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Everything posted by Texas
Oh and Toby, please respect OP.
Toby, your question is based on a paradigm of how server moderation is performed. I expect the moderators would contribute to these updates and things would not be reliant upon a single tech admin. The updates would be based upon player feedback and availability. Some weeks you have adequate time from the administration team, some you have less and make less updates. Adjusting the size of the map and editing a kit is a simple task, roughly 5 minutes each. Running an arena league requires a couple of hours, no more time than playing in it. There are sites dedicated to bracket automation, so this is seamless. There is a large probability players make suggestions for plugins that already exist and very little work may be required to configure that if it was desirable. IE, we'd begin with citadel, the drawback here is we may or may not need to script the rollback feature. Are you saying something specific is unappealing? The mix of things drives a very heavy PvP focus, gives players multiple reasons to login even if the server population is low (thus raising it in the long term), and we stop driving players away with our moderation style and start encouraging them to stay. The citadel revision was a greater success than it is given credit. I'd actually like to replicate many of the positive things that came from the citadel revision. This by definition would be a citadel revision. While you're suggesting a lack of time and resources is possible, why would we dedicate something in short supply to cater to a small subset of our population? Perhaps there is a separate league based on a time zone that accommodates someone in Australia. This is dependent upon your player base being present for it. We can find a moderator among them to facilitate it.
Survival means certain things, we would call it something new. The head admins would continue to have control over the server, but the server admins and moderators would be independent of the other servers. The moderators would be chosen and approved by the server admins. There would be a minimum of two server admins and no more than three. For the purposes of my suggestion post, this would be Mumberthrax and TexasTormenture with a possible third TBD. Guidelines would be posted publicly on how certain actions will be moderated. We would utilize temporary bans and mutes to administer the server. For instance, racism/bigotry would be automatically filtered by plugin and result in a 24 hour mute for a first offense. A player being disruptive in chat may experience a 5 minute mute. A second offense might be 10 minutes, followed by an hour, a day, 5 days, permanent. We can iron out the details, but forcing players to appeal for minor offenses is unwarranted. This policy would allow moderation to be more swift and understood. No more pushing the limits and fighting the system in the appeals process. If you get banned because you're nothing but a troll, expect to be banned indefinitely. If you're banned because you're having a bad day, expect to be banned for a day. We would use Citadel as a base plugin to encourage PvP including snitches (possibly with an inflated cost). A plugin would need to be discovered or developed to have reinforced blocks automatically replaced after a 4 hour cooldown. Using the acid block would bypass this (if easily scripted). Reinforced blocks broken as grief would not drop for players to pickup, this is necessary to prevent duplication. Chests would still spill their contents and only the chest itself would roll back. Multiverse would be used to house a tutorial world where we could cover the basics of the plugin and its functions with visual appeal. There would be a warp command to access this world and a back command would return you to the same spot you left. There would be a 180 second cooldown for using the back command but the cooldown begins as you enter the tutorial world. When used appropriately, no one would notice the cooldown. An economy is essential. The server shop would buy extemely low and sell fairly high. The items available would be limited, but enough to spark the economy. The shop would be available by a warp command for a predetermined amount of time to help launch the revision. After which, it may or may not be available by warp. The shop would contain a limited number of player plots available for purchase, this would include a use tax that is ongoing to ensure it is used for shop purposes. Storage of items would be closely moderated. The goal would be for bases to be developed including shops. Perhaps these are even towns or cities - our players would have to determine this. To help encourage new players, players would start with a kit. The kit would progressively get better as time goes on. So a player brand new to the server would receive slightly better items three weeks into the revision, than he would joining in the first week. Players connecting from non-unique IPs would receive nothing. If someone wants to bypass this, great, we'll moderate them. The kits won't be THAT great. The server would expect weekly updates on a pre-determined schedule. Some things announced, others a surprise. But only on the schedule. So, say one week we tweaked villager trades and made a horrific mistake. Great, you've got a week as a player to exploit that to no end. Obviously fixing a duplication glitch or a well-known bug is another story, but a mistake in our admin-controlled updates... This would help keep the server fresh and allow for us to mold the server as the player feedback warrants. Maybe a month in the map is well-developed and there is an overwhelming demand for prison pearl to be added. Great, we add it during a Friday update. The map would begin as a rounded border with a radius of 2500 from the center using vanilla generation topside and some level of plumped ores TBD (including but not limited to glowstone). The map size would be subject to change during each Friday update. These two things would prevent obby bunkers in a corner. The nether would be accessible by admin-placed-portals but the portals would be placed after a mad dash to find them like PvE does on the first day. You can read their posts for more details. We would employ a modified nether concept like the one used during the citadel revision. Vanilla PvP would be utilized. This gives us the ability to launch before 1.9 and to upgrade later on with some advanced notice of the change. No time should be given to tweaking strength potions and protection limitations, especially with the upcoming change. We would host regular arenas with progressive prizes and some sort of player ranking for various match types. This could be further separated by BYO and kit-provided matchups. IE: 1v1 BYO, 1v1 iron-kit. The prizes for kitted matchups would be far less than matchups where players provide their own gear. The arena would be hosted on a separate world using a warp. The moderator hosting the event would have the ability to toggle players joining to keep their items, or for their inventory to be held separately for their return, but empty when they join the world for kitted matchups. Think of that plugin where you warp away in order to fight mobs, it has this functionality. The league would be at a consitent time to be determined a couple of weeks into the revision based on peak player counts - likely the Americas, but who knows. So we'd be playing to the masses, sorry guy from a unique timezone who can't get here then, you'll need to find a different purpose in playing (which shouldn't be hard). We can iron out the details, but these are the important aspects I would like to present as a starting point. The above should give us strong PvP presence while being able to incorporate a fun raiding possibility without the drawbacks of grief. So, the fun aspects of the previous citadel revision, but with above ground concepts and a player-driven economy. I'd suggest auctions, but I am still struggling with how to counter-act players using this to transport items.
Barlimore: Thank you for responding, this is unusual from a head admin. While I find this encouraging and I can appreciate what you're saying about it being all on LRO's shoulders... Why is it all on her shoulders? There are other players in the community that can fill the empty space of S Admin. I don't feel my most recent criticisms are constructive, please don't credit me with that. I do appreciate your professionalism but my comments have been down right rude. Currently I feel that we are doing the community a great disservice with the S server, the lack of communication, and the many delays are only part of it. Even if we argue the server launched today on time, it isn't complete. It took a lot of digging to find the information but, I learned that a lot of work was lost somehow. Why do we continue to throw things together at the last minute? We've found this to be a flaw in the last countless number of revisions. And furthermore, why wouldn't we communicate the data loss to players more openly? It may have stopped some of my cynicism...
Short notice, then reschedule for balogna reason. Change rules that make dedicated players mad without explanation. Recycle announcement posts that still don't confirm or deny if you're capable of making changes. Teaser that we will get further details before the launch, but nothing other than further delays. The things S is doing right is spread very thin. Heads, I beg of you to take down survival, appoint new admins to run a third server on Nerd, and even if it is exactly the same theme call it something else. Your brand is ruined beyond repair.
Will there be new survival admins? Your recent lack of communication isn't solved simply by this post. We went from 6 quickly to 2 and the 2 aren't giving any attention to the server or the players. Why would I trust you not to waste my time?
Yes, this would be excellent to know! Could we have some sort of communication from the survival admin team that encourages players to use the forum and then is absent from them? Yes, at this point I have abandoned being constructive in my comments as you are immune from criticism, including constructive, and seem to be highly effective at a lack of proper communication. I greatly appreciate your lack of respect in recent days for the community.
I too wonder this. Not out of spite or to attack. I am unsure what they do. Is there a clear role?
Could we possibly keep the /shop and /back commands but remove the ender chests from the shop area and flag world guard to prevent the placement of enderchests by shop owners? Let me elaborate: I see a problem of players warping to the shop to store items and or use the shop to move items from base to base safely. Removing the ender chest removes the ability for players to do this. As for being able to come to the shop to dump items mined, is this a problem? I don't see it as a problem. I've mined an inventory full of cobble, Texas is willing to buy it, well I'll clear it out of my inventory rather than throwing it in the nearby lava as I usually do. I've made currency and another player has gotten items they want (in theory, I don't need more cobble although I buy it). So Texas, you own a shop, can't you then still use shop to store items? Yes, yes I can. Am I okay with this simply because I have a bias? Well, I've paid 10k for this ability. Is this a fair price? I don't know but it is certainly an incentive to have a shop and I encourage players to have a shop... The proposed changes discourage shop ownership to the extent that multiple shop owners have since asked for a refund. But texas, I need the items in the ender chest! Really? You're warping from your base next to chests... Or warping back to it where you can quickly store them. I can see some positive aspect to forcing people to retreat from spawn with items they have purchased... (Which mob arena already provides) But see more negative coming from this.
Great changes! Thank you for this. I really enjoy the economy plugin and your great work. Overworld shops? I'm stoked. Still happy to have prime real-estate in what will become the Auction House.
Meh, I'm starting to like the revision.
All I see above is the suggestion for a three-team long-term CTF lasting 45-60 days with the implementation of the unique plugins we possess coupled with random team assignments. The Flag holding area would be pre-built but everything else would be player-driven with a much smaller No Mans Land, in order to support a larger unique-ness to the builds. A PvE area for mining and farming (maybe with PvP enabled) with Survival rules (debating if this is break and replace walls or chaos rules for grief of the defense structures) for the remaining middle-grounds. A week's prep time before PvP is enabled and/or before team-specific end-of-world borders are lifted. We would need to tweek the timing of flag drops and stick to a single flag steal area, rather than 2. Perhaps a requirement of a minimum number of players logged in for flag-spawning to deter 2 man raids at odd hours of the night. I'd recommend this pursuit if unable to revive the survival population upon the launch of the next rev, or if we're feeling highly radical.
To that end, perhaps we can explore Barlimore's suggestion in a future revision after utilizing this suggestion!
Oh I recall the first CTF. I recall this forced pairing was a disaster and one-two teams rose as a super-power (while half of even these teams was sabotage or just not into it). I also think this is an interesting idea, but far from our current concept of S. If we were exploring this idea, I'd be begging for a CTF concept to go with it rather than the traditional S theme. To answer your concern of people being on-board... I don't think you have enough of the player base coming on this forum or the subreddit to accomplish this - and agree this would be a requirement for success.
Oh, I left out a thought, thank you very much for asking for our feedback and truly giving it thought. I see a lot of polls, and usually the topic we're in isn't created by admins but rather an unruly player base. You're truly executives sporting the loss of a tie, but keeping the collar on the shirt.
I have many suggestions, so before continuing please understand I am throwing my thoughts on paper, you're bound to disagree with something, have at it constructively. I want to include some difficult concepts. Enchantism is unique to the server, and a wonderful addition, please keep it. Set a rev end date - 45-60 days is a good time period. Bring back beds, as a social experiment. Re-evaluate at 35-45 days and announce the decision for the next rev as we are all anxious for change near end-of-announced rev. (You may need a plugin to monitor the breaking of beds, or clarity in the rules that breaking it and putting it back is truly griefing as it resets the spawn point) Keep the mob plump, it is why I play here instead of PvE and/or single player. I'm sometimes thankful I can't figure out how to implement the code on my own, despite its availability. Tolerate less toxic behaviour (like public accusations, too much of this is allowed). I like S banter more than anyone, but I think it leads to the lesser good of our community. PvE creates a community that comes together, we're just pushing each other apart. I like PvP but this is something different and the distinction needs to be made and understood. You're in a smaller player-base currently, if you cultivate the base you have it will grow on its own. I know at least 20 people who play minecraft IRL. I don't refer any of them to our server currently... I can't be the only one with this room to grow. Thank you for bringing back villagers. Please re-evaluate the trades as they suck. Grinding in a tunnel, or fabricating a village that might die... both take time and effort. Effort that is a reasonable cost to having an advantage in combat. I agree you need to modify them from vanilla, but maybe not as much (double the sugar cane cost?). If the trades are too crazy, we'll just make sure your villagers die more often. To those who enjoy villagers as much as I - incase they don't change the trades - realize how easy it is to make sheep with the mob plugin. Mob plugin from PvE - thank you for learning from their unique server. This is an excellent addition. I am curious to see how many times people leave 2 animals though since they won't have extras to slaughter... I used to leave 2. Set a rev end date - 45-60 days. (Emphasis) Realize the three S admins we have currently are quality individuals, volunteering their time. This is worth much more than we provide credit for. Please also realize these three are worthy of our trust. I will leave my comments concerning others out of the thread in hopes that these three will require little outside intervention. No leather for books is sweet, screw the vanilla game for changing this. Keep your modified recipe. Explore the idea of no roads and "hidden portals" and maybe 1 portal near spawn, rather than the crowding around portals/roads that occurs currently. Adding beds, I think, could add an interesting element of a "city" or two developing... The idea has been trying to take off the last few revs. I think it'd be neat to bring a bed and setup an offensive outpost nearby the castle walls... You can see where this is going, with roads... I don't see it. Create a "jail" room for players who ask stupid questions that demonstrate they didn't read the rules when they joined - Complete with the rules scattered all over the walls to be teleported to. Provide clarity in the rules regarding land claims. I don't always install Rei's and often build part of my base underground not realizing it isn't under my claim. Later someone claims the topside land and wants to lay claim to my spawner... It never goes well from there. Continue to break away from the, "We want to be as close to Vanilla as possible," mentallity. It is doing you wonders to implement the unique plugins you are. Edit a few mob spawners to be creeper-spawners as was done this rev. We like our splashy potions. Clarify in the rules that grief bait only exists in a doorway, typically with pistons (if anything is going to be grief bait). Building your house out of bookshelves or smoothstone is a strategic move, not something that should have so much debate around it. It is even recommended in the survival introduction guide - and I stand by its recommendation. The concept we have of grief is something unique to this server and an attraction that keeps me here. Telling me replacing my smooth wall with cobble after breaking in for PvP isn't grief... Burns my briches. Include on one of the signs at spawn that LWC has a help menu, people don't realize it. Knowing you can create a group and give your entire clan permissions... Blows my mind but makes me want to be in the situation to utilize such knowledge. Encourage more concepts from PvE to bleed over, including their player-base. Really. This whole us and them thing or they play this way and we play that way... I joined the Nerd community on P as S was a bunch of jerks when I joined. I then played a CTF where by some magical coincidence I had a large advantage and came to be respected for PvP abilities. I then tried to blend into S as PvP was a new-found fun addition to my minecraft playing. This banter of people play S for the PvP is arguable. I play it to have unqiue interactions like being killed while trading, or being gunned down randomly while I run resources, or when I am planning on it. But I play here for the plugins, the people, the experience as a whole. Much better alternatives exist for, "I want to PvP, right now." This can be part of our niche, but not our niche.