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End of revision TNT party & A notice about WorldEdit at the beginning of revision 35


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End of revision TNT party! 

Creative Revision 34 will be taken down Friday January 31st at ~8:30 PM EST

The TNT party will begin shortly after, at around 9PM. Come blow some stuff up with us! 

TNT will be enabled for 24 hours right up to the launch of revision 35 at around 9PM Saturday February 1st. 

The final save of Revision 34 (pre-TNT destruction, of course) will be available for download at mcp-dl.com 




A notice about WorldEdit at the beginning of revision 35

As stated in the previous information post, a stable build of FastAsyncWorldEdit is still not available, so in order to update to 1.14, we will use the standard WorldEdit. However, an additional plugin we previously used to restrict WorldEdit usage to region owners has not been updated for a while. We found a temporary solution which will give region owners access to the following WorldEdit commands : //cut //copy //paste //set //undo //redo //replace. If you need another WorldEdit command performed, you will need to request the assistance of a moderator using /modreq. Protecting your region and enabling WorldEdit will be done in 2 steps, the latter will need to be performed by a CAdmin. Please note that this is a temporary measure, as : a) Tech Admin Challenger2 has committed to bringing back to life the plugin that used to handle WorldEdit region restriction, b) We plan to use FAWE as soon as a stable version is available.

You may find out that your WorldEdit edits can extend past your region border. We are aware of this problem and we’ve decided to go with this temporary solution anyway because we trust you not to abuse this bug. However we will keep an eye out. If anyone if caught intentionally abusing this bug, it will be considered as griefing.


- CAdmins

Edited by marting11
added //redo and //replace
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