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Rokkuwu [cujobear]


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Esteemed Cujo,

May this letter find you enveloped in prosperity. With a sincere heart, I pen these words to convey my profound remorse for the transgressions involving the trapdoors within our esteemed server. Allow me to extend my regrets not only to your esteemed persons but remarkably to the very trapdoors that were unwittingly drawn into this lamentable narrative.

In diligent retrospection, I stand chastened by the far-reaching implications of my ostensibly thoughtless actions. I recognize the gravity of my transgression in light of the guidelines that govern the judicious use of these in-game mechanisms. It is important to note that I undertook these actions despite having diligently read and understood the rules, for which I am even more remorseful.

Permit me to encapsulate my epiphanic awakening by affirming that within the digital realm we co-inhabit, every individual component assumes an invaluable role – a truth resplendently mirrored in the oft-overlooked trapdoors. Ergo, I extend my deepest apologies for the disconcerting ripple effect caused to our digital citizens whose immersive experience was, alas, marred by my inadvertent endeavors.

In my endeavor to make amends, I feel compelled to convey my heartfelt regrets to the trapdoors themselves. It is important to underscore that this intention is in alignment with the meticulous regulations that underpin our server's ethos – regulations I have revisited and committed to memory following my prior transgression.

This narrative brings me to proffer a humble request for clemency, along with an appeal to be once again embraced within the digital tapestry of our cherished server. By so doing, I am resolved to transform my virtual presence into a paragon of decorum and harmonious engagement. Let it be known that the trapdoors shall never again bear the weight of my capricious manipulation. This commitment is fortified by the lessons learned from my past oversight, despite my earlier review of the server's rules.

In addition, I wish to assert my abstinence from any further engagement with trapdoors that extends beyond the prescribed norms. This commitment, a testament to my renewed dedication to upholding the regulations, is offered as a pledge of my unyielding intent.

With the highest degree of appreciation for your gracious consideration, I implore you to deliberate upon my humble petition. My intent is to rectify my past transgressions, forging ahead as a steward of virtuous gameplay and adhering to the regulations I have diligently studied and embraced.

Yours earnestly,

Duke Rokkuwu Esq. III of Whiteoak

P.S. As part of my commitment to the server's rules and the sanctity of the trapdoors, I hereby declare my intention to abstain from any extraneous involvement with trapdoors that falls beyond the specified limits.

Edited by Rokku117
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Dear Duke Rokkuwu Esq. III of Whiteoak,

Thank you for taking the time to write such an eloquent ban appeal.  I can only dream of being able to write so well.

However, this appeal lacks any sort of remorse or acknowledgement of wrongdoing towards your fellow players. While, I am sure the trap doors would accept your apology if they could, I read this appeal as a continuation of the disrespect and trolling in which you were banned for in the first place. It was very clear by your chat before hand that your actions were intentional and meant to upset specific players. 

You will remain banned until a proper appeal is submitted. 


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So I said that in-game... with multiple mods in game and in discord and none of you said anything before I flipped some trapdoors. Oh no, the horror, what happened to warns? A simple "don't do that" would've justified this ban. Instead you went admin mode invisible to follow me around and ban me instead.

People can't handle their trapdoors being flipped? There's a flag in wg for this exact thing, y'all used it in spawn for this exact reason, and y'all let people use the flag in their own regions.

Also, how very ironic of you to type out those first two sentences and then go on to call me disrespectful.

In other words, I had no intention of hurting anyone or doing anything more than being slightly annoying like I always am. I apologize to those who felt targeted.


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The fact that the trapdoors were not locked by WG does not give permission to flip them just to be annoying. That would be like saying an unprotected build gives someone permission to grief.  

I did not see the initial genchat message, it was brought to my attention by another player. I did not immediately vanish to follow you around.

The point is that you have been around long enough to know better and you still want to be treated as if it's ok to do these things until someone tells you to stop.  We are beyond that point.

You have been unbanned.  Next time you are bored, find somewhere else to troll people.

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