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  1. Howdy.... Yeee Haw. Edit: I am bad at internets, /c, /r and other things
  2. This door leads to a majestic underground cavern. I didn't want to ruin it's majesty with torches or unnatural glowstone. Heaven forbid jack o' lanterns. http://imgur.com/OscMJ7W
  3. bungpeice


    Just trying to improve the experience, not trying to rain on your parade. I already have a spudcoin silo built on our planning server. edit: thanks for fixing that WondrLand
  4. bungpeice


    Lily pads is the other option. They are finite and not nearly as plentiful as flint. Edit: also is there a way to un-downvote someone. I accidentally hit the down of the comment above me.
  5. I would love to see canals and would be happy to work on the MM connection.
  6. bungpeice


    I totally agree. And because flint is initially available in much higher quantities the exchange rate at the beginning of rev would be super volatile. I see no way to get around inflation, but there is a market cap due to gravel being a finite resource. Because flint isn't renewable it would eventually standardize. Whether this would happen before the end of rev... I don't know. If it doesn't standardize then the effect would be the same and there would be no advantage or disadvantage in using it in terms of buying power. I would posit that because there is a potential for it to have a relatively stable exchange rate it is a better option. (I like building not grinding to get resources so on a purely personal level I would like a currency that I could accrue during my normal playing activities rather than adding a new "less productive" element to the game.) Just my 2 cents. Whatever happens it will be interesting to see!
  7. bungpeice


    Seems like you would have some rampant inflation problems. If we build an Iron grinder, we could just build it over a zobmie/skele grinder and plant a nice big potato farm in layers surrounding the grinder so the mobs keep coming. This keeps the iron chunk loaded and you could just go back and forth between xp and potatoes. It would be nice if there was some kind of market cap. It seems to me it would make more sense to us a non-renewable resource. If inflation gets too bad it would make it impossible for someone who doesn't want to spend ages replanting potatoes to participate in the market. I would prefer currency to be a byproduct of mining if at all possible. Flint maybe considering it is pretty useless once the skele grinders get going. edit: I guess you could always buy in to the market, but at that point I'd rather just trade like we normally do. Something I have too much of for something I don't have enough of.
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