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Posts posted by jllmprrt

  1. Still waiting on this one, I must know!


    What's the best pun that you have ever come up with?

    Unfortunately I couldn't find anything decent in my screenshots, so this should hold over the masses!


    What do you call a sea creature made up of mostly cartilage that lives by itself and owes tons of money?


    A loan shark!

  2. Tell me about your gold farm? How does it compare to the other types, in items required, land required, time to build, results and anything else you think matters.


    Are you tobylane in-game? I don't think I've ever seen you. Maybe a coincidence.


    It's on top of the nether, so the land isn't a problem.

    I'm nearly done, so it may take me about an hour of focus to do.

    It's a lot less resource-intense than others, but the design is a secret :X

    Other than that, I just enjoy making people happy with what I put out. Seems rose city thinks otherwise.

  3. If there could be any food added to Minecraft- What would you want it to be?


    and on a scale of: 1-No, would that food be Sauerkraut?

    Edit: Without adding cabbage of course. Like, it'd have to be found rotting in jungle temples or something

    I would like to have some more fruits. Maybe some bananas (possibly a palm tree because that would be cool too)

    Also some sauerkraut probably a 6


    EDIT: Rotten bananas taste bad so maybe we can have some banana cleansing alternative.

    Probably going to check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hello!

    I have been around for a while and it seems like people ask me some questions a lot. I decided to make one of these.


    Some questions I have been asked and some questions I see a lot:


    -What's your favorite hot sauce?


    -When will the gold farm be done?

    The more times you ask the less I'll be willing to give you an estimate. For now I'll say "soon".


    -Your skin changed, explain pls?
    Well I was bitten by a radioactive silverfish, so that's cool right? I even kept my suit and corset.


    -Favorite/Least favorite users?


    My friends I think (order is for chumps) :




    ~Diamond_Lover123 (Speedbuild contest amirite)







    ~a lot of other people (Don't get offended if I didn't mention you I still love you)


    Least Favorite?

    Pretty much everyone is cool, I don't hate anyone unless they steal my stuff or kill my trapped mobs.



    • Upvote 2
  5. I don't understand why everyone doesn't like Enchantism. I mean it's not my favorite thing but there's an option to go to vanilla enchanting.

    I see where you get the /unenchant being a bit cheaty; I think so too.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I'm not sure, canals seem like a difficult1 to implement for all the towns. I'm up for this as well being that I did in fact discuss this with some buddies (Mostly referring to Ethoslab's old EATS thing like 2010ish) but sounds like a good idea. Let's get this going!

    • Upvote 1
  7.   The idea that staff has powers that other players don't is risky enough, and I think only survives by basic necessity.  It's hard enough to keep staff positions from becoming, or seeming to become, ranks.

    I personally don't think of staff as a rank. Outside of handling modreqs/bans/etc, they play just like we do and follow the same rules. No one here I know considers staff more powerful or having a higher rank or something like that. In my eyes they're just like you and me, although some slight permission boost has been given to them to keep the server in order.

    • Upvote 3
  8. I am sorry to hear this totemo. While I have not been here as long as I have liked, I do know one thing: You (and many others) have made my time, as well as many others' times, very enjoyable in the nerd.nu community.


    Often times I sit back and think, "Wow, this is a great community we have here. It'd be a shame to have even one person leave for good." Seeing that this is so, I am sad and happy at the same time. I am sad that you are leaving, but also happy knowing that being who you are, you're bound to do great things wherever you're headed.


    EDIT: I'd like to say a few more words.


    I've had a day or so to think about this now, and it's all I've thought about. When I first typed that up there late last night, I didn't exactly have my thoughts all together. Now that I do, here goes:


    Like I said, I haven't been here a very long time (7-8 months approx.) but one thing kept me on here, compared to other servers: The community. This is a great thing we have going here, I mean we're basically one big family. At the time I joined, I felt like I needed something like this: A place where everyone's nice to one another, says hello and whatnot, and you make some great friends even if you don't physically meet them.


    I remember first seeing you one day when I hopped on P and said hello and things. How nice everyone was (compared to S, where I'd come from) kept me on for a while through now. Every holiday thing you have done has been a blast, and that Watson client mod is pretty damn helpful when it comes to them x-rayers.


    Quoting myself again, it's sad to see even one member of the Reddit family/community leave, you especially considering your importance to the server for what I know. It's been much fun playing with you and the rest of the Reddit community, and I want you to know one last thing before I burst into tears or something:

    You may leave this community, but we'll not leave you. No matter what happens to you, we'll be here for a long time. If you're ever having trouble then I'm sure someone on here would be more than willing to talk it out, myself included.


    Well, I hope you aren't a stranger, please come back and visit sometimes if possible. I need someone who understands my doge jokes/puns.  :sad: But good luck to wherever life takes you, totemo. It's a damn shame to see you leave, but I understand. Life's one hell of a ride, you might as well enjoy it. Goodbye, friend.


    /me waves goodbye with handkerchief o/~

    • Upvote 3
  9. I can't really comprehend why I was banned. Here's what happened:
    A user named nos_pumas called me a cunt after I said, "You're wrong, friend."
    I said, "I'm not going to call you a fag or cunt; I'm not stupid."
    I was almost immediately banned and would like an unban.

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