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  1. You had destroyed people's builds, griefed signs, and harvested crops without replanting. You have been unbanned.
  2. Roads and scaffolding that you griefed have been rolled back and penned up mobs have been brought back. Don't destroy those or other builds without the builders' permission.
  3. Griefing may not have been properly defined for you when you were last warned, though it was mentioned in the rules at spawn when you logged in. As a refresher: collecting various placed blocks is called griefing. Ban will remain until we can determine what else may have been griefed.
  4. Unbanned. As a warning, next disciplinary action will result in a month ban.
  5. You have had multiple warnings (and a ban) regarding various forms of grief in the last two months. Ban will remain until December 2nd.
  6. gk_ryo

    Rev 24 PvE Awards

    Attached are the events voted on. Unfortunately, one of the nominees doesn't have pictures because the nominator didn't include any. Voting will take place until Friday evening in two weeks. rev24 pveaward.xlsx
  7. gk_ryo

    Rev 23 PvE Awards

    It's time to vote for the Rev 23 PvE Awards! Find screenshots here of the nominees. Voting will remain open for 1 week (through Sunday, August 4th.)
  8. Maybe 20 of them. Scratch that. 6 of them. I had to have crafted some recently for a reason.
  9. I am at fault. I was only looking specifically for glitches and duplicating. I was speed reading and when it came to that line, thought that x-raying was not what I had been doing. It was player error and the excitement of being able to do something cool with redstone that I'd actually be able to reproduce for once in the game gave me tunnel vision into doing something that I shouldn't have been doing. No, I am not aware of someone specifically doing it. It was brought to my attention either on reddit on PVE that was a thing.
  10. I was banned for this reason. I duplicated powered rails instead of carpet. I was curious, saw how well it worked, and looked at both PVE and All Server rules before continuing. It won't happen again, but please update to include that in there to prevent others from doing the same.
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