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Minigames Changelog


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This thread will be used to publicize significant gameplay changes to the Minigames server and its maps.


Bug Fixes & Features

  • Fixed an issue in CTF where a player dying on a ladder would cause the flag's drop/return to not be handled correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where a player could log out in a CTF match and take the flag with them, preventing it from returning or dropping.
  • Fixed an issue where spectators could pick up items or arrows.
  • Added an easier way for admins to reset cheaters' rankings.

Map Changes

  • koth_jungle: Replaced poison splash potion in kit with two instant damage II splashes, as the poison would prevent players from climbing the water streams.
  • ctf_twinforts: Fixed missing slab and ladder blocks
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Bug Fixes & Features

  • Overhauled damage/death tracker so fall/void/lava/etc deaths will now be credited to the player who "caused" the death if appropriate.
  • Added fancy colourised death messages, which highlight player names in their team colour.
  • Death messages from arrow kills now display the distance that the kill occurred from.
  • Your best record for distance is now recorded in the statistical database for posterity.
  • Added /mystats command to display your personal stats
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  • Added time_lock region flag so maps can lock their ambiance to night or day easily. (Maps "Undead Graveyard" and "Abandoned Island" are now night maps.)
  • Made the map config reader more robust to prevent cases where typos or malformed configs could hang the server on startup.



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  • Updated the KOTH plugin with redesigned mechanics. A point is now awarded to the team for every minute that the capture point is held, and one more to the team holding it when the match ends. This way the winner will essentially be the team that holds the hill for the most time, rather than mostly boiling down to a race to capture it first.
  • Made a minor kit change to koth_jungle: a shield is now included and the splash potion quantity has been reduced from two to one.
  • Kit changes made for koth_artifact and ctf_division by author's request.
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Map voting is now live!

  • /votemap <map>: Kicks off a yes/no vote to immediately change the map, skipping the rest of the current match.
  • /nextmap: Picks three random maps and initiates a vote between them. The winning map will be set as the upcoming map.

Votes require at least 50% participation from active players or they won't pass.

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