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PvE weekly event locations and results


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We'll be running events every Friday at 7pm EasternWe do have a few arena simulations set up in the holodeck but we’d much rather visit your towns and cities. If you have an arena of any sort and want to host a games night contact any of the Padmin team and we’ll add you to a list of arenas. I would love some variation in arena types so we play all sorts of games, from spleef to PvP! If you want to host the event in your city as well as provide the arena just say so and we’ll sort the advertising out while you get the fun of herding cats… I mean organising players to play!

This weeks event (04/10/19) is PvP at PPGOME's arena! You can /place Event or have a look at the livemap to work out how to get there. 

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Thank you to everyone who came for a fun night of PvP!

The results of tonight:

1st: Pez252
2nd: buzzie71
3rd: icedman_

Free for all winners:
Round 1: icedman_
Round 2: buzzie71
Round 3: PPGOME
Round 4: ttsci
Round 5: icedman_

Team battle rounds 1 and 2 winners: cheezychicken, ttsci, Verros, PPGOME and iNerd71! Oh, and RAILS RAILS RAILS!

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to PPGOME for providing the arena and hosting us!

Join us same time next week for another night of fun and games. I'll announce where and what we'll be doing closer to the time. Remember if you have an arena just message any Padmin and we can add you to the list to use!

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Last week's results:z6U0U2T.png

Congratulations to king_of_queso for winning the spleef tournament! I had to shoot off but I hear that the non-tournament games played after were great too!


This week we are at Halloween Town for thimble! As always, /place event will point you there, as well as a marker on the livemap. If you have never played thimble before we'll explain when the event starts, but trust me, its a lot of fun!

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Sorry I missed last week's thimble! I hear everyone had a great time.

Congratulations to zedadex and PlNG for winning 2 rounds each! Zedadex also picked up a second place, with icedman picking up a second place and 2 thirds. Pez managed 2 second places and a third place, with PPGOME and Spartan each picking up a third place. 

This week we're running an admin hunt! Head to the holodeck at 7pm eastern to join! We may also be running a second adminhunt a few hours after so that australians can join in. Keep an eye on our discord for announcements.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations to everyone who brutally murdered us last week! I hear it was great... Maybe next time I'll modify my drinking game a tad so I can still type at the end of the event. Thank you to all who came and all of the admins who helped us run it, its great seeing the community coming together and having fun!

This week its PvP at RukiaKuchiki's arena! As always, 7pm eastern, /place Event and marker on the livemap! (UK people, that is 11pm now because DST)

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Thank you to everyone who came and did some PvP! The results:


Congratulations to NastyHabits!

This week we are in the holodeck playing PvSpleef! This is spleef but you can also MURDER your opponents! First to fall or die loses!

As always, /place event or check the livemap for the location. Its up in the ship.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, I haven't updated this in a while. Last week we did Mob arena, and while no one truly won in the chaos of that night I have handed out many tokens to the people we discerned as having "won"!

This week, who knows what we'll whip up in a panic before the event. Either way, it'll be at /place event and shown on the livemap!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pig racing was good fun, even if it turns out its all RNG! Nastyhabits and PlNG both managed 4 wins, with zedadex managing 6 and pigmaster PPGOME taking a massive 10 wins! Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who came along!

This week it is Battle Royale! I'm sure you'll all find ways to make it all horribly unbalanced! Come on down, 7pm Eastern in the holodeck, lets have some fun! As always, /place event and the livemap will guide you to the location.

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