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47trollkill [zburdsal]


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Hey, I was on here a while ago, and remembered liking my experience. Remembered it, then went to get on and saw I was banned for griefing. I may or may not have done it, but if I did I don't remember. Could I get back on and build with some friends?

Edited by Barlimore
Edited the title to notify the banning moderator.
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Hello 47trollkill, as you'll see below the only edits I found from you at the time were non-constructive. But of course this was 2.5 years ago, and we don't hold grudges here. We'll be unbanning you, but please be sure to read the rules and follow them. 

Here's the info for your ban for prosperity's sake, as it disappears when you'll be unabnned. Sorry for the cropping, doing this on my phone. Screenshot_20180207-181742.thumb.jpg.7a46afca61a7f79e4e9942c03ca8c8ad.jpg

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