addressed in IRC, talked out in Mumble, or PM'd in the forums.  As a whole, the goal is to institute more events and activities to help promote and retain players.  This includes the Survival admins logging in more consistently and maintaining communication with our player base.  There would also be more advertising and promoting done by the Sadmins in an effort to gain more players.


    We're looking to launch the new rev the first weekend of April 2015.  We're very excited and plan to coincide our launch with a special Easter Event for you all on Survival.  More details will be given on the Event as launch date nears--don't worry though, it's not maze related.


    The foremost thing that we would like to announce for changes, and this begins now, is proper communication.  The first part of this plan is at least two community meetings per rev; this is to touch base with what the community likes and dislikes that is going on.  This will also give us feedback on what we should be looking at to change for the next upcoming rev to help alleviate the issue of not being able to change rapidly enough with what people want.  The goal of this is to also be a positive discussion, this is in no way permission to attack other players, we want you to voice your opinions in collected mature ways.

    Secondly, if players come to us with something that is completely messed up or that they really do actually hate (not one or two of them, but like 95% hate it) willing to make adjustments mid-rev for some things.  If it’s something like “We hate that chests don’t auto lock anymore” then are we willing to be like, “Ok, we’ll compromise and put auto locking chests back on the map, however, this does not mean that refunds will be given on gear you lost because you didn’t lock your chest.”

    This being said, after the community meetings happen via Mumble and the notes are posted, any immediate community changes will be put on the forums to be voted on as well, just in case people who use the forums don’t use Mumble.  Though we strongly encourage everyone to use both avenues of communication.

    Another thing you all can look forward to is SAL coming back.  While there will be some minor (and exciting) changes made to it, we're happy to make this a thing that is going to happen successfully.  Along with this regular activity, we will be adding in new fun events and activities.  Have a standard arena that you want to see used for SAL?  Hit up LadyRavenOwl.  If more than one arena is submitted, we'll have a community vote!  Make sure you submit the arena by March 28, 2015.
    Something that has been asked several times is "What is the orientation for Survival that you're taking?"  We're going to have basically a hybrid of ideas and with five people throwing in ideas, it should be.  We're focused on increasing PvP, bringing back in aspects of raiding, still being build friendly, and generally building a solid and positive community.  We have some new plugins making an appearance, including some custom plugins being written, making things generally more of a challenge.
    • Upvote 13
  10. Hi all,


    I am interested in getting some feedback as to what sort of arena(s) you all would like to see on the new Chaos rev that is coming.  Let's keep on track and be respectful.  Feel free to leave your comments or questions below.  Please be advised, that anything off topic or unnecessarily rude will be hidden.



    P.S. I smell like socks

    • Upvote 3
  11. Hi there Nightshit3,


    Your banning moderator isn't available to handle your appeal, so I will be taking it.


    Ban information for nightshit3 on c.nerd.nu for griefing - nerd.nu/appeal by cmdrtebok on 2013-02-03T09:48:23 (1 more bans, no notes)


    As you were banned quite some time ago, I will unban you now.  Here are the rules for reference, and if you have any questions please ask.  Look forward to seeing you back.  :D


    Unbanned.  <3



    -LadyRavenOwl  <3

  12. Ban information: Ban for dejordzta on c.nerd.nu for Griefing; all destructive edits on C nerd.nu/appeal by CROCKODUCK on 2013-11-27T08:23:18 (no more bans, no notes)


    Please be patient and let CROCKODUCK respond to your post.  If two days have passed with no response, please bump your appeal.

  13. [snip snap]

    So before we start petty arguments about anything else; sadmins, what is going on with S?


    Well said.  I think a better question than what is going on with S (since we all have an idea of what is going on with it, [redacted]) is what would you guys like to be seeing going on with S?

    • Upvote 2
  14. This Saturday we will be hosting a Speed Build Arena on Creative at 4p CST!  Don't live in the sandwich of Canada or the United States?  No worries!  Calculate your time here!



    What's Speed Building you ask?  Traditional Speed Building is a game in which players are presented with a topic and only have a certain amount of time to build something.  In our case, this event will have 4 rounds of 10 minutes each.  Each round, I will announce a theme, and you will have 10 minutes to build the best thing you can within your plot, myself and a panel of judges will then choose a top three and we will move on to the next round!


    Think you want to try your luck of abstract building?  Meet us at the arena built by the lovely ExcessiveToker on Creative!   Don't be late though, plots won't be reserved, which translates to it's first come, first serve.


    What happens if you win?  Winners of each round will be announced in an awesome post and linked to the MOTD of the day for the Creative Server.  In addition to the MOTD, we will also be listing the winners at spawn on a specially made announcement board made by one of the Cadmins, SirTacoface!


    We look forward to seeing you all there for some exciting rounds of Speed Building!

    • Upvote 2
  15. This is a classic arena battle starring unce's arena being held Saturday, January 24th.  Beginning at 7p CST (calculate your time here) on the dot, be ready to kill your peeps!  Everyone is welcome to attend, even if it means just cheering in the stands!
    The matches will be as follows (if unspecified, it will be a kitted match):
    1v1 (Bring your own diamond gear)
    4v4  (if enough attendees)
    2v2 (Bring your own gear)
    FFA (no gear)

    Curious as to what the prizes are?  They vary but include your standard diamonds, a mob egg of some sort (in some cases you get to choose!), ghast tears and more!
    Questions or comments?  Reply here or shoot me a PM!
    Can't wait to see you all there!!  :D

    • Upvote 4
  16. I've talked to a moderator over at r/mcservers and they said that we could advertise our event as the Event Server, we just have to be super careful about it.  So I think coming up with a draft of the post before hand and testing it would be wise before we get there that way we don't get murderated by their bot on the day we want to advertise the most.

  17. Hello everyone, 


    We need to have a donation drive sometime soon, so I figured I would start a thread about planning it.  The goal of the drive will be to provide funding for the servers for another year, and according to Deaygo we would need $4500 to do that.


    Here are a few things that we need to discuss before moving forward. 

    • What type of event should we have?
    • When should we have the drive?
    • How can we get the word out about the drive?

    I would like to ask everyone to comment asap so we can get this thing moving. 


    While I've never done CTF and have heard great things about it, since we are trying to raise more money than usual on this donation drive shouldn't we have something new and original?  Would it be too hard to put something together if we all came up with ideas?  For example:


    What happened to Buch's space event?


    I think that there were issues coming up with plug ins for it but something like this would give us an edge on events.


    As for when to run the event, any time past February 28th works for me as long as I can start it by the end of the month with people.  If we don't get started until February then it would only be practical to have it mid April or later.  The team I worked with for the Winter Event was able to pound out the Winter Maze and everything in about a month with me cracking the whip but I'd prefer not to put anyone through that again.  One thing that will help this event run more smoothly is if the people that sign up follow through with their commitment.  Last time we had people sign up to help but they ended up not following through and this really set the progress back and made it more stressful for everyone involved.


    I think we have a few different avenues besides the forums and our typical subreddit to advertise this.  We should be taking advantage of twitter, YouTube, r/minecraft, and r/mcservers.  I might also have some people who can announce us on their Twitch channels and such but I will need to talk to them about that first.  For the other subreddits, sneak peaks are extremely useful to pique people's interests and the YouTube channel should definitely have a female and male voice in it to narrate as well as little sneak peaks of walking the event.

  18. I would like to see a bow oriented arena, where the players are on a 2X2 platform, where the goal is to shoot other players off into an abyss. Platforms are located on many different levels so players still have a chance to fall off of a higher platform and onto one fo the lower ones. Ender Pearling is enabled, because of the risk involved.


    This a fabulous idea!  I will start working on it.  :D

    • Upvote 1
  19. https://i.imgur.com/BsZFR.png


    I'm kinda sad we never reused this plugin. It probably needs updating these days to be functional, but worth looking into I guess


    I will talk to a tech about getting this updated and see what I can do with it.  I love the way it looks so I am sure that I can find something to do with it!  Thanks!




    This actually coincides with an idea that I had sorta and would be a really cool event/contest for Creative.  I'll work on getting a more definitive idea hammered out then just my basic notes and message you later this week about it if you're interested.  :D

    • Upvote 4
  20. Alright, so I want to sum up things a bit.  Some of these games are a good idea to try to get people together and play, but aren't really feasible to run a server of.  But here is the list of things that I think would be feasible to get a server running for.


    • TF2
    • Garry's Mod (TTT, Prop Hunt, DarkRP, plain build server, etc)
    • Just Cause 2 (Could do some fun mods for this, it is all via lua scripting)
    • Starbound
    • Rust (Currently an experimental server only for linux)
    • Counter Strike (GO, Source, otherwise)
    • GTA V (Not really a running server thing, but we can have a crew. I have gone ahead and setup a crew for GTA V).  If you have suggestions for the level titles we will set something up as a suggestion for that.
    • Terraria - While there is a modable server for Terraria, it might not be feasible to run terraria with a lot of things being client side.  I will look into this more to see what options there are.

    I will create a poll in a bit to get some actual numbers in a bit.


    Thanks Deaygo!

  21. Hi there everyone!


    First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for their congratulations and such.  I can't wait to work with everyone, staff and members alike, to help bring great things to all our servers.


    Next, I have had a few people ask me and other admins questions regarding my new position.  To answer the first question I've been asked: yes, I do have quite a few ideas for different events for each of the servers and can't wait to set them in motion.  Some time this week I hope to meet with all the server admins to discuss ideas and time frames so we can start things as soon as possible.  In addition to the new events I will be running, I will also be hosting the moderator run arenas on Survival, speed builds on Creative, and (hopefully/possibly) that lovely game of Spleef on PvE.


    In regards to the Event server, what I hope to do is host three to four major events on it a year.  The Head Admins and I are already discussing getting a donation event set up, so be looking out for that!  All the other events will be hosted on our current servers: Survival, PvE, and Creative.


    I also want to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to the community to bring any ideas they have for possible events.  My idea with this is not to take over any ideas the members of our community have but work along side you to make it happen.  This way we can work together as a team to make our servers as great as possible.  If you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to PM me here on the forums.  Another way to reach me is IRC; if I am working at the office then just message LRO|Office instead of LadyRavenOwl.  All of you are also more than welcomed to message me via Steam, my username is LadyRavenOwl.


    Speaking of Steam, another thing that I will start directing is Steam Events!  I am looking forward to extending our community and having fun outside our virtual legos.  If you have any ideas for that, hit me up and we can talk about it!

    • Upvote 2
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