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Posts posted by Magnyus

  1. I'm a little concerned with this idea if it were to be used for the new revision at the beginning of the map as the borders will be expanding over time and these rails would become outdated until the final border expansion.

    Assuming that the rails will be protected, in a long rectangular shape, why not split the four stretches into four protections and move them to the edges of the map once we expand? I'll be glad to continue extending and connecting the tracks again.

    I would hope to put something on the edges of the map because some players have a tendency to build right smack on the borders, and they can't access the back of their buildings and they usually end up looking a bit ugly. Also the obnoxious walls that others in the past have made, I believe we could do without those.

    Side note: Funnily enough, I too was inspired a bit by Kowloon and Hong Kong's architecture whilst building Mira, unfortunately, I have yet to express that idea into the build, and it seems that others aren't really seeing my vision for it.

  2. It does mean that on occasions some requests may keep the modreq queue up.

    Due to my many "ADMIN" modreqs, I think it would be safe to say that I've probably had to to wait quite a bit longer (about a day's worth) than many other players for my modreqs to be answered, so I wouldn't be bothered by this at all.

    But that's just my case, a lot of players on C tend to be a little... impatient, when it comes to their modreqs and I usually end up seeing on nerd.nu/modreq that there are many requests that are simply messages asking why no mods have answered them, or what's taking so long, or the usual "water, water, water, water". Not really sure how that might go.

    I say we trial it anyways. Most probably don't even realise that the restarts have anything to do with the queues.

  3. Should we have a separate forum section for planning threads? I think it's necessary to plan out far ahead if I was to build my spawn clock. I could do it on the subreddit, but the submission would probably get lost and the comments out of order.


    Agreed, I had no idea others have been thinking about the CTA, and a proper planning thread would help gather the maximum amount of information and also assist in reaching a consensus.

  4. Here's a good one. But it's a massive stretch.

    Have rev (regardless of server) long "event" where players build according to a theme, a story, a lore, and near the end of the revs all builds that qualify are combined into a massive adventure map using plenty of aspects from the server games and events.

    If anyone is interested, I'll be up for discussing exactly what I mean.

  5. RPG shooter like cod

    Seems like this would be better for consoles like ps3

    RPG... COD... Nope.

    All joking aside, I think this is a good idea, I tend to play a decent amount of League of Legends and have met a few others that also play on the servers.

    I will need to re-download Steam onto my PC and hopefully see who else I can play with through that.

    As for Playstation Network, if anyone would like to play with me, send me a private message and we'll see if that's a possibility.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I am completely against this idea.

    A lot of people I know on the servers aren't exactly fond of the idea of being doxed, and I can assure you that those that have been aren't exactly okay with it even now. We aren't a sort of organisation or group of people that know each other on a personal level (although some may be) and it's not really something that we can even encourage others to do. But if another source of nerd.nu content is made I don't exactly want to miss out on it simply because I refuse to use Facebook as a means of viewing it.

    I think the thing people keep missing is no one would be required to like the page or anything. We don't give away things for voting or liking pages, so you would only like it if you wanted to. It would be an interesting way for people to post pictures of their bases or cities or whatever, and it would be easy to flip through them all unlike posts on the subreddit.

    I don't feel that Facebook would be the place for people to post pictures of their creations, I would suggest that we (or I) make another to subreddit to celebrate even the smallest of creations throughout the servers, rather than have a cluster of different content on the main subreddit. That being said, major builds and such could still be posted on the main subreddit to gather attention. The alternative subreddit could be used to keep the simpler things out of /r/MCPublic. If such a thing was created, a lot more players would be tempted and encouraged to post as much as they'd like, and it would make for an interesting way to get the most out of the nerd servers.

    Mmmm...not to crazy about the whole facebook thing.


    Don't really know that I want my real life and my virtual one intersecting...

    I don't know man, how hard can it be find "He who drank the ****"? I jest, of course.

  7. Frankly, large amounts of terraforming that come with World Painted maps is a bonus to the players of PvE because they will be granted a larger amount of materials as opposed to Vanilla which is quite flat in comparison.

    Also, the slightly more immersiveness that is apparent on PvE would benefit greatly from a larger variety of biomes and locations, such as, but definitely not limited to:

    Tropical (volcanic)




    Savannahs (Pinko_Eric's idea)

    Extreme Mountains

    thicker, larger Forests



    hell, put a damn Glacier in there.


    Interesting terrain will force players to get as creative as possible, and the newer and interesting regions may even inspire other to do something different.

    Hope I could've been of help,


  8. Just a bunch of weird words to me

    In that case, why bother even posting?

    ROCKONN, I was going to tell you in-game to make the crest of Miracles (I even tried building a tiny one). But I didn't since when I TP'd you only had four on display for me to choose.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I too, have plenty of high hopes for Rev 25 since in the past I haven't been able to work on a rev since the very start of one. I'll try to list all the ideas I have.


    Just because I am listing something, does not necessarily mean I will actually go through with it, if you are interested in any of my ideas I request that you give me any feedback you may have or inform me whether or not you would like to take up that idea.

    As far as Dome 7 goes, I am still very much up for being in charge of it come next rev, but at the moment I haven't the right to say that I will be in charge, what I might soon do it post a topic on both here and the subreddit with my ideas as blueprints of what I have in mind. I also claimed Dome 7 for myself because as far as I can tell, no one has even spoken about it.

    For some time now, Nickeox, NEVAstop and myself intend to take charge of the rev 25's CTA. But we haven't seriously discussed it as of yet.

    What I personally would want out of the CTA is an organised rail system that connects all the major builds on the server thought the use of an underground subway system.

    Now there are many arguments against having a boring underground railway, but the problem with above ground rails is that because they're so accessible, other players are easily prone to tampering with them. This usually leads to broken tracks, and a plethora of unnecessary personal lines, another issue with above ground tracks is the ability to fly, it is well known that rails are slower than flying, so any player that gets impatient will ditch their minecart and fly to their destination.

    Underground rails are also convenient to those players with weaker computers because the plain walls don't really require a lot out of your system (yes I know, that's a pretty minor reason).

    Something that has always existed is the CTA Skyrail which serves a more aesthetic purpose, it'll probably be set up to tour around the server as well as replace this revs (24) border rail, the Skyrail will also be useful for anyone that would like to go ark in an interesting fashion.

    That's as much as I can remember for what I have planned for the CTA.

    Lately, I've been intrigued by the idea of having builds that are based on texture packs.

    Something I've wanted to do for a long time now is to create an area similar to the Grid from the Tron universe (especially considering I could change music with resource packs).

    I would go about making it in a slightly similar fashion to the domes, to give the city that dark sky with plenty of artificial light. A pretty straightforward idea.

    Another very fun idea belongs to NEVAstop, who would like to recreate the city from Mirror's Edge which I think would be a FANTASTIC idea. Unfortunately, default would severely ruin the aesthetics and especially colours of that setting. I have informed NEVAstop that building that would most likely require a texture pack.

    I'm also quite willing to assist in other major builds such as Spawn City (if we have one) and frequently do my best to enter any contests.

    That should wrap up all I've got so far, your welcome for the wall of text.



    1. I wish to be in charge of Dome 7.

    2. Nickeox, NEVAstop, and I plan on taking over everything CTA related.

    3. I'd like to see more builds based on texture packs.

    4. The Grid from Tron

    5. NEVAstop's City from Mirror's Edge.

    6. I'll be willing to contribute to other builds.

  10. I was browsing the subreddit recently going through some older posts and I believe Andrew4210 had the idea of having PvP area's in C, I think this would be a pretty cool idea when building arenas and just to add a little extra features to the server.



    After a short discussion with GMMan, we realised that if we want to get started on any massive builds, the durabilty bug needs to be fixed in order to make goldenpicks and shovels last longer while digging large areas.



    I've also noticed the increased traffic lately due to all the contests currently being hosted on the server, I think it further proves my point that having more contest promotes creativity and more traffic from the other two servers.


    I would also like to inform those that don't know, MasterCommaThe also has a major contest going on found here:




    which should see a few more competitors.

    • Upvote 2
  11. I rather like what some subreddits do when they remove the downvote button entirely, Because it makes people actually think about whether they should or shouldn't upvote.


    Then again, there are a lot of people that just upvote everything in sight.....


    Why not an "agree" button to make it easier to gauge the number of people that support an idea? (Although I am aware it would not be relevant in some topics)

  12. As the title indicates, this is a general discussion about any questions, comments, concerns, ideas, issues, etc. that you may have in regards to the Creative server.

    I made this topic to see how much information we could extract from the community to give Staff a better idea of what's going on. Mostly because the meeting on June 15th made it pretty clear that we aren't as organised as we could be.

    Your contributions will be much appreciated.

  13. An idea I discussed with Dumbo is to include a Plateau region like the Tepui Mountains of Venezuela, The flat surfaces would make building easier, incorporating waterfalls into them is a given, and the massive cliffs could overlook a decent jungle biome.


    There also appears to be a slight misconception about flat land, flat land (in my opinion) is boring, what I commonly hear new players asking is if the server has any good hills, which to my surprise on the carto, we don't! Hills are a natural part of the plains biome and isn't exactly flat but definitely easier to build on than having to clear forests.


    Another biome that I believe should be replaced (with an idea similar to totemo) is the icy lakes it seems that they are instantly reserved for any pixel art and tend to be a waste of space (due to not being able to dig under them) ideally, an extremely low area would be nice to maximise the space needed for the art.


    As for the distribution, I hope they can be placed in a very natural looking way, without being in the typical Minecraft sense. Stuff like combining biomes is certain ways to create interesting locations, for example, combining ocean, jungle, desert, and mountains for a tropical island or coast (with a volcano, if you want). Fjords using a bit of forests, mountains, snow, and rivers. Plains, forests, and mountains to create lush foothills. Or even something as simple as a grand desert with a lot of sand dunes.


    Play around with those ideas, and glad to be of help!'




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