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Everything posted by barneygale
I volunteer for s admin btw, I pinky promise not to root the box. If someone can point s.nerd.nu to it, I will buy a VPS and assemble an all-star team of survival legends to come up with map/plugins.
Any news?
Not claiming that staff are ignoring people now, but we've had alternating good/bad leadership for years, and it's not good to have long periods where you have simultaneously poor and unaccountable leadership. If anything I think having faster promotions and a more fluid staff would make it more likely that a new admin would get the help they need. Good admins will stay around as long as they do currently, whereas bad admins get brought back to moderator and another person trialled in their place. This will keep leadership quality up and make everyone want to stick around longer and train new joiners. Regarding modding new players quickly: if someone has joined the server and has played pretty consistently for a few weeks, a couple of hours of training should be enough to get them up to speed. I didn't even get that - I didn't know about /lbrb for several weeks. I was made mod with a bunch of people, and none of us had played nerd for very long. All of us went on to become admin. You really don't need a lot of knowledge or experience to moderate or run a minecraft server - you need solid management and displomacy abilities. Regarding coverage: that's good to hear, but you're still missing about 4 admins! don't faff around like we used to; prefer players with time and enthusiasm over well-vetted and long-serving players
Outside perspective has it's advantages and disadvantages. One quick (and a bit off-topic) point: many former staffers become much more critical of how nerd is run once they leave staff. This includes a lot of people who left the staff on good terms. cmdrtebok's frustration is a good example of it, and I've seen it from basically all the survival admins who were around in my era. There's a bit of a disconnect between how you feel nerd is performing while you're on staff vs what you see from a scrub perspective. The imbalance between the two creates friction - players think staff are ignoring them, staff think players are giving them shit over nothing. IMO the way to fix this is pretty simple - promote people through staff faster. Mod people who have only been around a few weeks, and make them admin if they've clearly got leadership abilities and time. Being cautious with tech admins is a good idea (I'll take full credit for hammering that one home!) but there's very little a rogue creative or head admin can do to fuck nerd over.
Can you stop being so reactionary tobylane? The rules weren't passed down by moses. Half the stuff we're discussing was laid down while I was admin, and I know for a fact that we didn't sit down and discuss it at the lengths we have in this thread. Nerd has a reputation for banning too harshly, and does some stuff that is considered [i[weird as hell[/i] by modern minecraft standards, e.g. all bans are permanent until appealed.
Out of interest, is there a similar policy for people caught hacking, i.e. fixed sentence and complete rollback?
Don't be ridiculous, MCBouncer has a Mojang-enforced monopoly on ban plug-ins. You can't just, like, add temp bans.
Ah sorry tobylane, I misread your post. You can't predict whether someone will learn their lesson or come back to grief/xray more, but that doesn't mean you need to have a policy of assuming the worst. You could have a system that increases with each offense: 3 day ban, 10 day ban, 30 day ban, perma (subject to appeal). If someone is egreiously hacking/griefing/harassing then you can jump straight to perma if you want. Is xray/grief even much of an issue nowadays? When the banning policy was laid down we had 1. a /lot/ of people joining from grief team videos / livestreams 2. primitive rollback tools that often needed a lot of manual fixing 3. primitive xray detection tools (basically logblock/bigbrother and a lot of patience) 4. a survival server, where xray is more gamebreaking than on pve none of these are really issues anymore. Grief gets magic'd away with a couple logblock commands, and is usually fixed as soon as the mod gets to the modreq. Watson makes tracking xrayers really easy. These are all good things, and perhaps one reason to revise ban lengths down is that grief and xray aren't as hard to fight as they were when the rules were laid down.
I'd rather we risked letting some bad people back on if it means retaining lots of players who get banned for doing something stupid when they first join the server. You don't need to be "desperate" to want more players. More players on nerd is always more fun; show me an instance where it hasn't been! That kind of attitude would never have flown in the early years when servers were getting set up and changed about all the time, and we ran things like minigames years before it became popular! There's always room for improvement. Just use common sense. I struggle why it's considered so hard to just set xray ban lengths. If Forzaire logs on immediately xrays + lavas someone's base, ban him for a few more months. If a noob logs on and immediately xrays 10 diamond then PM them and tempban them for a day or two. If they don't get the message then ban them some more.
tobylane, who gains from the rollback Forever_A_Steve is talking about? Again, nerd is not a state. The staff are not moral police, they only need to dispense enough justice to keep your players happy. Rolling back significant portions of a town might be righteous but that alone doesn't make it the right thing to do.
It doesn't seem fair at all for the town to be collectively punished, or to force towns to vet every member to ensure they won't xray. Deal with these problems pragmatically.
tobylane, I don't think you should consider the punishment being "felt" as an primary factor in ban lengths. Running nerd like a state rather than a company is a source of a lot of the problems described in this thread. If you're running a state you need to make sure that justice is done and seen to be done, as you have moral authority. If you're running a company your principal aim is to keep your customers happy. Yes, that includes removing players from the game if they're causing problems. But there's no point keeping anyone banned for any longer than necessary, because the vast majority will just switch server rather going to an internet courtroom
The 30 day policy came into effect while I was admin. There's a few factors to consider * A uniform number is much easier to apply - xray bans are contentious and it lessens the possibility of people lawyering over mod bias * The number needs to be high enough to "punish" the worst offenders * The people who make the rules are most often dealing with the worst offenders, not scrubs There's considerable player churn in modern minecraft. nerd.nu is perfectly set up to handle established community members stealing from chests or xraying a rival clan's mining base, but surely the vast majority of bans are from noobs longing in and not reading the rules? You only need to slap these folks on the wrist to make them pay a bit more attention. A good portion of survival's best-known players were banned very early on for griefing (many joined after watching avo videos) and they went on to build gardens and fortresses after being unbanned. Make it easy for this to happen. If someone starts griefing again immediately after getting unbanned, you can start getting serious ;) Somewhat related, I think the idea of only setting ban lengths when someone appeals should be revisited. I've heard arguments for it - that it forces banned players to face the evidence and display contrition - but it must turn off a hell of a lot of people who'd rather play another server than sign up for a forum they'll never use again! Some suggestions: 1. Set ban lengths on ban - use some kind of formula or guide, but allow mod discretion. Still allow people to appeal, if they want, but most bans automatically expire. 2. Give people a link to an unlisted ban appeal page via their "Banned: ..." message when they attempt to connect, like nerd.nu/appeal/80gt8s0g. Only the banned player and the mods know about the page, so they can post their appeal without signing up.
Oh please. It's a symptom of management's failings if you can't tell the difference between feeding/tping a noob and spawning items for clanmates. It's a lazy and cowardly staff that applies all its rules to a tee, even when thought and a little flexibility would be to the benefit of the player and the server's reputation. Even in my day the staff weren't given personal in-game privileges for being staff. You used your powers to exercise your duties. My point was that previously, those duties included not being cuckolded by the rules page when good judgement leads you to a different conclusion.
Surely to spare us all from the legions of fans asking for his return?
To clarify, Junction was even more kafkaesque than nerd was at the time. It had a lot of good ideas that could be applied to a large server (such as separation of concerns, rather than making a handful of admins responsible for everything) but with few players it died under the weight of its own bureaucracy. I concur with tebok that nerd used to be a lot more player-friendly. When I was S admin we would do random giveaways, teleports, etc. nerd gradually got more uptight about that sort of thing (I remember an old survival mod - I forget her name - actually being demodded for spawning food in good faith for a random player), which is why everyone has been complaining for fucking years about how much privilege admin gets you. Despite everyone's claims to the contrary, becoming a staffer at nerd is more of a promotion than on most other minecraft servers, principally because players have no say in any decision making. This discussion has happened 10,000 times already and no positive change has come of it. The only thing that ever affects nerd either positively or negatively is if we happen to get either a good or bad set of head admins. My little birds tell me the current bag is a mixed one, with Mrloud15 (who was never even moderator material) somehow clinging to head admin while working to undermine those around him. I'm hoping that sooner or later we'll get a set of head admins that realises it's better to promote people who shitpost occasionally and have issues with the current staff than a bunch of yes-men who think nerd's gradual haemorrhaging of players is just fine.
How does it feel tebok? HOW DOES IT FEEL?
Is there work going on to update the plans on page 1? Or a preference for a particular plan? 1.9 is perhaps ~1 month away so we ought to decide on something so the map can be built
Auto-sneak would also be possible and could be quite cool for a pvp-enabled server suggested here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/3qjsjg/minecraft_19_sandbox_server/cwfyezn
Between the two of us we might almost have an up-to-date understanding of minecraft
you're more than welcome to use it for a testing server as well is map size an issue now vanilla has world borders?
I'm pretty open to collaborating with any nerd staffer who fancies planning a one-off 1.9 server. The post wasn't intended at head/tech admins specifically, though the tech admins would need to be involved to some degree and are of course more than welcome to hack away at the code
When minecraft 1.9 drops, is nerd planning to run vanilla 1.9 server? For what it's worth I've been working on a proxy that sits in front of a 1.9 server and can do a pretty limited subset of things that spigot can. It's advantage over spigot is that it will work the moment 1.9 drops. Things it can do: - Block logging - MCBouncer stuffz - Trade signs + similar - Mail - Homes - Modreq - Primitive chest locking (/lock turns your chest into bedrock!) - Anything else achievable by dropping/modifying/forging packets and typing into the server console. Things it can't do: - Block rollbacks (without some serious effort) - Block proteciton (unless you want to lock your house by turning it into a massive bedrock cuboid) - Fluid freezing I was thinking it might be fun to run a survival-y or pve-y 1.9 server so people can have fun with the 1.9 mechanics. It would also be pretty unique amongst minecraft servers to have a 1.9 server with a few non-vanilla features. I think this would be a separate thing from the normal survival (rip) and pve servers. What do you think?