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[PMC] Creative Moderation Questions


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I've been collecting a few questions over the weeks about moderating on creative that do not appear in the moderation guide or seem to go against it. Thought I'd ask here in case anyone else had questions too or just wanted to see the answers.


Here are a few guidelines from the moderation guide that I am a little uncertain with:



Region claims over 500 x 500 blocks MUST be approved by the Cadmins.


This equates to a surface area of 250,000 blocks, so I have been avoiding granting regions that appear to be this size or larger, however I have seen other regions beyond 250,000 blocks granted by other moderators. Is this guildline still relevant or has the size changed?

On a similar note, if a region over this size has been established by a creative admin and a request for a region extension comes up, can we handle these or should they be passed onto the creative admins too?


Regions should be a distance of no less than 10 blocks from another player’s build or region boundary.


From what I can tell there are a few staple regions such as the CTA ones which are ignored by this rule. However I did encounter a region which overlapped 2-3 other regions (where one was another person's build region). Should we still be enforcing these boundaries?


Edit: We double checked the region- Seems I got mixed up with spawn region 'peninsula', please disregard this query. :-)



Regions will be named in a way that makes it easy to identify who the owner is.

*Proper format of a region name:


I gather that I may be a bit out of the loop on this one as I see a number of region names not adhering to these guidelines. Since the region info shows the original owner, what are the guidelines for naming regions that I can follow?


Once you have a selection made, type /lb sel sum players This will tell you if there are any edits by another player in the selected area.
/region-intersects will ensure you are not protecting over another region.
Once you know there aren’t any other builds in the area, you can proceed with creating the protection.


I have no issue with understanding this requirement at all but this is more of a technical request. Whenever I'm setting up or expanding a region, I check for block edits and on some occasions running /lb sel sum players takes a significant amount of time to return results before I can either grant a region or investigate further. The most recent example within 48 hours was the time it took between me running /lb sel sum players & /ping (when the results came back - if any admins could grab a timeframe please). Is there anything that can be done to speed up this process as it's slowing down moderation?


Regions should extend to the maximum height limit as well as the bedrock, this will reduce player conflicts. We don’t want players building above each other.


I have experienced some issues with this request as it's such an ingrained habit for creative moderation, however when it comes to the space multiverse, we're only due to be protecting inside the boxes that people make. I see some people have protected from the 'floor' to the 'sky' in some cases there. Similar to the guidelines for redstone world protections, would the moderation guidelines for unique multiverses such as the space one be listed somewhere for us please?


In light of the recent region flag changes for region owners, which region flags should we be handling for modreqs, if any?

On the same point, are there any specific requirements we should be considering for allowing pvp flags into a region? I have noticed that at least on one occasion, a region was set to the sky limit with flags to turn anyone flying in that region into survival mode.


The only other thing that comes to mind at the moment is regarding easy signs, at the moment the documentation helps us to handle launching, warping and adding text colours. We had some requests coming in during the post office contest that were asking for the use of other easy sign commands. Would it be possible to get further examples of using easy sign please- and if there are any easy sign commands that we should not be using?

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Guest Former Staff
  On 9/10/2016 at 2:40 AM, torteela said:

Just wanted to let you know that I saw this and I'll try to get a response up by later tonight.


I still have nightmares from that phrase. :-P


Appreciate you and other creative admins looking into these questions though, what started as a short post with a few questions turned a little bit longer...

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Holli wasn't around, but I went over your questions with Bard and Toker, so baring any strong objections from Holli here are our answers. All of these have also been updated in the guide.

Large regions: Regions over 500x500 should be approved by the Cadmins. I know before I was an admin sometimes I'd start the req, realize how big it was, then get one of the admins to come check it out and make it after getting their blessing. We'll do a reminder about this rule.

As far as expansions, we'd like moderators to just use their best judgment. If the region seems mostly filled and more space is needed go ahead an expand it. On the other hand if it's fairly empty the request can be denied. At any time feel free to elevate the req or ask a Cadmin about it.

10 block gap: Ten block gaps are something we enforce pretty strictly. An exception to that would be if a player has asked permission to be closer from the player who's region they want to be close to. Sometimes players building in a group will have a player who's an owner, but not first-owner, request an addition region onto an existing one. That's usually fine, but if you're not sure you can always ask the player if they're online or elevate the req. Being close to the regions named Spawn and Peninsula is fine, as those are both of our spawn regions.

Region names: Region names no longer need to start with the player name, as we have a custom WG flag that sets the first person listed as an owner when the region is created as first-owner. Regions can be named anything now, just make sure if adding multiple owners when making the region to list the requesting player first since that's where the first-owner flag pulls from.

/lb sel sum p: To speed things up with this, we decided it'd be fine to limit this query with a time of two weeks. Doing /lb sel sum p time 14d should catch any recent edits and speed up results a good amount. As always doing a quick fly-around of the region to visually check for things is good. The powered elytras help speed that up a lot.

Multiverse region protections: For the space MV, there should be height indicators in addition to the normal region border to show how high/low they want the region to be. A lot of players do a full cube but that isn't necessary. For the redstone MV, protect from the bottom of the ground the plot is on to either just below the next level plot for the lower level, or to sky limit for the upper level. I've included pictures for both of these in the Creative Mod Guide.

Region flags: If a player requests a flag change that they're able to change themselves, go ahead and do it for them and then message them how they can do it themselves next time. Any flags that player's aren't able to set themselves keep doing like those have always been done.

PVP flags: It's always been in guidelines that PVP/survival regions should be restricted just to the area they're needed in. Entire map height regions shouldn't be being made into survival regions. We can do a reminder about this and make it more clear in the guide.

Easysign: There's explanations in the /easy-sign command and on the wiki about what the commands do. If there's interest in a more detailed guide for all the commands like the three in the Mod Guide that's something we could see about doing. There are a few commands to be careful with. Obviously be careful with what you make a user run with cmd. Try not to give out too many announce signs, though those are very rarely requested on C. Be careful with the strength of potions, things like speed can crash clients if it's too high.

Hopefully that clears things up. If you or anyone else have any further questions feel free to ask.

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