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Everything posted by Dex4002

  1. You can change the elements, To Courage, Wisdom, and power- Wait... Sorry. I think each weilder of the weapon shoild have a title, (Hero of Winds,...Etc.) And each one should have as much power as the other one. Like the Lord of The Rings and Zelda you need all the pieces or the majority to have full power. So theres that.
  2. Alright I just read it, yup your right. But Never underestimate my Zelda facts. Edit: *Yes you may underestimate me, but have you gotten... THE GOLDEN OOT. MWAHSHA
  3. Then doesnt that mean that the gold is Limited edition :D
  4. Cyoie. I have the GOLDEN Original Zelda. A shit more rare than gray.
  5. Ill see if I can get mumble by that day. Have a few things I need to say. Cant promise though. Got university. But ill see
  6. HEY CYOTIE! NOTICE I HAVE THE "ORIGINAL LIMITED EDITION" MWAAHA I an da best Zelda fan stahp denying it.
  7. Mag, My copy is the Golden Ocarina of Time, the one with the fire temple chants and other mirror shield. The original one. AND BTW OOT>Any other game in the world. Dershe. The one with the moon, the left.
  8. And lets not forget my Pokemon red, Ocarina of Time Golden, and a few more. MEAHAHA. Also adding the Golden Limited edition The Legend of Zelda 1987. Derherher
  9. Classic Golden "The Legend of Zelda" original 1987. Beat that.
  10. Post a pic or tell a story of your greatest moment on C of rev 24. Mine was making the forest temple or party basement!
  12. Im a little confused on the Rev 25 CTA. Is it already there? Or are they gonna lead to furite buils or expand the rails, I just want some info so Hail and I can start our project eh?
  13. Dex4002's (mine) is "First Blood" (1982)
  14. 1. I had some nachos for dinner tonight. Are you happy? 2. What do you know me as on the servers? (Shadup Eehee) 3. How sext is Dexy? 4. Xbox One, PS4, or Wii U 5. Favorite Zelda game? 6. How often do you dance?
  15. 1.I've been busy. The galfriend and I are haing a long distance relationahip right now. University is tough. I'll be on though. 2. NO. 3.NEVER. 4.The Dribble Breakfast Guy 5.B of course.
  16. AMA time! Guys, You have the wonderful oppurtunity to learn how the "Dark Knight" Dex started. Now. AMA!
  17. I would like the map to be expanded again. Since it fills up faster. There is nowhere to build until the rev ends. Also. The Cta lines cutoff some builds sometimes.
  18. Hello Vortex. I am Dex4002. I was banned a few months ago for homophobia. It was a joke, and I did not want it to be offensive to anyone. I read the rules and I will not be offensive to anyone. So Thank you for your time. -Dex
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