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Friday's Chaos Arena Feedback Thread


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What did you think about the Arena? How did you hear about it? What was you opinion about how it was hosted? What would you like to see in future arenas? Please critique us thoroughly so we can tailor these arenas as much as we can to the community.

Edited by iamdarb
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 Well done on the arena Veltoss, iamdarb, and Avada. I heard about your arena through the forums. My opinion on how it was hosted is that it was hosted well, the host picked the players to go into the arena quickly. I would like to see free diamond armor in future arenas but I don't expect that to happen. Overall, well done hosting you three.  

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 Well done on the arena Veltoss, iamdarb, and Avada. I heard about your arena through the forums. My opinion on how it was hosted is that it was hosted well, the host picked the players to go into the arena quickly. I would like to see free diamond armor in future arenas but I don't expect that to happen. Overall, well done hosting you three.  

Thanks for the positive feedback! We're looking forward towards hosting these often, since last night went pretty well. Feedback wise (for Darb), I think we should try to limit the number of fights to roughly three or so (so maybe a 1v1 kitted tournament, 1v1 BYOG tournament and a 4v4 kitted tournament - not including any FFA's we may do of course).

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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Thanks for the positive feedback! We're looking forward towards hosting these often, since last night went pretty well. Feedback wise (for Darb), I think we should try to limit the number of fights to roughly three or so (so maybe a 1v1 kitted tournament, 1v1 BYOG tournament and a 4v4 kitted tournament - not including any FFA's we may do of course).

I honestly enjoy the 2v2 kitted, maybe we could still include these and allow the players to choose their own partners? I noticed UT84 and sshadow wanted to team together, maybe we allow this?


Also I think instead of trying to build a bracket together after players have typed the signup "word" maybe we copy LRO's method and use a sign up word for each round of a bracket, and build it as we go, only allowing winners to proceed to the next round of the bracket. It would hasten things slightly, and would probably still allow for a 2v2 during the arena.

Edited by iamdarb
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An easy way to keep track of brackets, winners, etc. could be to use challonge.com. I use this when I run smash and other gaming tournaments, and it's as easy as typing in the names of who signs up and clicking begin. 


From my perspective of the arena, it was pretty fun and I had a good time. One of the only complaints I would have was the time it took between matches, but that can easily be put onto the fact that this was the first one you guys ran and there's always going to be little kinks in the system. Overall I thought it went well and I look forward to working with you guys more in the future during these events!

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The terrain on this arena was one of the best yet, very diverse and fun. could use 2 more boxes so we could do 1v1v1v1 and such. the prizes were close to perfect maybe a little too much. the invis blocks were so nice to help watch.. Only thing that could be improved is time between games and how long it takes to telly. 

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Yeah, to add to what I said above, the team fights were the most fun. I think Diamond 1v1's would be much more fun to watch rather than Leather gear 1v1's, as well.
The kitted FFA was actually really enjoyable, as biased as I might be about that.
I personally prefer arenas where gear is supplied, it means that everyone can participate which just means a better time for all.

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