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EeHee2000 [Mrloud15]


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hi mum please unban thx

can i please get the note removed, as well? it's 4.5 months old, don't be silly. 
also, can I have an unban date for my alternate account - MasterAzuk? he wants to play again, too, you know.

*Merry Christmas and whatnot might I add, amigo.

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[42:04:20] anonymous: eeheee
[42:04:20] anonymous: mrloud didn't respond like he said he would
[42:04:20] anonymous: get him


please dont make a huge post regarding my ban history and contemplating whether or not i really should be unbanned or not, just
''unbanned'' would be nice
even though im not sure why you'd have been unable to write that yesterday
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Sorry for the wait.


On the 22nd your account, MasterAzuk, was suspended from the forums for 24 hours by another headadmin because of 2 inappropriate treads you started. Before the suspension on MasterAzuk was up you posted several times on the forums under this account (EeHee2000). Because of this your ban is extended by 2 weeks for evading, and your new appeal date is January 10th. 


Also, I would have been happy to unban you and then close your appeal. However, your actions have prevented me from doing so. Stop evading you bans and you will be unbanned. 

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"Sorry for the wait.


On the 22nd your account, MasterAzuk, was suspended from the forums for 24 hours by another headadmin because of 2 inappropriate treads you started. Before the suspension on MasterAzuk was up you posted several times on the forums under this account (EeHee2000). Because of this your ban is extended by 2 weeks for evading, and your new appeal date is January 10th. 


Also, I would have been happy to unban you and then close your appeal. However, your actions have prevented me from doing so. Stop evading you bans and you will be unbanned."

Sorry, I don't agree with your decision at all here. 
First thing I'd like to note is that I actually had no idea my second forum account was suspended, there was no notification or anything I was given to realize that. Something you might want to try fixing.
After I made my post(s) on MasterAzuk, I logged out - I have to assume my account was suspended *after* I logged out, something to prove a yes/no to that would be nice from logs - but realistically the only way I'd have been able to check were to make another post *whilst* the account was suspended, which I didn't. 

Regarding me "evading" my ban... If you banned one of my accounts, why wouldn't you ban my others? You know of both my accounts, it was the staff's decision to not ban my main account and given that there was no fucking notification I got to let me know my alt was banned there really wasn't any way for me to avoid my ban. 
Please, also explain how a ban on the fucking forums keeps me banned ingame. See, if I'm banned ingame now, why aren't I banned on Mumble as well?
For the record what you should've done is simply suspended both of my forum accounts for 24 hours and unbanned me ingame on the 28th. It's now the 2nd, so I urge you to get your shit straight and unban me. 
Link to other post: 

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pls respond :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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proper bump

any day now

please stop ignoring this appeal you utter cockhead

dont promise to reply if you're not going to even bother



feel free to leave this until the 4th of the 20th or something man

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Apologies for the late reply. 


You have it set so you will receive an email when you are warned by a staff member on the forums, so you did receive a notification. 


The account that posted the threads was banned, and it's not our responsibility to ban every possible account you have if you break a rule on one of them. If you have multiple accounts it's your responsibility to know what's going on with them, and if you can't handle that I would suggest only having one account. If you recall from the first appeal you made, I said that we will reevaluate your ban on your appeal date, and in order to be unbanned you need to show that you intend to at least follow the rules, but your actions since that first appeal have indicated that you do not intend to follow them. I would like to avoid having to ban you from one of our other services, but if you continue to not follow the rules it may escalate to that point.



Make a new appeal on the 10th.

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"Apologies for the late reply. 


You have it set so you will receive an email when you are warned by a staff member on the forums, so you did receive a notification. 


The account that posted the threads was banned, and it's not our responsibility to ban every possible account you have if you break a rule on one of them. If you have multiple accounts it's your responsibility to know what's going on with them, and if you can't handle that I would suggest only having one account. If you recall from the first appeal you made, I said that we will reevaluate your ban on your appeal date, and in order to be unbanned you need to show that you intend to at least follow the rules, but your actions since that first appeal have indicated that you do not intend to follow them. I would like to avoid having to ban you from one of our other services, but if you continue to not follow the rules it may escalate to that point.



Make a new appeal on the 10th."

See, my issue with this is that you claim it isn't your responsibility to ban all accounts someone has should they break a rule on one of them - but really, if you know full well that I'm going to log onto my other account ontop of knowing about both of my accounts, why wouldn't you ban both of them? It doesn't make sense to me, I just don't see why you would ban one but leave the other/main account free to use. 

"If you have multiple accounts it's your responsibility to know what's going on with them, and if you can't handle that I would suggest only having one account."
It's your responsibility to correctly ban people, if you can't handle that I would suggest not banning them at all. 

You claim that you wanted to reevaluate my ban date but in order to be unbanned I need to show I intend to follow the rules - do you really take me for the kind of person that would knowingly log onto their other account and post just to spite staff and make my ban longer which in itself will only create unneccesary hassle for both of us?
It's really fucking obvious that I didn't know about my warning, you cannot possibly expect me to log out of my alternate account, get banned, then check my email and then refrain from logging back into EeHee2000.

I'd assume I logged into EeHee2000 directly after I logged back out of MasterAzuk, confirmation here would be nice.
Regarding your final statement, all I'm seeing is "sorry but I think you were threatening the integrity of nerd.nu by logging onto your EeHee2000 forum account and as a result I feel you need to remain banned from the Minecraft servers - however you're free to use your forum accounts."
Don't lock this thread when replying this time, I'm more than happy to keep making new threads. 

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Like I said before, I'm not the one who banned your other forum account. It was another head admin and they followed the"Community Interaction Policy." The account that posted the threads was banned. It's what we have always done in the past, so I'm not sure why you think it's our responsibility to read your mind and take actions based on that. I think it's more than fair to expect you to keep track of what's going on with your accounts if you are going to use more than one.


Why did you make those thread with your other account instead of this one, and what was the point in making them?

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Well, the initial topic I started with my alt account was obviously my spin on shoob0x's earlier post which was removed.
That being said I was clearly listing 'toxic' people in my post and someone reccomended I put myself on the list. Obviously MasterAzuk isn't known as a toxic player as a lot of people didn't even know of that account until cough it was doxxed. So, listing EeHee2000 - in my mind - was a terrific idea and I believe it was a brilliant life choice to this day.
Regardless, my unban date has already passed, so I'd ask for two things:

1) Your reasoning behind keeping me banned ingame for something I did on the forums. I don't give a shit who did the ban, if they were unaware of my forum/ingame alts then there was a lack of communication on your end, which is frankly not something I ought to be punished for. 

2) M'unban. 


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1) Your reasoning behind keeping me banned ingame for something I did on the forums - neither of my forum accounts were banned correctly. Regardless of whether you did the ban, there was either a lack of communication between staff about it in the first place, or someone just wanted to have a giggle and keep me off the servers.

You ban was done about as properly as a ban can be done. You clearly violated the policy I listed above and you received the posted consequence for said action which was a warning. You then violated the same policy after the warning so your account was banned just as policy stated it would be. The was no issue in communication between staff.



 2) M'unban. 

Reply here saying you have read and understand the rules.

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  On 1/11/2015 at 6:03 AM, Mrloud15 said:

You ban was done about as properly as a ban can be done. You clearly violated the policy I listed above and you received the posted consequence for said action which was a warning. You then violated the same policy after the warning so your account was banned just as policy stated it would be. The was no issue in communication between staff.


You haven't actually answered my question.

I want to know why I was banned ingame for something I did on the forums.


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  On 1/11/2015 at 6:06 AM, EeHee2000 said:

You haven't actually answered my question.

I want to know why I was banned ingame for something I did on the forums.


I already did a few comments ago.



If you recall from the first appeal you made, I said that we will reevaluate your ban on your appeal date, and in order to be unbanned you need to show that you intend to at least follow the rules, but your actions since that first appeal have indicated that you do not intend to follow them. 

By posting those thread and then evading the ban it showed that you had no intention on follow the rules. Looking back I should have also extended the ban to the forums. 

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  On 1/11/2015 at 5:01 AM, EeHee2000 said:

Well, the initial topic I started with my alt account was obviously my spin on shoob0x's earlier post which was removed.

That being said I was clearly listing 'toxic' people in my post and someone reccomended I put myself on the list. Obviously MasterAzuk isn't known as a toxic player as a lot of people didn't even know of that account until cough it was doxxed. So, listing EeHee2000 - in my mind - was a terrific idea and I believe it was a brilliant life choice to this day.

Regardless, my unban date has already passed, so I'd ask for two things:

1) Your reasoning behind keeping me banned ingame for something I did on the forums. I don't give a shit who did the ban, if they were unaware of my forum/ingame alts then there was a lack of communication on your end, which is frankly not something I ought to be punished for. 

2) M'unban. 


Also, as you've replied to the unedited/original version of my above post, here's the updated version even though it was updated before you replied. 

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1) Your reasoning behind keeping me banned ingame for something I did on the forums - neither of my forum accounts were banned correctly. Regardless of whether you did the ban, there was either a lack of communication between staff about it in the first place, or someone just wanted to have a giggle and keep me off the servers.


1) Your reasoning behind keeping me banned ingame for something I did on the forums. I don't give a shit who did the ban, if they were unaware of my forum/ingame alts then there was a lack of communication on your end, which is frankly not something I ought to be punished for.

So you went from being civil to being rude with the edit? 


I'm not sure how many times I can say something, but I will give it another go. The banning admin knew of your alt, but they banned the account that broke the rules like we have always done. If you are going to having more than one account, it's your responsibility to know what's going on with them. If you can do that, I would suggest only using one. 

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