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Suggested gameplay change for KoTH


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My group has played and enjoyed KoTH, but like many players, we noticed an unfair advantage. Whichever team captures the beacon first will likely win the game. To counter this, I recommend having two beacons (hills) that must be captured. This way, both teams earn points as long as they keep at least one beacon each, but the real contest will be to capture the second beacon ... to have two beacons simultaneously earning points. This will be more player-friendly, more balanced and also more challenging, which may also require more teamwork. Just a suggestion.  :dry:

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This was the latest update to KOTH that addressed this issue: "Updated the KOTH plugin with redesigned mechanics. A point is now awarded to the team for every minute that the capture point is held, and one more to the team holding it when the match ends. This way the winner will essentially be the team that holds the hill for the most time, rather than mostly boiling down to a race to capture it first."


So it's at least better than what it used to be.


I do agree that especially on some maps the kit players get and the type of beacon hill there is, it can be extremely hard to claim the hill from those who get there first. Especially those maps, where the players are handed knockback items allowing the ones on top hit players back all the way down (and usually killing them to the impact). As such my suggestion for improvement would be to re-evaluate the kits players are given.

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