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Revision 22: Fifth Portal Clue


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In the spirit of the Archaeologists' Guild Poetry Competition, we're switching the style of clue to a poem for this time around.

As always, one of the original six portals is still hiding out there as a two block high bedrock marker with a sign upon it. You'll all kick yourselves once it is discovered!


Under the green roof,
I waited before reaching,
the end of the road.

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Guest Former Staff
  On 4/23/2018 at 5:05 PM, PVEgrenbug said:

But.. but.. the deadmap shows it right outside Avalon.  That's not where it was?  Or was it?  Yikes!


It's a bit further West than shown on the deadmap.

We'll have to see where the next portal reveals itself next week for the next clue!

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