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Everything posted by Cujobear
13-Feb A quick clarification for shulker boxes - It is the stance of the current padmins that shulker boxes are the responsibility of the owner. We feel that locating boxes goes against the vE nature of PvE. Sure, we all have those moments where we misplace things, and it sucks, but sometimes things get lost, its just part of the game.
9-Feb As of now, entity cramming has been lowered back down to 24. If you choose to AFK at a grinder please make sure the grinder has an auto kill function. If in the future we see that players can use grinders responsibly we will consider asking techs to up the cramming again.
Notes from Padmins and techs regarding revision 23 will go here:
Jan 20, 2019 1. Would be great if sheep heads dropped per colour. It might be possible to have all the variations of mob heads. We can certainly look into it for future updates once other priorities are taken care of. 2. Events with hints for special spawners overworld? We have chosen to add 3 special spawners to the overworld before the revision began. Two of those spawners have not been found. Since the revision has been going for less than a month we do not feel ready to start giving hints to their locations. As for more spawners in the future, we have not made any decisions either way. 3. Add cave spiders to the nether or end without a spawner so we can get a chance on the head… What head collection would be complete without it?! That is why we already have cave spiders included in totemo’s ItsATrap and bermudalocket’s SmartMobs. Cave spiders will spawn from custom skellie traps and can also be found in the nether (be careful of the gren-eggs though, they pack a punch!) 4. Throwing concrete powder items into water should turn them into solid concrete We prefer to keep the vanilla recipes for blocks whenever possible, so we will not be making this change. 5. skellie sould Please re-submit your suggestion 6. There are so many items in the game now, inventory management is a nightmare. Shulker boxes mitigate the inventory problem and should be easily available. 7. Incase my prev. sugg. was to long: Shulker boxes mitigate the inventory problem and should be easily available. 9. shulker spawner really needs to be a thing 10. While I understand the new aspect the admin team is attempting to introduce by not having a shulker spawner, and having shulkers spawn in the end and have the traders, it isn't enough. The spawn rates are too slow of both shulkers and ender We’re monitoring the situation and have made some minor tweaks. Spawn rates in the end will be adjusted to include more endermen and shulkers and less strays, husks, and witches. Shulkers will also now have a guaranteed 1 shell drop on death with a chance of a second shell. 8. An ender chest and room for shulker boxes next to spawn traders. A spot has been added! 11. hi there i would recommend lobby made by HeySofia in this revision 23 turn it into something more like the mids of revision 22 lobby because of complexity of the beauty disturb the peace pleas consider for the low spect computer We spoke with the heads and HeySofia’s was used as a temp lobby and a new lobby should be installed this week. 12. Villagers currently require 20 per breeder-village to max-speed breed. If you were to knock this max-speed to occur at 10 villagers, it would reduce villagers loaded in breeders by half. We will pass this suggestion on to the techs and see if this will help with server stability. 13. please make /f say '{player} paid respect' While we all like to pay our respects to our fallen friends, we feel that the inclusion of this feature could become chat spam as having a special command is more likely to encourage people to use it. So, for now, please pay your respects by typing F. 14. Will the /help section and public info wiki be updated please? These are a slow work in progress, we thought we at least had /help updated to rev23 and were working on the wiki but will look into it again. 15. Add death messages for the new death types please. Some messages that were added to MoF for 1.13 worked in testing, but seem to not be playing nice with other plug-ins causing the custom messages to not show. It is being looked into but not high on the priority list until those mis-behaving plug-ins are fixed. 16. fix protection signage "a staff member /modreq protection pls!" Fixed! Thanks for letting us know. At least 2 padmins missed that typo during rev-prep. 17. the bridge rule is dumb and affects aesthetic design options. anti-fun. boat users can hop out and go around instead of being lazy. Asking players to keep builds 1 block above sea level when building in an open waterway is not too much to ask. We would not expect builds built along coastlines or built into coves be lifted, but are more speaking of the general rule that the world should be open for exploration. 18. a /poll command to have a quick poll feature in-game with anonymized results (with the caveat that admins can see who typed what since CH obviously can't prevent logging as it once could) Although we could see the fun in such a command, we can also very easily see this spinning out of control quickly. Even though we are sure we would all enjoy a poll on which padmin smells the worst, it would not be something we could easily monitor or control and it could easily be used for harassment. 19. a way to /ignore all of global chat temporarily, but allow clanchat to still work Tabby Chat was a nice way to handle that for players, but has not been updated for 1.13. At this time it is not something we will be asking the techs to work on. 20. post somewhere in the rules page about 'reee' or stop moderating it when it's obviously not being used in an offensive way It was explained when the change was first made. We will make sure to include it in the rules under hate speech. 21. make tnt function below sea level outside of WG regions TNT is off to prevent grief, it will remain that way. 22. put something in /help features about your esoteric commands, like rail-speed Commands are a bit messy in general right now. We’re always looking to improve documentation and will try to add to them when we know what is working properly and when we have time.
Revision 23 Reset We are very excited to announce that on January 4th, PvE will reset for Revision 23! We’d like to extend special thanks to Bermudalocket and Totemo as well as the other members of the tech and head admin teams, who have helped and continue to help us create what we hope will be one of the best revisions ever. We’d also like to thank the community as a whole for the patience you have shown during this transition. Revision 23 will be launching on 1.13.2, so remember to have your client and mods updated before you attempt to connect after the reset! Revision 23 Theme This revison’s theme will be Pirates! Over the course of the revision you will be able to undertake pirate quests that will test your cunning, bravery and possibly even your willingness to hold a conversation with a parrot. Here's a teaser of spawn: https://i.imgur.com/bTuon97.png End of Revision 22 Event: Your Vote Matters! In the past, end of revision events have been chosen by the padmin team. This time we thought we’d try something different and allow the community to choose! Below you’ll find a link to a poll with four options. The chosen event will be ongoing for the last 3 days of the revision, starting January 2nd. https://www.strawpoll.me/16903288 For those unfamiliar with some of these options, here’s a quick explanation: PAvE is a chaos event. The map will be saved for the final time to be put up for download, then all player protections will be removed and PVP will be enabled globally. TNT will also be enabled, giving players the chance to lay waste to the map! Creepocalypse is a special mob event that makes creeper spawns far more abundant and gives them special abilities, such as being able to spawn even more creepers! In the past some people have refused to leave the safety of their builds for fear of being immediately blown up in spectacular fashion. There will be special drops for those brave enough to fight back! Group build is a bit more self-explanatory. Players will be able to contribute to a large build, the theme of which has yet to be determined. Nothing at all! For those that want to end the rev on their own terms, without any special events or the risk of everything exploding around them. Now is the time to finish your builds in preparation for the final map save. More information about the new revision will be released over the coming weeks. Thanks for reading!
Will be out of town November 9 - Nov 12, May be on less frequently the week before doing some non-mine crafting needed for the event I am out of town for.
Greetings! Starting this thread as a new place for padmins to keep the community up to date on what we have been working on. (which is mostly hush hush right now - no spoilers for rev 23!) We have held a few meetings so far (scheduled and impromptu) making decisions for the upcoming revision. The most recent was held on October 14th where we finalized some of more pressing details about the upcoming rev, including the map and map size. Don't even try to pry more information from any of us than that. We won't say a peep. Techs are still working incredibly hard to update, fix, and sometimes completely re-write plugins that are essential for our server. If you see totemo or bermudalocket online please thank them for all they are doing and then let them get back to work. We do remind everyone we will give a 1 month notice before the start of the new revision and that there are still plenty of events in the works in this current revision. We have also decided that starting with the new revision we will bring back a monthly update of some sort (blog, newsletter, or other form to be determined). Also, we want to encourage players to use the suggestion box. We want to hear what you have to say. Please keep in mind that it is intended for serious suggestions.
instead of typing /vote and clicking the link, maybe show the link each day on join Maybe the thank for voting message should also tell other people to type /vote We will look into the /vote system on the lobby and consider ways to reminder players without /vote messages becoming too spammy. /lever to change players to on by default Will bring this up with techs and see if there would be any issues with making players visible by default with a command Please set a reminder for ttsci to vote in the lobby nah, ttsci is on his own for that
May 2018 Staff Meeting Agenda & Notes Saturday June 2nd, at 5pm EDT. Creative Going smoothly Waiting for Dumbo to add traincarts PvE 24 people have completed the maze and claimed the prize, padmins continue to keep an eye on the progress. 65 people have started the maze, which is a good turn out. Poetry competition was won by buzzie 71, 32 valid poems were received from fun to sad. [redacted] Progress made in future events and further the story line going on. Will be a large effort for us to put together. Lost Slime Golems are still available. Basic hide and seek around the map. Other events are also in the plans. Since the last meeting there’s been a team increase, currently 4 padmins and it has allowed some more relax time for all. Map world is getting an update. Old map world maps are also returning. Lots of new plots. The newest tech admin has done some very helpful work already for PvE: special thanks for the shulker box content logging upon death. More trades at spawn, including decorative skulls Hopper policy has been introduced after testing. https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4921-new-policy-regarding-hoppers/ Rev mid point is arriving, so padmins will be seeking feedback in the coming weeks, in the form of a subreddit post and forum topic for preparation of rev 23. We will also be reviewing feedback we have already received this revision from the suggestion box, survey and elsewhere before making decisions for Revision 23. It’s likely that rev 22 will remain on 1.12 since the technical changes are so big, however the aim is that rev 23 would be on 1.13 (or the current version at the time) if it’s out. 6K Discussed ongoing technical issues and progress made. Ongoing Project Minor updates and testing still to be done. Head Admins Fundraiser [redacted] Mod Nominations & Needs Please go vote EU evening, early US afternoons could use more staff. Help wanted Nothing currently, but fundraiser things will go up soon Second box down temporarily Mumble got moved to another server Dev servers, build and wiki are currently down. Open Floor Hollifer: if anyone needs any C training or refreshers i'm pretty in the swing of doing that, you're welcome to hit me up pretty much anytime im online [redacted] June staff meeting will be June 30th, time pending Sir_Didymus: Can I request that public staff meeting notes are brought up to date - I don't think I've seen them recently? Answer: Yes
April 2018 Staff Meeting Agenda & Notes Saturday April 28th, at 5pm EDT. Creative Rev 33 update Made a post about the revision, so everyone knows that it's going on a bit longer Things are going pretty well Barlimore mentioned he likes the reddit posts Holli has been making with shaders and such PvE Rev 22 update A few more moderators trained up this week 4 Land Claim Grief Discussion on how to handle this type of request. A number of changes from the tech team since the last staff meeting, including: Signtext for players on P (thanks pez) A few handy moderations to some older commands we use to restore pets (thanks pez) An update to easyrider, incorporating a number of past suggestion box requests from players - there's a link on the forum if you haven't noted the changes yet (thanks totemo). On a similar note, bermuda has been working on a possible fix for the issues players are having with drops from the dragon. Hopefully if it goes well, drops should be able to be received directly in the player inventory upon dragon death. Note: We've spent countless hours discussing feedback so far this revision. At least largely in part due to the survey feedback, which we've since responded to. A number of the suggestions found Didy and myself in disagreement with one another on the course of action, so we had to hold additional meetings throughout the past two weeks to further those discussions, before reaching team decisions. Reminder of the ongoing poetry competition - grand prize includes a fortune IV pickaxe. Discussion of bringing new padmins to the team Tech Admin Updates A new member - Bermudalocket! 6k Paused due to some technical issues Ongoing Projects [redacted] Head Admins Fundraiser Update Dungeon builds until June 1 Bard working on map Mod Nominations/New Staff Check the forums you lazy bums Recruitment criteria for upcoming month Keep eyes open and nominate when you see someone Help Wanted Open Floor Plan on C training after next month’s meeting Logblock Training/Practice
May 3 - May 7 I will be visiting family. I will have access to Slack but will not be in game. Moving (again) May 19th, however we are closing on the house May 1st, so I will be on less between May 7 - 19 as we get rid of the awful colors on the walls of the house before moving day.
March 2018 Staff Meeting Public Notes Saturday March 24th, at 5pm EDT. Creative Rev 33 update C is doing well Discussion regarding plug-ins Still discussing rev lengths Suggestion: use the end as “Space” on c there’s a separate space world PvE Rev 22 update Player counts have been good the beginning of this rev, average playtime seems to be up Thanks to staff that helped prepare the map for the new revision Discussion regarding moderation requests and mod training Suggestions should be resolved soon™ Discussion on events, gameplay, and game performance on P Discussed other projects in the works Head Admins Fundraiser Update Mod Nominations/New Staff Recruitment criteria for upcoming month Help Wanted Open Floor General discussion about being more welcoming and helpful to new players.
New Moderator Voting: King_of_Queso
Cujobear replied to Silversunset01's topic in Past New Moderator Voting Posts
King_of_queso has accepted and will be joining the team shortly. Moving to closed. -
February 2018 Staff Meeting Notes Saturday February 24th, at 5pm EST. Creative Rev 33 update Next revision - Discussed ways to keep players active. Current rev started Oct 14, 2017 Holli thinking of making a PSA post to help spread the word to C players what admins will support and help them with Staff suggested other possible events for C including tours and cooperative builds PvE Rev 21 update Nightoak - March 10th, 3pm Eastern time. Tic & Ice's fireworks - March 9th, 8pm Eastern time. End of revision zombies and chaos. We will be releasing more details about this event in future. This event is being made possible largely due to redwall's efforts. Rev 22 update Reset happening on March 16th. Theme is archaeology. 6k Discussion about progress Other Discussed other projects in the works Head Admins Mod Nominations/New Staff Welcomed new staff and discussed more nominations Recruitment criteria for upcoming month Feel free to nom anyone you think would be good Help Wanted Send pictures to defie for instagram Open Floor
events 2018 Fundraiser - Looking for Community Builders
Cujobear posted a topic in Minecraft General
Greetings nerds! The 2018 Fundraiser event is in the works and we invite all community members to join in by building dungeons to be used in the event. To participate: Log onto the Creative server Use /warp FundraiserDungeons to teleport to the building area Stand in an empty plot and use /nerdplot claim. This will protect the plot to you. If you would like to build with others you can use /region addmember <regionname> <playername> (Find out your region name by standing in it and typing /rg i) Build your dungeon. Deadline is June 1st! Contact cujobear for all things dungeon related Basic Information: (updated 3/5/18) Plots are set at 50x50x50 for the dungeon and 10x10x10 for the above ground entrance https://imgur.com/a/cpK7m All builds will be referenced as dungeons as most will be underground Dungeons can be or include mazes, traps, parkour, mob battle arenas, etc, and can be lethal! Dungeons should have only one point of entry (There should be only one entrance. The exit can either be through the entrance or via an easy sign warp) Use yellow wool to designate where the 10x10x10 section will connect to the 50x50x50 section should you choose to include it Dungeons will have a treasure that will need to be found by players Admins will place the prizes, so please place a gold block with a sign that says ‘TREASURE HERE’ All builds will be completely protected as they will be visited by multiple players throughout the duration of the event. Players will not be able to break or place any blocks. Advanced Information: The use of non-vanilla mechanics (including, but not limited to, command blocks, easy signs, and spawners) can be discussed with Head Admins. Disclaimer: Admins reserve the right to edit your dungeon if necessary to fit it into the world properly. Admins may make exceptions to any of the above, but also reserve the right to say no. Please ask if you have any questions. Cujobear can be found lurking on P most evening hours (Central Time)- 1 reply
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January 2018 Staff Meeting Agenda & Notes Saturday January 20th, at 5pm EST. Creative - Brief Update Hollifer has rejoined the Cadmins, Welcome back Hollifer! Usage is going up Spleef, weekly build, and speed build are still going, currently going through suggestions and working on other events. (defiex requested pics of events for Instagram) PvE - Brief Update Upcoming events: Player events - Tabula Rasa is currently working on the PvE Olympics Valentines Events - see the subreddit for details Admin hunt - being held tonight after Speed Build There is a new document regarding protection requests 6k Zom and buzzie were not present The event has been revealed through small events across multiple platforms and was announced Ongoing Projects [redacted] Head Admins Mod Nominations and new staff discussion Open floor discussion with staff on the state of the Nerdnu community and future goals Fundraiser planning will begin soon ™
Just eeked out Pez on netherrack. We basically tied :P
It's time to vote for the Rev 20 PvE Awards! Find screenshots here of the nominees. (or the reddit post here) Voting will remain open for 1 week (through Saturday Sept 30th)
Welcome to our two new Head Admins - cujobear and zomise!!
Cujobear replied to Silversunset01's topic in News & Information
Congrats Zom! -
This topic will be locked by the end of Sunday 16th. Please get your feedback in before then! Greetings PvEers! We’re a little over 2 months into rev 20 and while there is still PLENTY of time to build, we’re looking for feedback so we can start planning our next map. The things we’re mainly looking for feedback on are: Iron Grinders: This revision we started with a higher cost for iron golem spawners and upgrades early on and decrease the cost monthly. Did the costs of spawners and upgrades feel fair? Were the costs clear to you? Should we continue with this method of obtaining iron golem spawners? Is it time to find a new way of acquiring iron golem spawners? Nether Portals: This rev we increased the number of portals and tried to spread out more evenly across the map. How do you feel about the number of portals and their placement on the map? Would you like to see nether portals handled differently? if so, how? The Nether: We decided to go back to a vanilla nether this revision. After some consideration we also allowed portal owners a 1x1 hole in the bedrock ceiling to allow nether roof access. Would you like to see a vanilla nether again? Other thoughts or ideas about the nether? Map Generation: This rev we used Terrain Control with Biome Bundle on the default settings to generate a 9K x 9K map and would like to continue using this tool. How did you like the size of the map? Too big? Too small? If we had a smaller map, how would you feel about a second overworld appearing during the mid-rev? How did you feel about the terrain and custom biomes and structures? Were there any custom biomes you would like to see again? Were there any custom biomes you absolutely hated? Would you like to see the size of the biomes changed? How did you feel about the land to water ratio? Should we go back to a 100% vanilla map? Should we go back to a World Painted map? Ore distributions: For ore distribution this revision we used the default settings for Terrain Control and Biome Bundle and added in glowstone and nether quartz and added a custom recipe for sponge. How do you feel about ore distribution this rev? (yes we are aware there wasn’t enough gold) What are your thoughts on finding ores like diamonds at y levels and in areas that stepped away from vanilla distribution? MapWorld: This revision we added warp signs to every plot as well as a few signs on each plot with instructions on how to use mapworld. To further improve mapworld, which other changes would you like to see? For those of you who didn’t use mapworld, which features would encourage you to create maps there? Miscellaneous: Midway through the rev we saw the creative testworld reset on C. So that we can control the world resetting, would you be open to the possibility of a creative-mode flatworld with plots setup for testing builds and schematics? This revision saw the return of blog posts. These are submitted to the subreddit on the 14th of each month and highlight community news & events, facts and a community spotlight. If you were editing an upcoming blog post, how would you put it together? Which sections would you cull, which would you want to see added? Spawn: Was there anything you felt spawn and the spawn area was missing this rev? Was is it easy to find food and the exit? Would you prefer a bigger/smaller spawn? If so, why? Any other thoughts regarding spawn? We’ve had a number of different themes for spawns across 20 revisions, from pirate ships to airships and everything in-between! Which themes would you like to see in future spawns? Special spawners: The revision we added some special spawners (slime, shulker, etc) in the overworld and used Biome Bundle's custom structures to include witch spawners and some special dungeons which contained multiple spawners. Should special spawners be removed from the map? To avoid rarer items being flooded into the economy early, should we look into adding these later into a revision? Did you like the added spawners from Biome Bundles custom structures? Are there any unique spawners you'd like to see added? Events: The Adventurers Guild has had one event that started on day one with another to be announced Sunday. We also had the Hunt for Socarch’s buns as a mini hunt/Easter Event in the spawn area, and spawn secrets which includes puzzles and parkour. Adventurers Guild -- Do you enjoy having hunts held by the Adventurers Guild? Are there ideas you would like to share for future scavenger hunts or events? Seasonal Events -- Which events/holidays would you like to see us celebrate and how would you recommend we tastefully do that? Other Thoughts -- Are you missing the All the Things Challenge? Would you like to see the return of a grand challenge next rev? How would you like to see pop up events (unannounced mini challenges) run by staff? Would you prefer if we focused on more events which you can do at any time you want or for more events which bring us all together for a specific time? We’ve started the ethos of letting you choose your own prize from a selection of prizes with the addition of the Adventurer’s Guild Prize Trading room and this will continue into future events. Which prizes would you like to see made available in future? Closing Thoughts: We’re reaching around halfway through the revision now and will announce the revision 21 reset schedule a month in advance when we get that far. For now though, how are you finding revision 20? What would you like to achieve in the second half of the revision?
A Visitor A friendly merchant, Ivan Longnose, has recently joined to map and has a variety of goods he will trade for Lost Temple Certificates. If you have a certificate, Ivan can be found on the 3rd floor of spawn, in the East Wing. If you do not yet have a certificate try to find the hidden sign in all 20 temples, place all the items and maps you receive in a chest and modreq that you have found all 20 temples. A Padmin will verify the items and in return you will receive a certificate. A New Challenge The National Institution of Turning Wittiness Into Treasure Society has been hard at work setting up a new hunt for the Adventurers guild. The NITWITS strive to stump you with riddles, codes, and hunts to test your wordplay repartee. The hunt will begin on Sunday, July 2nd. New clues will be added periodically, but all starting clues will be kept up so the hunt can be done at your own pace. Each hunt will be in three parts. Part one a riddle - will be posted on a sign located in the Adventurers Guild. Name a piece of paper with the correct answer and you will be given coordinates. Take the item from the riddle to this location where you will earn some loot and find Part two a code - break the code and you will be led to an area of the map. Part three a hunt - explore that area for the NITWITS iconic sculpture to earn your prize!
Has your powered elytra been grounded? Are your firework creating juices lacking a bit of pow? Would an endless supply of gunpowder send you soaring? Never fear the Creeper Hunters are here! The Creeper Hunters a.k.a. The Padmins will be making an appearance on Saturday, July 1 at 7pm EDT for approximately one hour. They will be ready and willing to help the community search high and low, across the map, for the elusive and rare spawning area of the creeper. All those interested in learning about the creepers and their spawning grounds should be online at the time and listen carefully to the wise words of . . . The Creeper Hunters Disclaimer: this advert paid for by the creeper hunters creeper hunters do not guarentee the spawning grounds will be found during this session the creeper hunters are not trained professionals seriously though who would trust these guys to hunt creepers they are probably the ones being hunted but I guess they are better than nothing does anyone read disclaimers all participants warned to keep a safe distance from didy’s odd socks do not try this at home maybe go to the park instead caution contents may be hot but enough about barli’s boxers hmmm what else can I say here beware padmins wit is known to cause sick burns
Once again. I will need to be inactive. Current schedule for the move is Saturday May 27th. Friday night is a maybe depending on when the computers get packed. Since Monday is a holiday we may not be able to get internet hooked up at new place until Tuesday. So to be safe I will say little to no access to the game from May 26-30. After this things should calm down ::fingers crossed::