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Ban Appeal


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I'm really sorry for what I did! I've tried to do this ban appeal twice but it hasn't worked. Anyways I regret my actions on the server and am sorry for what I did. I was banned for talking about homophobic things and such. I am truly sorry about that and for not obeying the rules and hope you can please let me play on that wonderful server again. I promise that I will never again go against the rules. Just please give me one last shot and I'll show you that I'm not that bad of a person. I had committed this act back around July but hadn't uploaded an appeal since I was too busy packing for a trip that lasted from July to August 30th. I admit what I did was wrong and hope that you can forgive me. Thanks for reading -TexKid 

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Could I at least get a response? Maybe you guys could update me on the situation or something. Sorry it's just really nerve racking that I might never be able to play on that server again. Thanks for reading -TexKid

You'll get one as soon as an able moderator/admin sees this, sit tight. 

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