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Revision 27 Suggestion Responses


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  • Entirely disable poision potato drops from mining potatoes, only have $pudcoins (perhaps slightly larger than other comparable sources?)
    • If we removed poison potatoes from mining potatoes, then what would happen to the counterfeit $pudoin market?!?!


  • Make a user poll to see if region protection policies should be changed to allow protections more easily
    • We feel that it is already pretty easy to be granted a protection. There just needs to be significant work done on the build or in the terraforming of the land. We will not protect large amounts of land that have no builds, which is why we have started the claim regions this revision. Feel free to submit another suggestion explaining in more detail what you want to see made easier.
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  • A region flag for public farms - e.g. pumpkins can be broken, but pumpkin stems cannot; berry bushes can be harvested, but not broken; bottom sugar cane and bamboo blocks can't be broken, etc.
    • Thank you for your suggestion. we have always allowed for regions for public use farms, just modreq for one. Public farms can be created in this way by creating separate public regions for just the area you would like to be public use. Please remember that square or rectangle farms are best for protection purposes.
  • update to 1.17
    • We are waiting for a few more stable builds for the plugins and back end stuff we need to run the server. This is why we stated in the info post we plan to run this revision a little shorter. Also, if possible we could update mid-rev and add spawn traders for the new blocks. 
  • Nerf Olav
    • Olav is an amazing part of this community. He makes amazing farms that benefit the whole community. 
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  •  Make next rev spawn  a massive tower plz. love seeing the new people who join only to grief fail to leave spawn and just fall death.
    •  Thanks for the suggestion!  You never know what these crazy padmins might come up with 😉                     
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Edit the welcome message for noobs to include "yep, this IS the oldest server"
    • We don't currently have any kind of welcome message for "noobs". Yes we are the oldest server, but not everyone asks that or cares, and being greeted by players when we notice the - on log in is part of what makes this community so cool. 
  • A countdown command for events
    • But what fun would an event be if I didn't mess up the countdown? We can look into it, but it is not high priority.

There are still a few suggestions to respond to, but they require a bit more discussion first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • $pudcoin block custom recipe
    • $pudcoin are the currency for the rev, therefore not craftable.  That would be counterfeit $pudcoins  !
  • Make the harder Achievements Display in Chat 
    • Though I Understand why you may want your achievements to be broadcast, Chat can become spammy very quickly.  All the random broadcast could become a problem and add to the chatspam. 
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • A suggestion I wish I had been around to make before the Rev, given it's experimental; disable Phantom, and have the Phantom membrane be either buyable from Spawn, or a custom drop from bats. Would be nice to experience quiet nights again.
    • You are right, this is the revision we should have tried something with phantoms, but rather than removing a mob completely from the game maybe we can test a way to reduce spawns. We will talk with techs.
  • make snow edible
    • Why? I cannot think of why this would be needed and therefore we will  not take such a request to the techs at this time.
  • Can we get signs in end for pvp arena set-spawns? im thinking of making a big arena
    • We will allow for set-spawn signs to be used in nether and end worlds for arena use ONLY.
  • e
    • E. If there was more to this suggestion, please resubmit it. 
  • why can't we have a larger map? like 8kx8k
    • We have had larger maps in the past. We have also had smaller maps in the past. While some players think 6kx6k is too small and others feel 6kx6k is too big, this seems to be the best compromise to include enough space and biome variety for the players. We will consider your suggestion for the next revision.
  • /suicide
  • suicide command
    • There are soo many ways you can quickly dispatch yourself in this game that we feel there isn't really a need to add a kill command. A few examples: hug a cactus or creeper, tiptoe through a berry bush, take a short jump of a cliff, swim in lava, try to become a fish. 
  • allow a couple potion arrows to apply potion affects to other players everywhere (let's say spectral, instant health -- literally everything else opens potential for grief)
    • We have taken this suggestion to techs to see if this is possible. There are a few arrows that might be fun and not deadly to use
  • re-enable Johnny vindicators (we've had them disabled for years), any grief potential they could cause is trackable through other plug-ins
    • While seeing that penned animals, villagers, and players mauled by a Johnny vindicator would be logged, we don't believe the tagging of the vindicator would. So it would be very difficult and time consuming to track back and warn a player for the grief caused. For now, the Johnny vindicator will remain disabled on P 
  • Custom tipped arrows at spawn replacing last rev's potions so you can sell more than one at once (say, 3-5x 8:00 haste II)
    • This looks like a fun addition to the custom traders at spawn. Watch for some new traders in spawn in the upcoming weeks!
  • limit the amount of portals per group of people in a radius and be consistent about enforcing this. a certain group has 4 portals very close to each other when I have been told no to portals the further distances apart. 
    • We have discussed your suggestion and can only recall 1 portal that was denied because it was less than 30 blocks from another portal in the same town. Since the nether side is 1/8 the size of the overworld that portal would have been less than 4 blocks from another portal in the nether.  There is also still a limit to how close portals can be to not cross wires with each other. If you were denied a portal it would be for one of these reasons. If you feel you were treated unfairly you are welcome to contact a padmin or headadmin to discuss the matter further. 
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  • 1 month later...
  • Give cujo a raise for an awesome dragon fight 😄
    • Awww, thanks! We hope everyone enjoys the fight. I would also like to thank players and mods that gave crazy suggestions.
  • test
    • success?
  • A possible addition for a trader at spawn to sell a stack of shroomlights. Thanks!
    • We have added a trader at spawn that in cludes harder to find/get materials such as shroomlights, andesite, sand, etc!
  • Add cross-server chat so I can talk with PvE people when I'm in the creative server
    • We have discussed this possibility in the past and will continue to look into it as time allows.
  • Add R.nerd.nu that contains a view-only pixel art of the classic bill gates sexy pose.
    • um, no.
  • Since plug.dj is no more, turntable.fm is a pretty good alternative
  • /suggestion-box uses usernames for hashes instead of UUIDs, so players can ban evade a suggestion-box ban
    • suggestions are anonymous, therefore we will not use names instead of the UUIDs

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