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Revision 30 Suggestion Box Responses


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  • Allow anyone to place private shulker boxes in player protections. It is not fun walking ages and searching around to place one. Shulker areas are commonly missing, full, or just ugly. Grief would be obvious (locked chest)
    • We do not plan on implementing this. Too often, shulkers are placed and left behind with no way for the region owners to move them. Shulker spots are created to limit where in protected areas other players are allowed to place boxes, otherwise there would be shulker box spam everywhere. If you do not see a shulker spot in an area that you would expect to need one (like a villager market) please reach out to the region owners and inquire about where one is or adding one. 
  • Play an anvil sound on your fist block break in a claim you are not a member off
    • Players are allowed to harvest resources inside claims, so having a sound play upon breaking a block inside a claim we feel would be ignored. It is the payers responsibility to check for claim areas before building in an area, not while collecting resources. We also know a number of players that play without sound, which is why there is a message sent to the player in chat when entering a claim.
  • never reset /lastseen
  • don't reset /seen
    • Yes we all miss our friends from past revs, but we do not feel the need to have every player profile ever kept just to check on those that no longer play on the server.
  • now that horses aren't trainable, it's really hard to get good skele/zombie horses. it would be cool if we could request with a good horse & a skele/zombie horse to have the stats transferred
    • We will discuss some ideas and see if we can come up with a way to allow skele/zombie horses to get better stats. 
  • strikethrough text command
    • While having more chat options can be seen as fun, right now we do not plan on adding more editing options to chat.
  • use a plugin where cured villagers work for everyone
    • We will be keeping the cured villagers as they are for now.
  •  disable phantoms cuz there is no reason for them to exist other than slow falling potions
    • NO
  • update the /map command to take off the carto link (403 error)
    • Done
  • Pls add /tableflip and /unfliptable 😛 similar to the /shrug text thingy
    • We have asked the techs to add a few new emoticons. Please note, staff has the right to ask players overusing emoticons to stop if it becomes too spammy
  • pls /clanchat mute [clanchat group] sometimes I really can't be bothered to keep up with a clanchat but also don't want to leave...
    • Please add this as a suggestion on the github page of the plugin. This way it goes directly to the techs who manage the plugins
  •  Please can you add custom recipes to use normal deepslate to make its varients (instead of having to use cobbled deepslate, mojang is dumb)
    • No, this is a vanilla mechanic and it is really not difficult to take 2 picks mining, or remine blocks at home to make the deepslate cobbled
  • boat trains
    • We can dream, but we do not think this is possible at this time
  • just want to thank you for the no-safebuckets thing! It's such an amazing quality of life update for us normies. 🙂
    • Glad the flowing water and lava has worked out this revision. We are happy with the game as well 🙂
  • There is no current info about HOW to build a padmin dopple, please add to the rev 30 info post
    • If this has not been done as of this post, it will be added soon. Sorry for the inconvenience, we sometimes forget that are community may include newer players that were not around when padmin dopples were introduced


~the padmins

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  • Cujobear pinned and featured this topic
9 hours ago, Cujobear said:
  • never reset /lastseen
  • don't reset /seen
    • Yes we all miss our friends from past revs, but we do not feel the need to have every player profile ever kept just to check on those that no longer play on the server.

Alternative suggedtion: Have this info/file included with the map download files for each rev? 

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