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  1. I did my duty. Vote Ironpact! But no really those all look awesome. Considering the amount of time the Event was up its cool to see how much we accomplished.
  2. Hello Space Cadets! From the creators of Wateroak in Rev13, Myself and Ghrey303 would like to present to you Spaceoak, Astronaut combat training arena in the End! (A ride on the spaceship is not guaranteed. In fact your training is most likely to end in death. We are not liable for this. STOP TRYING TO SUE US!) This Sunday at 8PM EDT/5PM PDT we will be hosting a pairs PvP tournament! How to get to Spaceoak? EASY! Head on over to Solace, sleep in the bed by the portal (THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP REMEMBER TO DO THIS!) and head on through! Viola! First exit on your left is Spaceoak! Now lets not forget about that pesky fact that you lose food when you go through the portal... do not fret! Food will be provided! Now remember, this is a pairs tournament! Please sign up with a partner! If you cant don't fret! We will try to pair you up with a partner. To sign up, please send myself a message here on the forums or on Reddit (Same Username). Please include your IG name and your partners. P.S. THERE ARE PRIZES! There is a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd! What they are? WELL THAT'S A MYSTERY YOU'LL HAVE TO SHOW UP TO FIND OUT! AKA We have no damn idea what they are yet. Want to take a look at your upcoming doom? Head on ever here!
  3. What happens when astronauts think that they're upside down?
  4. :D She may have gotten into some trouble when we set up the tree this year.
  5. Best I can tell from reading it, it wold allow you to make your chat multiple lines. Something like this it would make everything Spaced.
  6. Haha, thanks. I've already been on the PvE server for a few days. Met alot of great people and have been having a good time.
  7. Bought Minecraft for PC a few days ago after owning it forever on the 360. I didn't have any servers, so I went ot reddit and found you guys. Saw you had a forum, and as an old school forum user I joined... I now cannot stop. Help? P.S. I have no idea where I could have post this, so this area seemed right.
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