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Alphadom [MasterCommaThe]


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Hi, I was banned for an unfair reason and I would like to know if I can be un-banned from your server. Me and my friend logged on to your server and found out we could break other player's blocks, so we began to grief but were caught doing so. We then both were given a warning saying that if we griefed again we would be  banned. We stopped griefing and repaired the damages we had caused and appoligised to the player. After we had fixed the damage we both went off the server, however coming back on to the server to build we both found we were banned for griefing! Ever though we did grief in the first place we were given a warning and fixed the damages, after doing so we didn't grief anyone else. I find this very unfair and would like to state that after we fixed the damage we had caused we didn't grief again and so we should have not been banned.


Please take your time to read my complaint and hopefully unban my friend and I. Thank you for your time,

- Alphadom.

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Ban information:

Ban for Alphadom on c.nerd.nu for continued grief after warnings nerd.nu/appeal by mastercommathe on 2014-04-04 11:49:37 (no more bans, 1 notes)

Please be patient and mastercommathe will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
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Your griefing was more extensive than originally noted. Including significant damage and fiery ignition of the following structure (a flying ship): http://nerd.nu/maps/creative/#/754/64/119/max/0/0

The griefing was rolled back and your accounts temporarily banned.

Your ban length is set for a week from today April 16, 2014. On that day please read through our rules and post here again stating you have read them, which one you broke, and that you will follow it in the future and you will be unbanned.

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