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Head Admin Suggestion Box


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Do you have a suggestion that really doesn't apply to one of the servers directly? Would you like to send a suggestion to the Head Admins directly using /suggestion-box?  You can!  While in the lobby, type in /suggestion-box [yourmessagehere] and below we'll respond! 

Any suggestions specifically for C and P can still be given on those servers with the same command.


Here's a link to the previous suggestion box topic.



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MAY 2020 Lobby Suggestion Box: 

  • Could we get new discord categories for games? There's a lot of old ones in there I think
    • Please reach out to one of the head-admins and we'll see what we can do! If you're logged in to Discord, you should be able to see any of the four of us at the top on the right hand side in purple. 
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