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Creative Scavenger Hunt


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This is a cross-post from the subreddit. Check there for updates.


The Creative server will be holding a scavenger hunt beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (with prizes)! Everyone is welcome to join. If you're interested, read on.


Details and Rules

  • The first clue will be released in this post on the subreddit at 6:00 PM EST on Tuesday, September 3rd. Don't attempt to begin before then.
  • All clues will be found on the Creative server. This is not a cross-server scavenger hunt.
  • This event is intended to be challenging. Be observant and don't forget to use the cartograph to your advantage. (Even in its currently broken state, it will still be useful.)
  • If it looks like you're taking the last of an item from a chest, don't worry -- chances are, the chest gets automatically refilled.
  • Be courteous to your fellow scavengers. Don't attempt to sabotage any parts of the scavenger hunt - that's not cool.
  • You're allowed to work in groups if you want, but don't spoil the fun for others! There are people who would like to complete the scavenger hunt legitimately, without any spoilers. As a corollary, it's recommended that you're in /tpmode ask or /tpmode deny while hunting so that you don't receive any unwanted guests.
  • Make sure to record the numbers on the signs at each location. (The signs that you'll need to take note of all look like this.) As long as you're observant, you won't miss any.
  • The first three players to complete the scavenger hunt will receive a perk during the upcoming CTF event. Instructions for indicating completion are posted at the end.

Lastly, I'd like to thank buzzinbee, GuyJones, joshuaherman, MasterCommaThe, Morkrash, and ROCKONN for helping to organize the scavenger hunt. I couldn't have pulled this off without them.


Happy hunting!
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