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Head Admin Suggestion Box


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    • The lobby that is in place at the current time is not designed for elytra. We will not be implementing them at this time.
  • bring back survival
    • We currently do not have any plans to bring back survival as the last few attempts have not brought in enough of a consistant playerbase to sustain a pvp-style survival server. We do have some items being investigated to increase our offerings, however the survival server of the past will not be returning at this time.
  • Please consider reintroducing WingCommander for the lobby
    • Some lobbies are not optimised for eltyra flight. However when we have a lobby that is suitable for flying we'll be happy to enable elytra.
  • put mobs in the lobby, make us bleed
    • The lobby is designed for short-term stays between restarts and as a hub for our servers, adding mobs overall would be more of an annoyance to those waiting to rejoin the servers. Its possible it could be looked into for future lobbies as a side-arena but we'd need to check with techs on the feasibility of adding it prior to next years lobby contest.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Make the /vote rewards apply to everyone from the same IP since you can only vote 1 time per household
    • The plugin used for voting is still in a sort of testing mode, we can pass the request on to the techs who are working on it as a feature request, but we aren't really sure if we're keeping this plugin or coming up with something new at this point.
  • pls add vote reminder to login on pve/c
    • Currently the vote plugin is only available on the lobby and so the only messages you'll see are on the lobby. 
  • pls bring back staff meeting notes
    • The staff meeting notes are currently being posted in the "news and information" forum which are publicly viewable. It looks like we've missed posting the December meeting (we had one meeting for november/december due to holidays) so we'll try to get those out asap. 
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • flame wings effects are neat, but you know what would be nearter? FLYING with flame wings.
    • as stated in previous suggestion responses we are not looking to implement elytra on the current lobby. Where elytra are appropriate to the build they will be considered.
  • Submitted on PvE: start of this video as minigame - sphere randomly filled with air or TNT, some creepers start in the middle, your score is how many TNT you retrieve after <time> 
    • The minigames server does not currently support this gametype but we would be glad to pass it on to redwall_hp for consideration
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  • run an event for charity. - This sounds like an interesting idea, if you'd like to reach out to one of us with more details please do!
  • pvp in lobby & mini PVP areas in the lobby  - At this time we are not looking to add pvp to the lobby. Players are welcome to use the minigames server during restarts to pvp if they wish
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  • 1 month later...
  • east-west tunnel should loop from one to the other + north-south tunnel should loop from one end to the other (oops)
    • While these are interesting suggestions at this time we are not looking to modify the lobby.
  • Possibly up entity cramming in the lobby? Not usually an issue but with the p reset...
    • Entity cramming was secretly increased to 200 on the lobby during the p launch, hopefully this will fix lobby deaths!
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  • 2 months later...
  • instead of typing /vote and clicking the link, maybe show the link each day on join
  • Maybe the thank for voting message should also tell other people to type /vote
    • We will look into the /vote system on the lobby and consider ways to reminder players without /vote messages becoming too spammy.
  • /lever to change players to on by default
    • Will bring this up with techs and see if there would be any issues with making players visible by default with a command
  • Please set a reminder for ttsci to vote in the lobby
    • nah, ttsci is on his own for that
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  • 3 months later...


Good evening all!  I know it's been a while since we had a head-admin suggestion box post.  I want to let you know that yes, we are still checking, but with current busy-irl lives, various non-urgent suggestions have been received, but we haven't acted on them as of yet.  If you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know! 


  • no caps filter on lobby
    • We do not have plans on changing this at this time as it is currently in line with all servers.
  • can we expand the armor stand presets? Three is very limiting, just requires changing the config.yml for StandMaster. Thanks! <3
    • -no limit on PvE, C only has a limit on invisible stands.


  • instead of typing /vote and clicking the link, maybe show the link each day on join
  • Maybe the thank for voting message should also tell other people to type /vote
    • We will look into the /vote system on the lobby and consider ways to reminder players without /vote messages becoming too spammy.
  • /lever to change players to on by default
    • Will bring this up with techs and see if there would be any issues with making players visible by default with a command
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  • 2 weeks later...

Some answers to the still pending Lobby Suggestion Box!

  • instead of typing /vote and clicking the link, maybe show the link each day on join
  • Maybe the thank for voting message should also tell other people to type /vote
    • When players log on to the lobby for the first time that day, it will remind you to vote!
    • The "thank you for voting!" message has been updated with information to encourage others to vote and how.
  • /lever to change players to on by default
    • The lever command cannot be updated to remain on at this time and will remain in the "off" position as the default.
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  • water in the floor of the lobby could be “deactivated” so only the actual portals send you to that server
    • At this time, we are not planning on "deactivating" the water portals in the current lobby. We will be keeping this in mind for future lobbies and with our next lobby that will be coming soon, floor portals will not be an issue!


Edited by defiex
Answered pending suggestion
  • Upvote 1
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • new lobby when?
    • Soon™ - The techs have been busy, but we have the new one all lined up and ready to go. Apologies for not yet having it up. :) A new lobby has been updated as of October 23rd! Enjoy!
Edited by defiex
new lobby has been uploaded!
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  • 1 month later...
  • Why is the biome Savanna in lobby? Leaves look so ugly. :(
    • We're sorry to hear that you aren't a fan of the leaves! We'll check with the techs to see changing the biome is something we could do.
  • Why so much vote spam?
    • Please get in touch with one of us to let us know what it is exactly that you are not happy with in regards to the "vote spam"


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  • 1 month later...
  • Update the staff page to reflect who is on staff please.
    • The staff page is currently in the process of being updated. You should see a few changes over the next couple of weeks.
  • Change lobby to next from winning list
    • done! Ppgome & Promaxxe's lobby has been posted. We are aware that parts of the lobby are broken/don't show up correctly when players are on 1.13. To view the full magesty of this lobby, please view on 1.12!  Stay tuned!  This coming March, we'll be having a New Lobby Contest!
  • Why so much vote spam/why do we need to be reminded constantly to vote. If we want to vote we'll do it. Literally this is an insane amount of vote spam https://imgur.com/BXco1py
    • We do not plan on changing how the "vote" message is showing up.  The image that you sent us is what happens when a player votes, but doesn't log in for a time, then logs into the lobby.  The system catches itself up.  The reminder was requested by the players, though we understand how so much scrolling can be annoying.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  •   Does anyone ever even read these or are you ignoring us?
    • We do indeed read the suggestion box submissions!  I try to check them at least once a month, but average more often then that.  The suggestion box y ou entered your suggestion on was for the lobby.  Nerdnu does have separate suggestion boxes, however, so if you make a suggestion in one of the servers and not in the lobby, that is where they will show up.  If you are having issues with one of your suggestions being responded to please get in touch with one of the admins or head admins and we'll see what we can do to help.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Put lobby spawn coords at 10k, 10k to prevent map mod overlap shenanigans
    • Lobby has been updated and moved to new coordinates. Shenanigans thwarted!


  • Vote rewards should last for remainder of voting day + 24 hours, so you don't have to reset if you vote within the next day
    • we are discussing adjusting the 7 day award to 6 days.


  • Use some of the extra funds to hire a developer to help with server lag and write optimization plugins
    • Sorry, we are not going to pursue this as it is well outside our budget.  We encourage any users with experience to take a look at our github HERE or those of some plugins we utilize and contribute if you are able.  Pull requests will need to be reviewed by those leading a given project but helpful contributions are always welcome!


  • Why aren't padmins answering there suggestions?
    • Padmins do respond to their suggestion box entries! Please see this link



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  • 4 weeks later...

October 2019 Lobby SuggBox - fixed!

  • via Creative Suggbox - Do a donation drive for advertising only and use that money to buy ads on subreddits like /r/gaming and /r/minecraft so we can get more users (moved forward from last month)
    • This is certainly something we will think about and look into to see how it works and what the cost would be.


  • The new nerd.nu/staff page no longer shows past staff beyond most recent staff. Could this be fixed back to including everybody?
    • The staff page is linked to our forums. If the staff member no longer has a forum account, then they will not show up on the staff page. 


  • With the massive amount of lag we see from 1.14, with it most likely getting worse in 1.15, why not open a Win10 Edition Server?
    • We will not be doing so at this time.


  • put modreq in lobby 😛 check out 9984 67 9992 - was that sign always here?
    • We think so!
Edited by defiex
udpated a response - gotta hit that save button....
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  • 7 months later...

MAY 2020 Lobby Suggestion Box: 

  • Could we get new discord categories for games? There's a lot of old ones in there I think
    • Please reach out to one of the head-admins and we'll see what we can do! If you're logged in to Discord, you should be able to see any of the four of us at the top on the right hand side in purple. 


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