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xXMogusdripXx [assasymphoni]


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Ok, my ban reason was harassment, and this is the context (which definetly matters in this story):

I tried to get a bedrock penis protected, one of the bedrock pieces there got destroyed, and what resulted was an half an hour long trolling session. And apparently, that was ok. i then went to my stash, back to the bedrock penis and replaced the destroyed bedrock with Obsidian. i got kicked. i typed " fuck you temp" on a sign, i got kicked. i typed " i know youre in modmode right now, and i got BANNED for HARASSMENT. Both of the actions, with the obsidian and the sign were absolutely childish, but if i got kicked for these, how did i get banned for saying "youre in modmode", well maybe i got banned because my saying "youre in modmode was the final straw, but i dont see how thats harassment, i dont see myself getting kicked for a message like that, you can use /list to see whos in modmode, so i dont really see how saying youre in modmode is punishable. so, please explain to me how saying "youre in modmode" is harassment or unban me, thanks!

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You were banned for the cumulative effect of the following events

  1. Making a large fuss out of a natural spawn, drawing attention and celebrating the NSFW aspect of it
  2. Continuing to do so after being asked by staff to stop
  3. Messaging players on Discord and In-Game repeatedly about the matter both before and after staff asked you to stop
  4. Reconstructing the offensive build after it had been removed
  5. Insulting staff and questioning their decisions about the matter

To itemize, you were banned for

  • Harassment
  • Trolling
  • Disruptive arguments
  • Offensive builds

You were first kicked, and then banned as more details about the ongoing behavior came to staff's attention.

This is additionally not the first time you've been spoken to about being a disruptive presence in the community by trolling. If you intend to be a productive member of our community, you will be able to re-appeal your banning in a month. 

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On 8/30/2021 at 5:29 PM, assasymphoni said:
  1. Making a large fuss out of a natural spawn, drawing attention and celebrating the NSFW aspect of it
  2. Continuing to do so after being asked by staff to stop
  3. Messaging players on Discord and In-Game repeatedly about the matter both before and after staff asked you to stop
  4. Reconstructing the offensive build after it had been removed
  5. Insulting staff and questioning their decisions about the matter

I'd like to add a little more context here. Mehl, if you had stopped after reason 1 listed above, things would have been fine. At that point, we could have left it at "ha ha it kinda looks like a dick, very funny, let's move on to something else." We removed those blocks because you would. not. drop. it. You can't expect to modreq for protection of a tiny assortment of blocks in that shape to actually go through; it's a waste of everyone's time.
From there, you proceeded to make a petition and start spamming users in an effort to get signatures. Spamming the Call button on discord is exactly that: spam.
You also insisted on messaging Temp with additional signatures you got on your petition: image.png
The answer is YES. Yes, it's still harassment. He asked you to stop, you didn't. The "fuck you temp" sign didn't help things, but insulting staff is no different from insulting any other player: it's always a dick move. It wasn't saying "you're in modmode" that got you banned, it was the spam. Next time, please listen when people ask you to stop.

Incidentally, you also straight-up admitted to x-raying on Discord, and an in-game search confirmed that you x-rayed quite a few ancient debris. X-raying leads to a full rollback of your edits (which has already been carried out), as well as a one month ban. It will run concurrently with the one you're appealing, so I'm going to just edit your ban reason to "Harassment and X-raying". You may post here on September 30th acknowledging what you did wrong, which can get you unbanned.

P.S. I would also like to remind everyone that a ban appeal thread should only be between the banned player, banning moderator, and any Head Admins (like me) that happen to step in. We do not allow other players to post in these threads because they typically don't have all the facts. The previous comment by an uninvolved user was in fact removed, but here are some of its relevant points (I bolded some text for emphasis):



blaming someone for a natural spawn even when they point it out, is hysterical. 

The ban isn't for NSFW builds, it's for harassment. This isn't the first time on the server people have looked at natural generation and thought "lol dongs", but it's the first time in a while that they've gone to such lengths to advertise it. He obviously didn't build the thing, but he took the joke too far. The blocks were edited in response to a frivolous protection modreq and also in an effort to change the subject, and I fully support that decision.


10 hours ago, ruok said:

all members of this community should be allowed to question the actions of those that penalise them if they do not agree with it

That is true, but deliberately spamming private messages both in-game and on Discord (as well as spamming players with Discord's Call feature) is not the way to do it.


private messages cannot be applicable for reasoning of ban in this case, staff cannot tell someone not to private message others unless the recieving party has asked for no messages

The receiving party did indeed ask Mehlsuppe to stop, repeatedly. Please refrain from commenting on situations where you don't have all of the evidence.

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