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Posts posted by Magnyus

  1. Well in the spirit of being more direct if you feel like you are being hovered over and that everything you say makes someone mad maybe you should stop pissing people off? I mean the signature with the fuck you, you don't have to do that.


    Being direct is part of who I am, if people get on my nerves or annoy me, I'll tell them. That being said, I don't go out of my way to piss people off, half of the time I'm minding my own business, or talking to a few people around me. I don't take joy in trolling others and harassing people. So if I piss them off, it's definitely not because I was trying to.


    The signature is an inside joke between kittypuppet and myself, and I think it's rather amusing. If you take offense to it then my apologies if a simple swear word is enough to bother you.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Apparently the word 'community' now means a small handful of people that don't see eye to eye with you.

    One of my gripes with the way these situations are handled is that instead of putting the opposing side together to communicate and come to an agreement, we instead censor everything everyone says. Just let things run their course and stop treating ever single god damn conversation or tussle that everyone has as drama. Honestly, it's gotten really old, people toss that word around as if they depended on it.

    One example that I had was after I got in trouble on C, after being reprimanded by jchance, I started to have a conversation with him about the way things are run, and parts that I don't agree with. Whilst to jchance and myself we were having a civil discussion, the rest of the chat was spouting nonsense about 'tension' and 'drama' simply because their view of whatever I said in chat changed because I had antagonised jchance prior. That's exactly what happens with everyone else, X person got banned, X person want to discuss it with someone because they felt it was unfair, X person logs into IRC and suddenly everyone pulls out their drama shields to fend off X with their instigating nonsense. What we should be doing is letting X person talk about it, and understand why such and such happened. Instead of shutting them up and further prolonging their bans simply because they got pissed off.

    One thing that comes to mind are the derailing threads that like to pop up every now and again, what usually happens is one person says something that someone else doesn't like and it immediately becomes an all out war between the two and anyone else withing close proximity. While all that is happening a flock of mods and admins that don't know what the exact situation is see a bunch of pictures and cuss words and start deleting and hiding posts left and right. Their reasoning being so that it can halt the argument until they read them to get an understand of what happened, the problem with that is instead of halting it, it only angers everyone involved. Even if two+ players start to derail a thread let them go at it, and once things seem to have died down, THEN delete the posts and resume the thread as normal. The only time the mods and admins should get involved is when the argument/discussion directly relates to said mod/admin, or obviously when someone breaks the rules, or threatens, doxxes, etc.

    The way that everyone is supervised and monitored makes this place feel more like a daycare than a gaming community, and for players such as myself that tend to be a little more direct, hanging around here sometimes feels uncomfortable because it seems that whenever we speak up, someone is already hovering above our heads to stop it. We're all mature enough to be completely responsible for our action, but they way we're treated certainly doesn't make it seem as such.

    I'm all for improving things here, but we really need to look over the way things are being run and work on finding a way to improve them.

    • Upvote 8
  3. I feel that in this case, because the Survival community knows each other so well, whoever wants to be admin should simply step up and say so, and then their peers can choose whether or not they'll be a good fit. You obviously want someone assertive to be your admin so why not see who is really willing to help S go places?

    • Upvote 1
  4. One of the biggest problem that I have with the idea of improving the "Official" Steam group is that whoever is in charge is only adding current moderators to the list. That's completely ridiculous, why are people who got their mod position from their interactions on Minecraft, a game that doesn't even exist on Steam? Whereas the players like D3 and myself who spend the majority of our time online actively playing games on Steam, are brushed off to the side, we would love to organise and moderate ourselves but because we choose not to play boring ass Minecraft, and we don't moderate on the servers, we're exempt from being Steam mods? That's stupid, since we aren't going to play MC just to become mods.


    D3 took it upon himself to make a steam group and add active players to it, as well as making events for different games, and suddenly he's undermining staff because we wants to see the community expand and succeed? You guys really need to stop taking every action that someone takes as a personal attack. All we're trying to do is what little we can to do to improve things, and instead we get this shit, the old Steam group sucks, the only reason anything even happened with it was because we raised hell on the forums asking that something be done with it, and while some stuff did happen for a while, like everything else related to nerd, it's only temporary and dies out quick. Because no one ever actually dedicates themselves to keeping it going.


    If you really don't want to move everyone to a new group then change your stupid policy to allow players like D3 and myself to moderate strictly on Steam. Although I am personally against keeping the old Steam group because it's counterproductive to have changed our 'brand' and yet still keep something with the old name. Who cares if we lose all the old players that are on there? They don't even play let alone interact with us here. Focus on the newer people that have yet to join, and forget about those that pretty much left us to rot.


    Seriously, we're just trying to help, and you make it very difficult to do so when you treat us like children.


    EDIT: lel I just saw that slide made the new group, but my post still holds relevancy, regular players like myself can't moderate, simply because we aren't Minecraft server mods, which is silly.

    • Upvote 7
  5. Nerd.nu Gaming Community


    For the MC servers, call it Minecraft (or just MC) Public at Nerd.nu, MCP-Nerd for short.


    It also applies to other games. LoL-Nerd, CS:GO-Nerd, Dota-Nerd, Rust-Nerd.


    It's really not that hard..


    Also, we don't have to cut all our ties from Reddit, the subreddit can still mention something like "Founded on Reddit!" or "Minecraft's oldest server!" something like that. Just get rid of it from our actual brand name.


    That means no more Reddit Public on the forums or on the actual Nerd.nu website (that always struck me as odd), getting rid of the redditpublic.com wiki and making it nerd.nu/wiki or something, changing the IRC client so that it's no longer RedditMC.


    And if we really want to move forward with making Nerd.nu a gaming community we should start using the actual nerdnu subreddit, which if I remember correctly, Deaygo is top mod of. That is a perfect place to start our expansion.

    • Upvote 3

    Yeah, no. That's why it took so long for the staff to comprehend why they needed to split the 'No' vote into 'No' and 'I don't know this person well enough' when voting for moderators. I complained to a moderator about it more than a year and a half ago, back while I was being nominated for moderator, but nothing was done about it until recently. After I was voted in, I declined the moderator position, because (among other reasons) a lot of the people who voted 'Yes' for me hadn't even met me, and I was told by the same moderator that they were likely basing their decision on anecdotal evidence they had received from others, instead of making an informed decision based on first-hand experiences.



    In other words, the mod nominations thread... Yes, it is extremely difficult to keep track of all the different nominees especially when you don't play on the same server, let alone the same time as them, and it's a bit silly to expect every mod to go out of their way to keep track of who all the nominees are and getting to know them, so you would expect the community's input to be a big factor to the process, but the way we go about doing so is completely wrong. The head admins expect anyone with any concerns over certain players to go straight to them, and while that can be very useful if someone truly doesn't feel that a certain player shouldn't be a staff member, not every player is willing to go through the effort of contacting a head admin just to voice their concern. And it helps even less when the heads aren't online to respond swiftly, or are too occupied with more pressing concerns (whatever the fuck they may be). The vote is also extremely vague and it doesn't really help players understand why they aren't being supported, and it would be even worse if anyone explained why they don't support said player.


    An idea that I had was to use the /applyformod page and elaborate on it. Let players nominate whomever they want, but make any entry require reasons as to why they're nominating and why they would support them. It would help in organising opinions, as well as providing solid evidence as to why they would be a good choice. Something like that.

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