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Everything posted by Mumberthrax
I thought that we used mcbouncer to check the dates on when a ban was issued, since a player may not appear immediately after being banned. Maybe I'm misunderstanding. :s
Discussion on Modded Servers/Mini Games
Mumberthrax replied to Mrloud15's topic in Minecraft General
iirc mcpc+ achieves a similar effect. I ran a direwolf20 server with prism / logblock, lwc, griefprevention, etc. on it off my laptop a while back using it. It's based on spigot. -
Alright, I'd like to offer an update on the plans for revision 27. Beastbruiser, Redwall, Mrloud, and I have talked a fair bit and here's how things will likely go: We know that you guys are tired of rev 26 and want something better quickly. So we've got a relatively simple plan for rev 27 drawn from the poll results and discussions in the feedback thread, and intend on launching as soon as possible, which is as soon as we get everything ready. The map will be generated by the end of tomorrow, we'll have it up on a dev server where admins can paste in spawn, roads, arenas, build portals, and set up protections. We've got a kotv and punt/koth/kotv-mix-thingy arena, and we're looking to get a spawn, regular arena, and some road designs. I believe several have been submitted in the past so we've got to find them and select one, or if anyone has any designs laying around they feel like sharing then that's welcome also - but we'd need it relatively quickly. Some details: no citadel. No prison pearl. Old rules reinstated (eg. no griefing). LWC lockable chests. enchantism is back. xp plumped at 3x. ore will be plumped across the map, except redstone because who needs more of that? glowstone and quartz will generate in the overworld as well. Simpleclans will be active. Pearlnerf will be active. Many PvP enchants will be removed. PvP potions will be nerfed. More details will be in an announcement post later. As always when changes happen, there will be controversy and drama. Take care to refrain from personal attacks if you find yourself in disagreement with someone else regarding the merits of the announced changes, and remember it's a game and there's a real human being on the other end of those internet tubes. Since it seems quite urgent to get a new rev out we're going with what I've described. Regarding non-staff helping to plan revisions, I'm looking at rev 28. I'm personally hoping we can get a tentative public end date set for rev 27 barring overwhelming support for extending it at that time. In that time I'm hoping that anyone who feels like sharing their ideas, or helping to sift through the countless brainstorming and feedback threads and discussions and sorting all of that out into a workable plan will be able to do so. Stay tuned, and thank you for being patient. edit: also, I'm still attempting to keep this development log updated: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e5b6oLYH79VyvnelZvd496Qf3mrcdJoCyv1J8EHsIp4/edit Sometimes it's tricky knowing what to put in there. please forgive any derpiness.
Ok. Beastbruiser, Redwall, Mrloud, and I have talked a fair bit. We need to get a revision launched asap, so it will go like this: Mrloud is generating us a map using terrain control which should be pretty normalish, will have lightly plumped ores (except redstone, because who needs more of that?), plus glowstone and quartz in overworld. Redwall tells me that LadyRavenOwl has previously mentioned volunteering to produce us a spawn and roads, so if she's still willing to do that then that's fantastic. Mrgauthier has submitted a koth punt/koth/kotv-mix and a kotv build. We need to find an arena build - maybe one submitted in the past. Mrgauthier has also brought to me the idea of doing a team-based arena tournament, which reminded me of an arena Unce built on C a while back. If unce is willing to let us use that still, I'd like to find it and get a schematic so we can paste it in. Once the map is generated, we can have it up on a dev server, admins can paste in the builds as soon as we have them. Roads will be pasted, portals set up, protections configured. From what I understand, Mrloud would like to begin the Survival Arena League again, though intends for it to run independently from revision cycles - so if the league lasts 3 months, then if the revision resets in the middle of that the league is still going with the same data, for the same set of champions. I'd like to have several events happen during this revision, but I don't know that we have any that can be brought together and prepared quickly. I love the idea of having the ender dragon respawn periodically, dropping rare loot - will need to see what we can do about this. We'll be reverting to the old set of rules, e.g. no griefing others' builds, no citadel, no prison pearl. We'll be removing most PvP armor and sword enchants, some bow enchants. enchantism will be in, xp plump at 3x. hopefully will be removing the ability for potions to affect other players, removing strength and regen pots, nerfing healing pots to tier 1. A lot of these things may sound like a reversion to what S was before, and they are. Except nerfing enchants and potions. This is a "throwback" revision of sorts. This is not going to be a magnum opus, from my perspective. It is an attempt to get something better than what we've got currently. I hope very much to set and announce a public tentative end date for rev 27 barring overwhelming support for extending the rev life when the time comes, and to prepare some more adventurous changes in rev 28. Several non-staff have asked if they can be involved in the planning process. We'd like that to be for rev 28 so we can get 27 up and going as soon as possible. None of this information is confidential per se. There's no need to hide the fact that a new rev is pending for fear of player count dropping since it is already so low. So I'll be sharing most of this in the public threads about the revision. If it seems like it's mostly me doing the talking, that's because redwall, beastbruiser, and mrloud are doing the heavy lifting while I'm handling PR at the moment. :P edit: Depending on how long it takes to acquire spawn, arena, and road schematics, and to make sure we have our plugins set up properly, it may take a little bit longer than we'd prefer to have a new rev ready, but it will be soon. An announcement post will be made before to generate some attention. It won't be a groundshaking event, but it will be better than not announcing it until the last minute. edit2: mrg has corrected me on his arena submissions. One is technically a punt/koth/kotv mix, and the other is kotv.
Survival revision preparation - mod council suggestion
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
Oh I see how it is. :'-( -
Discussion on Modded Servers/Mini Games
Mumberthrax replied to Mrloud15's topic in Minecraft General
Just in defense of the client-side modded stuff like FTB, I want to say a few things: I think it would be fun to have a nerd.nu server for mod packs like what are on FTB or ATlauncher. I've played modded minecraft for a while in singleplayer and enjoy it, but usually i find myself missing the ability to play with other people, to share in the experience. I have tried a few servers, but nothing really compares to what I've found at nerd in terms of mature staff, free, public, and fairness, and friendly community. A while back it was suggested nerd branch out to be more than just a set of minecraft servers. If this is ever going to happen, a natural first step is toward modded minecraft via well-known public modpacks. Any changes in gameplay will necessitate training moderators on those changes, whether it's a new plugin for a minigame or if nerd suddenly began hosting a Trouble In Terrorist Town server. Yes, and there are many configuration options, and server plugins to help reduce the impact of mods that may cause problems when abused. There are many mods which do not cause instability, which are purely aesthetics like Chisel or ExtraBiomesXL, some which are for aesthetics which have the potential for some minimal negative impact like Biomes O' Plenty or Forge Microblocks. With the aid of modifying config files, server plugins to disable undesired blocks/items/features, and rule enforcement on abuse of specific items, strain on the server can be minimized. I know that your example of using a laser to turn another players' trees into dragons was intended to be somewhat silly-sounding, and I don't know how handling that kind of situation would be different from a player chopping down another's trees and not replanting. It's true though that there would be some situations where because of the quirks in some mods, a moderator may not know how to proceed, and would then need some training on how the mods work. I don't imagine this would be particularly difficult, and may even be enjoyable for the moderator considering he or she probably would not be moderating the server if they didn't already play on it as is usually the case with our existing servers. I'd like to point out that it's been suggested in the past that nerd.nu branch out from being solely a minecraft community into becoming a more generalized gaming community. With the recent events in the minecraft world, that might even be a neccesity. If we were ever to host servers for others games, Trouble in Terrorist Town for example, we would need to train moderators there as well. FTB or other modpack franchises are a natural step in that direction for a vanilla minecraft community. I think it would be appropriate to try out a test server, try to break it or cause problems that our vanilla moderators would not be able to handle, before deciding that they are incapable of dealing with it. Whether it is a client-side modpack like in the FTB franchise, or a minigames server or server that is heavily modified with plugins, there would be changes mods would have to adapt to. It's true that some modpacks are unstable. There are some mods that are more problematic than others, and really just some aspects or features of those mods. Most servers use a combination of the following strategies to deal with these: 1) select a modpack that is mostly stable to begin with 2) disable features that are known to cause problems via config files and server plugins designed for this 3) enforce rules on abuse of mod features, similar to our rules about creating lag machines, but with directions specific to the mods (like, if you have a buildcraft quarry, you must have a system to shut it off when the inventory is filled, here is an example of said system: etc.) tracking down problems would be additional work. There are server plugins which help, but it is true that if problems arise it would require someone with a bit of technical knowhow to find the issue and resolve it. Most modpacks today are either for minecraft 1.6.4 or 1.7.2. When the individual mods update, that doesn't mean the modpack author will update the modpack immediately. When the modpack author updates, the launchers allow all users to update automatically, or to select a specific version. It's even easier in the FTB launcher than selecting an older version of minecraft in the vanilla launcher. Server plugins used for vanilla minecraft will already have been existing for a while because of the latency between modded vs. vanilla update time, so there is not a lot of worry there in my mind. BUT I'm not a techadmin, have never hosted a modded server for lots of players, and should not be trusted as legal counsel or considered to have an expert opinion. It is true that it is most convenient to use ATlauncher, the FTB launcher, or MultiMC to play modded minecraft rather than the vanilla launcher. It's also true that these require mere moments to link to, download, and install, and in the case of ATLauncher and the FTB Launcher only a few moments more to select the desired modpack and have it loaded up to play - less time than it takes to install and download all the resources to play garry's mod by a mile. Instead of having a single minecraft icon, you would have vanilla minecraft, and next to that your other launcher. Or actually within the launcher itself, since I think most now have a vanilla "modpack" option. That's possible - it might indeed be more work than anyone at nerd is currently up for. I don't know what the social implications of having an FTB or other modded server would be for the nerd.nu community. I do think that the technical challenges may be overstated though, and would advocate for experimentation before dismissing it entirely. All of that said, I don't think such a server should be a high priority at this time. I'd like to see a plugin-modded server before modpack-based one on nerd just because it's not so far outside our comfort zone. edit: also, if i recall correctly a conversation that I had with deaygo a while back on this subject, bungee won't work with something like FTB. I'm not entirely clear on the details, nor up to date on all of the technical things relating to bungee, but the gist of what i got from that is that it would mean we would be missing some features that our vanilla-ish servers currently benefit from. -
Survival revision preparation - mod council suggestion
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
Submissions for the new map (eg. spawn, arenas, roads, etc.) Let me offer a short rundown of how we handle this process: we make a post or two on the subreddit or forums announcing we would like to see some submissions for spawn or arenas, etc. we put an alert/motd thing in-game saying the same we receive messages from players with submissions we look at the submissions we decide which would work well, which looks nice/cool we check to make sure there's nothing hidden in the submission that would provide an unfair advantage to anyone we grab a schematic of it, give it to techadmins, who make it available for us to paste in on a dev server we log into the dev server (which contains the world for the revision) and begin using worldedit to paste in the builds, roads, and tidy things up we set all the worldguard regions (protections) up for those builds, roads Selecting builds is not that time consuming or difficult. But the overall process of asking the community for builds, being a contact point to explain how the builds can be submitted and getting access to the builds, and reviewing the builds could be considered slightly time consuming - but essential work. If a group of moderators want to be responsible for this, we can do that. If any mods want to help in pasting roads in or setting up WG regions on the dev server, we can do that too. Events and Arenas Arenas are already fairly easy for moderators to run. Main thing is prizes. Just need a prize list for admins to check off on, admins to put said prizes into chests, and give operating mod chest access. If a specific mod or group of mods would like to be in charge of running events, or setting up an events schedule, we can do that. If the event requires special plugins that aren't currently installed or configured on the server, then we'll need to find ones that do what we want and make sure they don't do anything bad (conflict with other things, crash or lag the server). Communication If a moderator of group of moderators wants to take responsibility for ensuring that communication between staff/admins and non-staff is happening effectively, we can do that. I'm not sure what all that would entail, but it's feasible. Ideation culling This one I'm a little fuzzy on. This would be a group of mods sort of sifting the wheat from the chaff and presenting it to the admins? In all, most of this is perfectly fine. I hesitate to call the people volunteering for these jobs a "council". Perhaps all we need is just a periodic brief server mod/admin meeting or post where we ask if anyone wants to help out with this or that task, and if someone raises their hand then they're the task leader and main point of contact with the sadmins - easy peasy. I hesitate too to create some kind of permanent structure separating some mods from the others, which might end up developing complicated rules or procedures, and if someone gets overwhelmed and can't do it then we have to appoint a new person to take on the title of Arbiter of Nether Roads or something... :P I understand wanting to help. The current S revision doesn't have much in the way of modreqs considering griefing was basically allowed, water flows freely, and, well, there's not much traffic at the moment, so I can understand now more than ever there might be a feeling of being underutilized. I'd like to help resolve this, and I'm not certain we need something quite as formal as the vibe I'm getting from this - but I'm open to hearing more discussion if there is any. -
Good idea. Those C players are ridiculously talented and i remember those speed-building competitions were a lot of fun! Maybe after we have an idea of what sorts of builds we would like to have we can chat with Cadmins and see what could be set up. I imagine right now most people are having fun building their own thing since the revision is so new, so maybe in a little while there would be a good time to have some kind of building event. Awesome. Keep us posted. :D Alrighty. I'll search a bit on the bukkit and spigot plugin site to see if anything like this is already out there, and I'll ask our lovely techadmins if something like this is within their mighty powers to create if a plugin can't be found. Then we can hammer out some details with mods and the other Sadmins and non-staff on if we want it to do anything else in particular before pleading for the technomancers to come to our aid. I'm pretty sure i've seen an enderdragon respawning battle plugin thingy before, so I'll look into that as well. I know we can alter mob drops, so if there's no plugin for it we can just alter the drops and a mod/admin can manually spawn one in periodically - if it's decided that this is what we want to pursue officially.
The reason i felt that a well advertised announcement would be good is because otherwise nobody will really know about it, so players who may once have had an interest in returning to the servers to play legitimately would figure they were just banned permanently and that's that. I can definitely see your point though about it inviting griefers to come to nerd. but then again it's been said in the past that groups like AVO were probably one of the reasons we became so popular to begin with... i even recall a discussion in the mod chat forum about mods interacting with a griefer who decided to stay on and just play and chill after talking with folks on mumble. We can always roll back grief if we know about it, albeit that does mean more work. I'm interested in what other admins have to say about this. I agree. Crop grief, bans with "minor" in the text would be definite good choices. And I think even slightly heavier bans beyond a certain time period should be lifted. just not bans for excessive harassment, 'toxic' players, etc. It's a lot easier to repair a busted house than it is someone's emotional state.
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
That's a great question and I can say without a doubt that Thrax Industries will do anything we can in terms of crushin- uh i mean helping a young whelp of a company like Dizney Co. to achieve it's highest potential. Whether it means planting bombs- er, FLOWERS, you know terraces and stuff... sharing our knowledge and vision through indoctrinatio- um goodwill consultation services, or outright conquerin- i mean collaborating with your cute little company, there's a lot Thrax Industries has to offer directly. In terms of competition, you know how the saying goes about healthy competition being good for everyone especially when young upstarts get their comeuppan- i mean breathe fresh life into the markeplace etc. etc. I predict good things in the future, for Thrax Industries and possibly for your whatever co. thingy. :D -
Avadakedavra spoke to me the other day about enchants. He mentioned that he thought that when S removed enchants in the past, around rev 18? that it caused a lot of players to leave. I started playing around the end of rev 18, and our nerd.nu history project isn't up and running yet, so I don't know whether that's accurate or if there were other details that may have contributed to that event. I mean, I'm all for experimentation and learning, but it's good to learn from others' choices when possible rather than making your own mistakes unnecessarily. In any case, I'm glad to hear more support for the idea. :) Thanks! :D
we might need to enact some kind of rules about the size of builds around such a centralized resource. We also would need some creative types to make us some ghost towns, or select locations/builds from previous maps that might fit the bill. Can we get a list of some possible loot that might appear in said chests? just something to serve as an example. Do we know of any plugins that can handle this? Maybe a commandhelper script? What, exactly would it need to do? Just every ten minutes or so select one of the specified chests and rotate out its inventory from a list of items? What sorts of problems might we encounter with such a setup? How might it be abused to potentially provide unfair advantages or spoil fun for others? Something that occurred to me yesterday was something similar, when i was thinking about an FPS game i used to play called Time Splitters 2 wherein there was a "gladiator" game mode. A player is randomly selected to be the gladiator and receives buffs. In that game, only the kills a player makes while gladiator count toward points, and if someone kills the gladiator then they become gladiator. So naturally everybody is trying to kill the gladiator and the gladiator is trying to kill as many people as possible. In minecraft it would be cool if a plugin could have a set of buffed armor/weapons that disappear if dropped or chested, but are transferred to the gladiator's killer upon death. If after a period of time the gladiator doesn't kill anyone, or just a hard time limit, someone else randomly becomes the gladiator. not sure if that would work for a long-running game style, or would be better as a short event, maybe for a day or two? maybe once a week? it seems like it would fit in well with the whole no-enchanting theme from your suggestion. i have no idea if a plugin that does this has been made already or how difficult it would be to code. ;_;
Hey folks, I've been sent a suggestion regarding the preparation of survival maps/revisions that pertains to all S moderators, and perhaps to other mods/staff that may have an interest. Rather than paraphrase, I'll just copy-paste it here: Sounds simple enough. Is it a good idea? Who would be interested in being a part of such a "council" aiding in the preparation of survival maps? What else might such a group be responsible for? Does it need to be anything so formal as a special council, or can it be just something that mods can do if they feel like it? Maybe the formalized structure will help provide a sense of organization for the task. Is this even really necessary when the admins could do it on their own? Any other questions or thoughts about this suggestion, please share them here. I personally like the idea of involving anyone and everyone who is interested in helping prepare the map or plan revisions or even the direction of the server. Whether they are staff or not, if they want to help why turn them away? So some additional questions I have which relate to this are, what can non-staff do to help apart from creating awesome builds like spawns and arenas and roads? What sorts of things should be relegated to staff-only, or admin-only? There are no wrong answers, so share whatever comes to mind. Sadmins will be making a post on the general discussion forum about preparing S rev 27 soon, so non-staff can have a place to work together on it if they like too, but the main focus here is this council idea and what role moderators ought to have in general in revision preparation.
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
Nice. :D I have a list of projects I've wanted to do, some of which have more work done on them than others, but none that I've been actively working on lately or planning on putting into effect just yet. Right now my main priority is making the server enjoyable from an admin perspective rather than as a builder/player. The last time I tried to do both at once didn't really work out so well (see: Thrax Ind. Arena League). However, maybe if I put a little bit of effort into building up the ranks of Thrax Industries, provide an avenue through which others can work together and manage the projects as leaders with me just there to guide now and then, we could see some things happen sooner rather than later. I still want to see a skill-tier sort of arena league attempted (including clan/team-based competitions), though i don't know if we have the numbers yet to support a competition that large. I'd love to see a PvP school. I have a number of PvP style games on my list, a few of which have WIP builds associated. Hell, one of them is basically ready in the lab except for installing a few more dispenser mechanisms and designing/setting up flag stations. The problem with some of these things is that they require participants, whether in construction, maintenance, or just actually playing it. And too, S revisions are brief for the amount of time invested in making them. I've considered making them on P or C, if I can get the PvP regions approved, but that would kind of detract from S. I could see about maybe having some kind of throwback list of awesome builds where things from old maps get pasted into the new ones, but that might be considered aboose of powers. :P Something that isn't Thrax Industries or even S-specific per se but which I still think would be awesome is a nerd.nu history project. Creating a timeline of events from our past, and incorporating it into the wiki or website. We're one of the oldest minecraft servers out there - we surely shouldn't allow our past or the lessons learned to be fragmented and lost. But again, that requires some time/energy investment that I'm not sure I can focus on at the moment. Probably not where I'd like it to be, considering we have no infrastructure currently apart from the brand, an inactive subreddit, a laboratory, and the ideas I've jotted down in my notes. :P That said, if anyone is interested in what we stand for, you're welcome to join in and be considered a member. It's an organization dedicated to builds and projects created by players for players, which enrich the experience of the nerd.nu servers, usually on s.nerd.nu. Think Road Builder's Association or Spleef Club on P, or the massive Dome projects on C. On S rev 19 we had a public lending library, a large diverse public farm, Halcyon road providing access to build space near spawn, a post office and parcel delivery service, and a commercial district road near spawn which supported a fantastic pumpkin pie factory. On rev 20 the city of Egreth was built with a similar intention though not specifically under Thrax Ind. branding, and then we had the trading post near spawn. They aren't all necessarily carebear type projects - indeed I had intended to incorporate some heavily PvP-oriented builds on rev 20 to accompany Egreth, but ran out of steam. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in working toward on S, anyone is welcome to contact me about what possibilities we can create together. Thanks for the questions! :) -
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
I have never been comfortable with the prison pearl plugin. It works on civcraft because they're a political simulation server, where people make alliances and collectively investigate and punish contemptible people or people who in their judgment misuse pearls or other tools. To introduce so many new changes to our server so suddenly, to a culture that hasn't learned to handle them in a way that everyone feels harmoniously about, was a gamble and I'm not certain it really worked out - and that's ok! It's a learning experience. Even when stuff gets shitty, you can usually learn something useful from it in some way or another and can usually apply that knowledge to make better choices in the future. Minecraft with PvP can be said to be "just a game", and that phrase can be repeated even under circumstances where it is fun and games for one party at the expense of fun for another. It can be and has been used to attempt to excuse harassment, trolling, and other unpleasant things that I don't want to get into here. S has had a problem with a group of people who push the envelope too far for a long time - there's something about the culture that seems to hold onto this sadistic trend. I've seen very kind young players fall into association with groups where this behavior is common, and those players begin developing patterns of rule violations for trolling and harassment in the same fashion. It makes me feel very sad, and in a way guilty for not having prevented it somehow. Maybe it's not just S, maybe it's a larger problem with online gaming, but I'm not comfortable with it. It is a game, and that shouldn't mean that it doesn't matter. TheRandomnatrix once said it better than I seem to be able to currently: http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/1328sy/being_a_dick_rule/c7087ba?context=2 Anyway, long philosophical rants aside, we're here to have fun for everybody, not at the expense of others. Being killed in a PvP game is normal. Being made unable to play at all is not. It's why we had camping rules. It's why I won't be in support of prison pearl on S unless there are cultural changes that make it a manageable challenge and not something that will be abused to deprive others of the ability to play on or enjoy our server. Maybe if we leave it on for long enough then that culture will develop of its own accord, but I think we can try some other things first, before any further experiments with that. What other additions to the server do you feel are game-breaking? edit: also thank you for this question! I'm very happy to answer any more about S or nerd.nu in general! -
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
Yes. :] -
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
I've never heard of this before, much less accomplished it, but I have looked it up and there seem to be a few strategies that people employ to accomplish quickscoping. Urban Dictionary gives a brief rundown of the process. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=quick%20scope and wikihow has several methods of accomplishing it: http://www.wikihow.com/Quick-Scope-on-Call-of-Duty-4 I'm uncertain in what all games this process is applicable, though i imagine it works for a few more than just call of duty 4. If you have more specific questions I can try and find more information. :] Well obviously S is not very populous currently, and folks are ready for a new revision - preferably one that is enjoyable for a longer period of time. P seems to be off to a great start with it's new revision. C is is looking great too (really really like the spawn signboards/tutorial). Since I've been away for a few months I'm still not super familiar with recent cultural developments, but I know we've got some new admins who seem to be settling in well, we've had a few dramatic incidents to gossip about, and our techadmins are still doing a rocking job keeping the servers up and functioning. There are people who love playing minecraft, who love playing on nerd.nu, and that sounds like a healthy situation to me. Financially as far as I'm aware, we're doing well, thanks to the generous donations from all of you, so we can continue hosting the servers for all of us to play on. Overall I'd give nerd.nu an A-, for exceeding most expectations while still having room for improvement. I may be biased in favor of the servers though, so bear that in mind. ;) Thanks for the questions! -
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
I answered this one just a moment ago, so see my last comment. :D I know Autohotkey, some python, some lua, some of a custom language based on java used to create NPCs in an old game called Graal that was sort of a snes Zelda clone but not really, and uhh... some basic. I could probably cobble together something functional in any of those with a little bit of time, but it wouldn't be pretty. :P I'd like to learn more of Python, Java, Javascript, C++ or C#, and maybe perl or ruby. Basically in that order of priority. I'm not sure what the classic computer science problems are. I have never taken a comp sci or programming class, and don't really consider myself anything more than an amateur when it comes to programming. I could share some of the problems I attempted to solve in the past with programming though that I enjoyed! So, one time i wanted to make a thing that would generate levels/maps automatically for that graal game. I was a complete noob, but i had autohotkey at my disposal and the internet. So I spent days on this thing that used a combination of xml and a text-based graphics file format and all manner of ridiculously roundabout ways of doing things because i just didn't know any better. I did it in baby steps, just solving the problem one step at a time. I finally activated the script and it worked! Sort of! I had it generating coastline from a combination of like 20-30 different tiles, making sure they were next to sensible neighboring tiles, but the map it generated was ALL coastline tiles, no water, and no land. BUT DAMNIT IF IT WASN'T PROPERLY CONTIGUOUS COASTLINE! It made these super thin longish islands. I was proudly disappointed in my efforts. That was my first major success/failure in programming. I don't know if that answers your question at all. You're welcome. :) I notify my colleagues that I seem to be suffering from dramatic amnesia and cannot recall any of my time in medical school or my past experiences as a physician, and am therefore not qualified to handle this patient, and that they must take over for me. If this is not possible and this patient truly is depending on my actions, then I assess the severity of the burns, whether any vital organs appear to be damaged or not. I know nothing about multiple sclerosis and very little about autoimmune diseases so my approach is likely going to focus on the physical damage alone. If there happen to be other medical professionals present, I'd seek their counsel and follow from that of course, but if not, then my first order of business is to stop any major bleeding. I'm assuming this patient has severe third degree burns. First cleaning my hands (if possible), If there's some gauze, then I need to jam that in there. If we have some kind of anesthetic, then the patient is probably going to need some. If the patient is coherent, I'll ask them how they're doing, try to keep them calm, assure them everything is going to be alright. If nobody has called emergency medical services already then this should happen asap. If I'm not going to have any backup, then I'll have to muddle through I guess. uhh... let's see. clean the wounds with some povidone-iodine? loosely dress the wounds to allow air flow, but protection from dirt/contamination. treat for shock by elevating the legs... wow, this is seriously making me consider doing a refresher on my first aid skills. :-/ Thank you for the questions! -
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
I think my favorite thing is that it's like a whole world you can explore, and particularly in the case of Morrowind, there's always some detail in every nook and cranny that give the world a depth and it's own history. The developers really put a lot of time into that on Morrowind, and that's why it's one of my favorite video games, and the game I've played more than any other except Minecraft. It feels about the same? It's hard to quantify considering there have been many other things different in my life since becoming vegetarian such that I can't say for sure whether they are attributed to being vegetarian alone or if they are due to other variables. I will say that I'm probably more emotionally sensitive now than I used to be, and when I was first trying out vegetarianism I felt like I had a greater amount of short term memory available - though I was also eating tons of fresh fruits and vegetables at the time which I unfortunately don't do as much now. nowadays I guess I would say electronic or video game remixes/covers might be a favorite... but I like a fair variety of stuff which I don't know all the genre names for. I have a plug.dj playlist that isn't bad if you want to listen to it. :) uhh.. lets see... well, On The Border is alright, but i guess that's "Tex-Mex". Panchos was good cause they had the neat little flag thingy on the table when you needed the waiter but i haven't been to one of those in years. Freebirds burritos are not bad, but that's probably barely mexican food. Oh wait, Rosa's is cool because they sell freshly made tortillas by the package in their drive through. Yeah Rosa's works. Probably Star Trek: The Next Generation. That or Dragon Ball. I whittled a thing once with my pocketknife for a boy scout thing, and my parents gave me a wood burning thing once but I never used it. I can use a table saw if I need to, but it's not a hobby. So I guess the answer is not really. Thanks for the questions! :D -
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
Do you mean this? I found it to be repetitive and slightly irritating. What do you think of it? -
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
I survived by focusing on creative projects and studying python, intermixed with playing skyrim and singleplayer feed the beast, and then flying to new orleans to attend a very long vietnamese funeral and driving my great aunt around town. I didn't experience any physiological symptoms, though there were times when i went to do something and realized i couldn't. The most shocking thing is how this whole ISIS business popped up out of nowhere. It's crazy how quickly people become terrified of a boogeyman when they're handed one. To answer your question more directly though, I suppose yes. It's tricky trying to catch up on everything that has happened, but I'm getting along. -
I've recently returned from a ~3 month stint without internet access, and am quite happy to be back. I'm (edit 4/2014): a former (/edit) admin for the survival server, s.nerd.nu, a moderator/owner of /r/Morrowind, /r/ElderScrolls, and original creator of /r/retiredgif (though it wasn't my idea and I didn't help out much with it) on reddit.com. I also founded ThraxCo, (which later was rebranded Thrax Industries) a public works company on the survival server - though most of our successful projects were relegated to revisions 19 and 20. I like minecraft, conspiracy theories and the paranormal, science fiction, gardening, and backpacking. I'm a vegetarian, a Texan, not really affiliated with any political parties, and not really affiliated with any religions though I do take the subject of spirituality and philosophy fairly seriously. Ask me anything you like. :)
I think it was a good idea keeping a running log of events and actions relating to the development of the server. I'm sorry i wasn't here to help keep it updated. I'll try and return to that now. Thanks for reminding us. :)
Sure. It's you guys' servers after all. I've just returned from a long stint without internet so I haven't been here to see what the current rev has been like, but beastbruiser, redwall, and mrloud have got a tentative plan for rev 27 already. The gist of it seems to be removing PvP enchants, removing some potions, return to some of the features people are comfortable with like lwc and the old rules and the old nether, keeping some of the new plugins like pearlnerf and pwnpvpbalance, keeping simpleclans, keeping the ability to random spawn to escape spawn camping but having a regular free-to-escape spawn build. water I'm still a little unclear on. I personally would love to see a revision with a more challenging world, including plugins like Extra Hard Mode, some features from Mob Apocalypse, etc. but I know that's not really what most people want in a regular S revision. I just really like the idea of having to use super-TNT to mine and having more intelligent swarming mobs. :D Anyway yeah, I'm all for getting anyone interested in helping involved. I think we should first set a target launch date, to keep us on our toes. Obviously it's no guarantee that we can launch at that time because crap happens, but it'd be good IMO. Admins can post what we've got so far in the way of map planning, plugins/configs, and events, and you guys can post what you'd like. There have been a ton of really great discussions in the past on things we could try, and it's a bit tricky to sift through them all, but there are definitely some really awesome ideas that have been submitted that we can test out. It seems like the civcraft-esque revision had some ups and downs, and we learned a bit about what does and doesn't work. I'm all for more experimentation. We admins aren't psychic and there will always be people better suited for the job, but unless someone has serious objections to this "try some stuff, then try some other stuff" approach, we'll probably keep on with it, attempting to refine and adapt each time. I'll be back later with more.