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legendlife35 [redwall_hp]


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I was banned for combat logging and it said that i got warnings but i never did. my brother checked the warnings and i did get warnings but i wasn't on at that time. i was banned and i just really want to come back i never got the warnings and i am confused. please help me

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Ban for legendlife35 on c.nerd.nu for Combat logging on Survival nerd.nu/appeal by redwall_hp on 2014-06-12 23:11:18 (no more bans, 3 notes)

Note #36790 for legendlife35 on c.nerd.nu: PVE13: warned for livestock griefing by buzzie71 on 2014-03-29 10:47:38
Note #36918 for legendlife35 on c.nerd.nu: warned for general grief on survival by tornadohorse on 2014-04-08 16:01:34

Note #37279 for legendlife35 on c.nerd.nu: Warned for combat logging on Survival by redwall_hp on 2014-05-28 13:25:38


Please wait for redwall_hp to reply to this appeal. If he has not done so in 48 hours, feel free to bump this thread. We appreciate your patience.

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  On 6/13/2014 at 8:14 PM, legendlife35 said:

i just wanna come back on i am tired of being patient!

Continuing to bump this thread without waiting for either redwall_hp to respond or the 48 hours to pass will only cause an extension of the ban length.

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Hello, legendlife35. You were banned for logging out to avoid combat, which is a violation of the server rules. (Any abuse of login/logout functions to evade combat or otherwise gain an edge is prohibited.) You were previously warned for this, on May 28th. (You were warned, whether you actually read the messages you were sent or not.)


Side note, to alleviate your confusion: you may not have been online at the times listed in the notes. Those are just the times when the moderator who issued the warning processed the modreq that lead to your warning. In the case of this ban, you logged off by the time the logs I needed became available.


Without further ado, here is the log:


2014-06-12 19:54:50 | ClanChat: [blood]<legendlife35> logg!
2014-06-12 19:55:22 | ClanChat: [blood]<legendlife35> LOGG RIGHT NOW
2014-06-12 19:55:32 | legendlife35 left the game.
[LB] 06-12 19:55:39 GizzleTinks killed ModernWarfare483 at 28:68:-137 with diamond sword
[LB] 06-12 19:55:43 GizzleTinks killed majesticninja101 at 28:67:-141 with diamond sword
2014-06-12 19:58:13 | legendlife35[REDACTED] logged in with entity id 902460 at ([world] 10, 81, -111)
2014-06-12 19:58:42 | legendlife35 left the game.
2014-06-12 19:59:17 | legendlife35[REDACTED] logged in with entity id 912962 at ([world] 10, 81, -111
2014-06-12 19:59:26 | legendlife35 left the game.
2014-06-12 20:06:55 | legendlife35[REDACTED] logged in with entity id 930832 at ([world] 10, 81, -111)
2014-06-12 20:07:00 | smdavis93 took down legendlife35 with a diamond sword



First, you warned your clanmates that PvPers were coming and encouraged them to log out. Then one of the attackers killed two players in the area, while you watched from nearby. (The height difference in the coordinates is because you were standing on a wall, while I assume the players who were killed first were in the courtyard below.) You then logged out. You returned a minute later, for a few seconds, to see if the coast was clear before logging right back out. You then waited several minutes to log back in again, after which you were killed.
I will leave this thread open for now, and on June 15th you may post here, stating the specific rule that you broke, and you will be unbanned. In the meantime, please review the rules.
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