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SREV 26 - Plugin changes/additions


Plugin Changes  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Bounty Plugin Changes?

    • Keep bounties the way they are and don't add Pearl Bountys
    • Add Pearl Bounties, but keep them separate from the current bounty plugin
    • Add Pearl Bounties to the existing bounty plugin so you also get heads.
  2. 2. Clan Chat Changes?

    • Keep it the way it is
    • Integrate it into simple clans and add toggleable channels
  3. 3. Juke Alert

    • Leave notifications the way they are
    • Allow to color code juke boxes when you name them.

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Beastbruiser and I spent a majority of the morning testing the current plugins so that I could better write the “Beginner’s Guide” that can be found here https://bitly.com/Guide_To_SREV26


During this time we discussed some potential new ideas/changes to current plugins that we think would benefit the current play style of S.  Please vote on the poll and make comments below in regards to what you think.


Bounty Plugin Changes


We both believe that the bounty plugin is a good idea, however, is at the moment a bit pointless due to many reasons. The two main ones being:

Clan members can claim bounties on other clan members by simply killing them

           You don’t immediately have to “claim”a bounty when you kill the person so you could wait until someone later makes a better bounty and then claim that one even though you may have killed the person days or weeks ago.


Bounty plugins normally work best on HARDCORE or DEATHBAN servers where people will actually try and claim bounties to get that person off the server.


Our idea is this:

           To create a bounty it costs 12 Diamonds Plus a reward to whoever claims the bounty

           The bounty hunter must have the player prison pearled to claim the bounty

           When the bounty is claimed the person who created the bounty is notified

                           If the person who created the bounty is online they will get the players pearl and the 12 Diamonds back.

                           If the person who created the bounty is offline, they will get the players pearl when they log in and some diamonds back depending on the amount of time the player has been pearled.


If there are multiple bounties on the same person the bounty hunter, like they can currently, can claim the bounty they want to receive.


Players would be able to add rewards to their current bounties, however, they would not be able to remove bounties.  The reason for this is to prevent people from using the bounty system to protect items.


We chose 12 diamonds for 24 hours however this could change to 6 (12 hours) or 3 (6 hours) depending on what the community thinks is fair.


We believe doing this would actually make people hunt for bounties vs randomly collecting them like they are now.  Maybe also integrate it onto the website so people can view bounties from the site and see who has claimed bounties and bounty stats to see who the best bounty hunter is.



 After talking to FatherSouth we came up with this as a possible solution. Create an entirely different plugin or integrate it into the current plugin.


  1. To create a Pearl Bounty there is a minimum reward that must be given to create the bounty.  For example 5 diamonds.

  2. To claim the bounty the user who issued the bounty must be online.  If the user who issued the bounty is offline the bounty hunter would be required to keep the pearl safe until the issuing user logs in if they wish to eventually claim the bounty.  This may cost the bounty hunter some diamonds to do.

  3. When both the bounty hunter and bounty issuer are online you could then claim the bounty while holding the pearl in your inventory by entering a command

  4. The pearl would then be sent to the issuer and the reward sent to the bounty hunter.           


Better Clan Chat


I personally think the clan chat we have no is annoying to use.  The main cause of this is having to enter /c every time i want to talk to just my clan.  Also since snitches are a thing they both start with  the same color which makes it more difficult to identify if its clan chat or snitch warnings when you aren’t really looking at chat.


In a perfect world what I would like to do is somehow have the clan chat integrate into our SimpleClans plugin.  That way you don’t have to create a custom clan channel and add members to it but instead just have whoever is in your clan automatically be added to the channel.


The other thing I would like to do is make the chat system a toggleable system.  For those of you familiar with Factions servers you understand this concept.


In short there would be commands:


/chat clan - allows you to only talk to clan members

/chat ally - allows you to talk to only allied members

/chat enemy - allows you to talk to rival members only

/chat public - allows you to talk in public chat


When you enter one of these commands it would turn your default chat into that chat type.  That way you dont always have to type /c before everytthing you want to say.


This could prevent you from accidentally saying stuff in public chat for example coords.


Also each chat, except for public, would have a colored prefix.


For example:


[CLAN] <Malvagio87>: This was said in /chat clan

[ALLY] <Malvagio87>: This was said in /chat ally

[RIVAL] <Malvagio87>: This was said in /chat rival

<Malvagio87> This was said in /chat public



Juke Alert (Snitches)


Adding color codes to snitches i think would be helpful.


Let us know what you think and if you are confused/ want clarification on what I mean by anything above just ask and I will edit the post.


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Edited by Malvagio87
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I'm not gonna participate in the survey because I don't like any other the answers really. Also sorry if someone responds to me and I don't respond, I'm more on reddit than nerd.nu.


I don't really know how I feel about the prison pearls yet. You get stuck in the end? No chance of escaping, right? They seem pretty terrible in the sense that you can be stuck in the pearl for as long as the pearler wants. It'd be better if you were auto released after a certain amount of time, because if I get pearled for even an hour I'm probably not gonna come back to the server for a day or so. There are other servers that will have my attention. Whereas being stuck in a pearl for like five minutes is no big deal.


As for the bounties, I do agree that we need some kind of consistent WORTHWHILE bounty. Someone else pointed out in an /r/mcpublic post that there are numerous bounties out that are for stupid shit like 1 coal or 2 dirt blocks. Like, what is that? It's stupid and not at all worthwhile. There's no incentive there. I want diamond or ore block bounties, stuff like that.

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Clan members can claim bounties on other clan members by simply killing them


To me, this sounds like bounties working as intended.  Bounties are basically a way of saying "I want Malvagio87's head, and I am willing to pay 2 diamonds for it."  If you value your own head so little that you're willing to trade it to your enemies, then you're free to.  You get the items, and the bounty issuer gets the head that they wanted, and the transaction was successful for both parties.


Of course, I am willing to alter the plugin however the community wants.  The issue I see with the prison pearl idea is this:  If you claim a bounty, the pearl goes into "limbo" until the issuer comes online / accepts the pearl, during which time the prisoned player is unable to be rescued.


... Maybe also integrate it onto the website ...



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I like the concept behind the prison pearl system, as that would also force a likely loss of at least one diamond to the one who makes the bounty, and I believe the current system allows bounties that are too cheap. 



The issue I see with the prison pearl idea is this:  If you claim a bounty, the pearl goes into "limbo" until the issuer comes online / accepts the pearl, during which time the prisoned player is unable to be rescued.


I think that's kind of the whole point of this new system. If the one who made the bounty is online, he or she would have the choice whether or not to release the person they put a bounty on. Otherwise, that person would stay pearled until the diamondss are gone. I believe malvagio is saying that if you actually want to put a bounty on a person, don't do it frivolously; do it because you want to trap them for at least a little while. If that's not the concept behind the bounty system, then maybe this is the wrong way of going about it. 




Without the ability to sort by things other than most recent, this is pretty much useless at the moment, as there are just way too many bounties. 

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I think that's kind of the whole point of this new system. If the one who made the bounty is online, he or she would have the choice whether or not to release the person they put a bounty on. Otherwise, that person would stay pearled until the diamondss are gone. I believe malvagio is saying that if you actually want to put a bounty on a person, don't do it frivolously; do it because you want to trap them for at least a little while. If that's not the concept behind the bounty system, then maybe this is the wrong way of going about it. 



No no no, what I'm saying is, AFTER the bounty is collected by the killer, but BEFORE the pearl is redeemed by the bounty issuer, the pearl is in "limbo."  It does not exist anywhere on the map.  At the moment, prison pearls are always somewhere on the map, so if you are imprisoned, your friends can go rescue you.  If a pearl is in "limbo," then there's nothing you can do to free yourself.

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To me, this sounds like bounties working as intended.  Bounties are basically a way of saying "I want Malvagio87's head, and I am willing to pay 2 diamonds for it."  If you value your own head so little that you're willing to trade it to your enemies, then you're free to.  You get the items, and the bounty issuer gets the head that they wanted, and the transaction was successful for both parties.


I disagree.  I could care less about a player having my head if it meant i got to have 2 diamonds.  The issue I have is that i doubt anyone will at all put a bounty of 20 or 40 or 60 diamonds on someone they really want killed, because

1. If I already have the players head but havent claimed a bounty on it yet I could just claim that big bounty that was just made even though it was issued after i had already killed the person.

2. I highly doubt anyone wouldnt trade 20 40 or 60 diamonds for there head if offered.

3. There should be more to lose than just your head which is why integrating it with prison pearl, I think, is a good idea.  That way if there was a bounty on FatherSouth for 60 diamonds, none of your allies would "turn on you" if it meant you would be trapped because of it.



The issue I see with the prison pearl idea is this:  If you claim a bounty, the pearl goes into "limbo" until the issuer comes online / accepts the pearl, during which time the prisoned player is unable to be rescued.


To combat that then the player that makes the bounty has to make a "pearl chest" via a command /bounty chest and if the player is not online when the bounty is claimed then it would go into that chest.  They could put the 12 diamonds in the chest instead of having to pay 12 diamonds to make the bounty that way the person who claims the bounty can decide how long they want to put the player in prison for.


I like the concept behind the prison pearl system, as that would also force a likely loss of at least one diamond to the one who makes the bounty, and I believe the current system allows bounties that are too cheap. 


Without the ability to sort by things other than most recent, this is pretty much useless at the moment, as there are just way too many bounties. 

I agree with both of the things Diznatch said

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No no no, what I'm saying is, AFTER the bounty is collected by the killer, but BEFORE the pearl is redeemed by the bounty issuer, the pearl is in "limbo."  It does not exist anywhere on the map.  At the moment, prison pearls are always somewhere on the map, so if you are imprisoned, your friends can go rescue you.  If a pearl is in "limbo," then there's nothing you can do to free yourself.


To combat that then the player that makes the bounty has to make a "pearl chest" via a command /bounty chest and if the player is not online when the bounty is claimed then it would go into that chest.  They could put the 12 diamonds in the chest instead of having to pay 12 diamonds to make the bounty that way the person who claims the bounty can decide how long they want to put the player in prison for.


Roast: you make a good point.

Malvagio: I'm not sure I love the idea. What if the chest was broken before the bounty was cached in? Would that disable the bounty? This seems like it's getting a bit too messy from a technical perspective.

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Malvagio: I'm not sure I love the idea. What if the chest was broken before the bounty was cached in? Would that disable the bounty? This seems like it's getting a bit too messy from a technical perspective.


Take a look at the below.  I spoke to FatherSouth and we came up with this idea so I edited the original post.


Bounty Plugin Changes


 After talking to FatherSouth we came up with this as a possible solution. Create an entirely different plugin or integrate it into the current plugin.


  1. To create a Pearl Bounty there is a minimum reward that must be given to create the bounty.  For example 5 diamonds.

  2. To claim the bounty the user who issued the bounty must be online.  If the user who issued the bounty is offline the bounty hunter would be required to keep the pearl safe until the issuing user logs in if they wish to eventually claim the bounty.  This may cost the bounty hunter some diamonds to do.

  3. When both the bounty hunter and bounty issuer are online you could then claim the bounty while holding the pearl in your inventory by entering a command

  4. The pearl would then be sent to the issuer and the reward sent to the bounty hunter.           

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