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Posts posted by cdmrtbeok





    I feel bad for coining toxic on these servers. I used it to describe an alcoholic 40 year old dude who was hitting on minors in my defense.

    • Upvote 7
  2. How is that controversial in the least TobyLane. They aren't police. They don't have divine right. They don't have any financial ownership.  The entire idea of community owned and operated with staff that aren't supposed to treat it as a promotion is exactly that, a social contract. It is literally nerd.nu's raison d'etre. 


    Edit: Also no reason to quote every one of my replies. I can't tell what you are trying to accomplish. Which is always how I feel about everything you do and say. You are by far the most infuriating person I have ever met. 

    • Upvote 4
  3. Look, I didn't mean to be abrasive myself, and I apologize. I can do that. 


    I was trying to keep this on topic about a specific behavior which really sucks.


    Edit, for Kitty, I am not even aware of these massive problems you keep posting about that is what I mean. I have no idea who you are except from these kinds of posts. Instead of constantly bringing them up do what you are doing and play other games and just be nice. I promise you the other things will sort themselves out. If you are so fed up and want to leave take a break and come back with a level head.  


    Maybe that is a better topic all together.


    If you are fed up take a break. 

    • Upvote 5
  4. Thank you roast to bringing this back on topic. I get it that it is probably unenforceable in practice and I never mean to for my exact language to be entered into the rules. I am just tired of seeing the same things retreaded over and over and these sorts of displays. 


    The point remains if you are so fed up that you want to leave just do it. The blaze of glory is childish. 


    Well considering that I don't play Minecraft, prefer to stay out of IRC, and use a less-moderated Mumble server, this really is the only place to reach me easily. I dont mind being badmouthed, as it shows who goes to learn who a player is vs who believes anything they are told.


    Then you have no reason to be on these forums. We don't need the input of people who don't participate in the nerd.nu community we are trying to rebuild here. Later man. 

    • Upvote 3
  5. This thread is about people who write manifestos claiming they are going to quit then come back to troll. This has nothing to do with her or you or anything. This is completely derailed. 


    D3, I will not engage you again, you are abrasive and rude. I never interacted with you nor has anyone badmouthed you to me previously. You have just proved you are unable to converse with out being adversarial. 


    Edit, to add to calling out the slippery slope as a logical fallacy it is because it is. This idea that removing some people because of out of control censorship is ridiculous. I'm not saying that we can't have people say what they want. Its that we need to stop the blaze of glory fuck you all posts. 


    My personal opinion though if you are holding so much emotion in and you are constantly on the fence, for your own sake drop it. Just play games and talk to your friends. No one is actually oppressing anyone here. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. Do you even know what allahu ackbar means? I don't appreciate the entire sentiment. 


    Kitty, if you can't say the things on your mind with out upsetting people maybe you should just drop it. You complain about this so often this is all I actually know about you. What are these things that need to be said so much that you are being oppressed about? The answer is that its nothing and its bullshit and we should all drop it. This is a game about blocks. 


    Frankly I don't know why you made a whole post making this about yourself. 


    Also Josh, slippery slope is a logical fallacy

    • Upvote 4
  7. Toby, Your post makes no sense. 


    Also I gave two concrete examples already.


    Edit: It isn't arbitrary its for people who insist they are leaving and they can no longer stand it then write manifestos. These should not be welcome.  These same people come back and post to the forums and subreddit after the fact with attitude and negativity. These are specific concern trolling behaviors and should be stopped. How hard is that for you to understand. Look at the locked thread about a stupid ass hot tub twixilis came back on after her manifesto for example. 


    The thing I was talking about in that post you quoted was a response to Magnus directly and frankly it fits d3 and eehee as well.


    EeHee, remove the thing about allahu akbar and being a twat also that is shit not funny or cute. I'm not on staff, I don't have power I'm just a person who wants to pretend he is interacting with mature adults. 

    • Upvote 4
  8. Well in the spirit of being more direct if you feel like you are being hovered over and that everything you say makes someone mad maybe you should stop pissing people off? I mean the signature with the fuck you, you don't have to do that. And not singling you out as I don't really know you but in general the trolling as a "joke",  the edging of the rules, a general air of being adversarial. I mean a lot of the people who have persistent problems in my view seem to deserve it. 


    I don't feel that way at all because I play the game and I bs on mumble with out making someone mad. Just be nice and this place doesn't feel like such a prison.

    • Upvote 6
  9. We are supposed to be friends here. If you are holding grudges and you can't play along then that is the crux of the problem. I'm not going to deny there are certain people that rub me the wrong way. A quick /ignore command fixes this. If you need to go out in a blaze of glory then you shouldn't be welcomed back that is all I think. If you can only say things on the way out, do yourself a favor and don't say it, just leave. A deserted server is preferable to the constant hand wringing that we do here. I hate it that the few times a month I have time to pop into mumble people are often talking about another stupid drama post. That is what makes it unbearable for the people who want to stick it around, at least to me. 


    You are right about barneys post not being outright insulting. It is when you couple it with the crusades, the bans, the people crying and his general air of martyrdom and shouldering that I kind of inserted this into his general pattern of incitement and obsessive behavior. Twixilis called us all losers, I never even met this person. Tharine's post is not an example of what I am talking about but I think that whole incident should have been handled better, differently and more openly and not count on things happening like this again in the future. I wish she would have done that info dump well before she was ready to say fuck it all. I'd prefer people to stick around. Although over all nothing was accomplished yet again other than further eroding confidence in the server.


    I get it that some people are upset but I'm of the opinion that the tactics here on both sides, player base and staff, make it worse. In reality I get it we are all a bunch of people who would prefer to sit inside and play video games and maybe not all of us have the greatest amount of social grace. That being said we shouldn't allow too much negativity to permeate the entire culture because it becomes a self fulfilling cycle. 


    I am not on the staff I am just a player. When I get an idea I just post it. I don't make the leader boards I bet because I work about 60 hour weeks but when you calculate how much of my free time I dedicate towards this video game it is probably a larger percentage than many others. So what I mean to say is that I really care about this and don't want to see it die because some people want to stir the pot in a blaze of glory then be allowed to come back and basically concern troll us. It has been going on forever. 


    Remember, the staff and admins have no real power over this place. It is all built on social contract. Sure they can issue bans or whatever but this isn't supposed to be permanently adversarial. This is what needs to change before anything else.

    • Upvote 5
  10. Thats it. We need to stop allowing people to stir up shit with "good bye" posts and then allow those same people to return and return to stir the pot. I'm not going to hide my intentions Twixilis and Barneygale in particular are guilty of this. Enough is enough. 


    Edit: Nice goodbyes are fine, "I'm in school" etc. Just the shit stirrers. 

    • Upvote 10
  11. AdvPub = Advance Publications is the parent company of Reddit.


    The second part of that name is the subtitle.


    My assertions stand up fine. Saying they don't and having nothing to contribute is not helpful. You have no ideas that I have seen other than making people mad in IRC and always arguing.



    • Upvote 2
  12. Fair enough, this thread strayed far from the point that its sad and pathetic pretending to be the official servers for something that is lame and not actually affiliated in any way while wasting a star domain name "nerd.nu" and not having any real focus or plan on advertising, branding and growth besides people complaining on these forums.


    This thread might not serve any purpose as it is clear a large percentage of people agree with me but because someone one time clicked a link once years ago we are going to generate endless amounts of text and not change anything.


    NERD.NU MINECRAFT PUBLIC SERVERS still hits all the marks, domain name to connect MINECRAFT and PUBLIC (MCPUBLIC) in a row. Reddit not needed.


    Look we can go back and forth forever about this but the fact is that our community is dying and if we want to hang on to being the fake official reddit server and come up with no plans on growth well I'm not going to kick in cash this time to keep this going because its a waste. I was talking with AllnaturalX about this this week and he agrees with me too by the way.


    If we want to be reddit servers maybe we should be asking for funding from AdvPub. Otherwise we need to build the Nerd.nu community independently.

    • Upvote 4
  13. Who cares if on the launch of PVE we had 250 people waiting in the lobby. The servers are in trouble and we are not keeping the people. HAving 250 people and putting us over capacity so everyone thinks we have shitty infra and don't come back isn't a benefit.


    I really don't want to see this get chalked up to another thing we drop the ball on and don't do anything to change.

    • Upvote 2
  14. Yeah TH to be fair I asked people on Creative. 


    Still though we obviously need to make a push for real advertising and the trickle from that website isn't worth the name confusion or the redditor reputation. I still think calling ourselves Reddit servers is just as lame as being the Yahoo servers or the Myspace servers and having no real affiliation.


    I think I'm beating a dead horse (no pun intended) so I'll stop now.

    • Upvote 2
  15. Tobylane, ask people on the server who are new where they have came from. Unlike yourself I have done this. No one new comes from that link in my experience. We can't ever find out difinitively because we do not have google analytics.


    This is totally besides the point though. The mods there don't like us. AllnaturalX, a friend of mine, is only top mod there because he came up with it and no one can do anything about it. He doesn't actively moderate or participate in that community or ours. Even if we pick up some stragglers through a tiny link on a sidebar in a smallish subreddit it doesn't matter, those people aren't going to grow the server in the way we want to.


    It is stupid pretending to be the official server of something that is there because of happanstance. We can grow something awesome here but hanging on to stupid things like a link and a dumbass name will not help.

  16. Calling it MCPublic is fine however we are really lucky to have an awesome domain name like nerd.nu. It is more memorable and will be MUCH easier to brand and sell t-shirts with or whatever. Furthermore we want to expand past Minecraft.


    Also my second point about reddit stands. That place sucks. People there are jeks and not who we should be trying to attract.


    r/minecraft is not driving that much traffic. If we were going to name the servers based on where we get traffic from then we should be called the unofficial AVO/youtube servers.

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