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Everything posted by Mumberthrax
Looks like a pretty accurate to-do list, torn. We will have portals at the corners of the ring road. I've rewritten the /rulebook book that new players are given upon first login. I'd appreciate feedback, general criticism: https://gist.github.com/Mumberthrax/d2202780cedac1df29d9 We don't necessarily have to have arenas pasted in at launch - we just need to make sure that the areas we want them to be in are protected/reserved. A few people have messaged me saying they are working on arena designs, but are not yet ready. If nothing else, we can paste in previous submissions or old arenas before arena night.
At 8pm CDT (barring accident, flubs, tragedy, or technical difficulties), s.nerd.nu revision 23 will switch over to chaos rules. This means chests are unlocked, nothing is protected (save for spawn), and you can destroy pretty much whatever you like. We still have the universal rules, so don't be a dick while you're blowing things up or burning the world down - i.e. no harassment, no bigotry or hate speech, no x-ray or hacked client mods, etc. etc. - Universal rules - Chaos Rules This period of anarchy will last until Friday March 14 around 8pm CDT (again, barring unforseen accidents, technical difficulties, etc.) at which point a brand new map will be in place for everyone to enjoy, with regular survival rules and features. I'll be posting details about revision 24 later this evening. Subreddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/209os3/survival_rev_23_chaos_update_post_now_with_times/
I think it deserves more visibility. Perhaps if more people see it, they can offer neat ideas. :D
Survival Announcing Thrax Industries' Player-Run Arena League
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in Minecraft General
Awesome! Any assistance will be appreciated. Still finalizing plans, but I'll be including information in a subsequent post about arena staff/volunteers, trade agreements, etc. -
TheEvilRock road design: -1608 2290 on c.nerd.nu Gizzletinks road design: 1159, -917 on c.nerd.nu EpicMoose124 road design: x: 1115 y: 73 z:-910 on c.nerd.nu - has a novel subway setup integrated Natdog road design: x:-2815 z:+2245 on c.nerd.nu Natdog KOTV arena at: x:-2430,Z:+2210 on c.nerd.nu Natdog Punt arena at: X:-2480, Z:=+2210 on c.nerd.nu Tornadohorse spawn design: 2950, -2950 on c.nerd.nu - includes a road design BSchilli2 has sent me an image album for a spawn he has been working on in SSP: http://imgur.com/a/KLhg8 He says it is almost complete, that it requires minimal work. I was attempting to walk him through uploading his save file, but he was having technical issues.
Thank you. I've unbanned you from the servers. Please enjoy and remember we're all here to have fun.
Ban information: Here are the relevant logs: We have a strict "No racism and homophobic language" policy. Please be aware of this for future times. I will go ahead and unban as soon as you read this and refresh yourself with the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here stating that you understand and will abide by them from now on. Understand that future instances of this will have a longer ban length attached to it.
Hey mr_river, sorry for the wait. Please reread the rules at nerd.nu/rules and reply back here once you've read and understand them to be unbanned.
One thing I'd like to see if we can do is have a prominent bulletin board with information about upcoming events. Perhaps an easy-sign that messages the player with a url to the event calendar. Alternatively, or in addition, I think it would be really nice if we had a plugin that would allow players to see a list of upcoming events in-game, or to create events in that same database which would be verified by mods before being visible to players running something like "/event list". --- Clan hall - we did not have a clan hall this revision. We briefly discussed this in an earlier sadmin meeting. /clan list and /clan roster work well enough for accessing this information, though I'm not sure that it conveys the same emotional effect of having your clan emblazoned in solid pixelated blocks in the world. In my post about submissions for rev 24 i did not include a section on clan halls so we are unlikely to have any designs sent to us. I'm not strongly leaning one way or another on this, just curious when they stopped being a thing and for what reason. I know when i explore the old maps it's kind of neat to see the clan names and players associated up on boards at spawn.
Re-reading the post, that does make more sense. Thank you for the correction. :]
On a server I have played on in the past, they have survival and ftb servers, and global chat in each is treated sort of like a clanchat channel. So if you're on the FTB server, you do something like "/listen s" to opt in to listening in on discussion on the survival server, "/s [text]" to chat while maintaining your current server's global chat as your default channel, and "/c s" to change your default channel to the global chat channel for the survival server. Folks on the survival server do the same thing but with f in place of s. Anytime you want to stop listening you repeat the /listen command. It's kind of neat. My only concern if it's on by default would be an overload of messages filling up chat, and possibly confusing new players. As for messages and mail and clanchat, I'm all for that being inter-server. Also the tab-list sounds nice. :] edit: I suppose if we were to use similar aliases, /s and /p would be fine, but /c is already used by clanchat. Also, it might be nice to have the messages from different servers color coded in some way to signify more readily which server they're coming from, then again more tags and colors would be ever more disorienting on S with all of our clan tags. :s
No insult intended, but in terms of scale, detail, and representation of the power of community, Sanctuary blows most everything else out of the water. edit: alternatively we could do pkome's white-road statue from rev 19 to represent the cutthroat nature of the place - gotta make sure to get the flaming eyes though. http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s19/carto/#/-87/64/16/-1/0/0
My understanding was that currently on S baby mobs grow up very rapidly. I think these questions presuppose an idealized playstyle on the survival server. I've said this before and I'll likely say it again, different people play on S than strictly PvPers. P may have been created to split off the non-PvPers, but that doesn't mean people don't enjoy nice things on S still. Maybe I want a cow farm because I like cows, or like cheap dyeable leather armor. Maybe I like to have better saturation (which apparently is a substantial complaint on S currently with mojang's changes to things like carrots and potatoes). Maybe i like having a chicken based player detector. etc. etc. Would my experience on S change if I could keep animals without fear of them being griefed? Yes, absolutely. *Should* that change be made? Again, it would be a different game experience and that appeals to different people at different times, so i couldn't say without serious civil and level discussion with others. The thing is, S is about whatever people make it to be about, generally speaking. "We've always done it this way" means nothing ever changes and nothing ever improves or gets worse. We've modified the servers considerably from vanilla with LWC, mob caps, enchantism, etc. Griefing animals is not some intrinsic aspect that defines the server's spirit, it's just one aspect of many which have been present for a long time - that time-based attribute by itself does not make it sacred.
I saw several videos of the previous arena, and am very excited to see this in action!
The problem is that different people have different definitions of what it means to be a "dick". Currently, per my understanding of the rule and previous admins' explanations, it is used as a failsafe for things that are obviously wrong but not specifically forbidden by the other rules. Killing animals has always been allowed on S, so that's the way it stays despite it inducing grief in the owner. I don't like it when my animals are killed, and I don't kill others' animals, but I suspect most people on S would rage if they were no longer allowed to do it. I don't even keep animals anymore because of the frustration associated with it.
The thing is, though, that if you try to imagine all possible cases where the name would be inappropriate, you will likely not be as imaginative as someone who tries to bypass the rule. If you make it super specific, then you are creating the possibility for loopholes to be exploited, violating the spirit of the rule while adhering to the technical definition. The simpler this rule is, the better in my opinion. I imagine concerns about unfair application of the rule may be allayed by an appeal to admins on a case-by-case basis. This is not the only instance in which I have observed clan names/tags being used to troll an existing clan or individual. Such trollish or inappropriate behavior may be covered by our broad "don't be a dick" rule, and in this instance the saying "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler" may be applicable. I am generally not in favor of making a new rule for every possible offense, and this one seems distinct enough that it deserves explication.
Why not allow griefing of builds and remove lwc too? What differentiates an animal from crops? What differentiates either or both those from mined resources in chests, or enchanted armor and weapons? If griefing of crops is allowed on S, without some seriously strong and convincing arguments, I would be very disappointed.
I think it would be nice to have a guide/list of things to do when training in general accessible to mods. I know that people who already moderate basically know what all needs to be covered, but having a list just seems like it would be handy to me. Something to reference in the future, for trainers or for the recently trained. Here's a rough list/outline off the top of my head: Basic interaction with /modreq - /check - /claim - /tpc - /tpid - /tpinfo - /done Handling rule breakers - warning - kicking - banning - ban appeals - adding notes handling grief - logblock and all the wonderful parameters and how they can interact - /cinfo - /i and when it's okay to use it, also an ID list grief bait x-ray combat logging spawn/bed camping hacking - NCP, how to identify false positives, when to monitor, what to look for, when to warn/kick/ban - how the hell to cope with the information overload from NCP (would be so nice if NCP messages would be in a separate section of the screen, like the bottom right) spamming racism/homophobia water/lava flow - when is it *not* okay to flow protections broadcast /cmsg /mb /mbg /vanish /unvanish general decorum and how to respond to various situations in a professional way - kind of language to use in warnings, notes - responding to bad/annoying behavior IRC and Mumble - accessing IRC channel (I still cannot get into the mods-only channel D: ) - mumble responsibilities/abilities communication with staff - asking/getting help - meetings - using the forums/subreddit - subreddit modmail moderating the subreddit (for those who haven't moderated a subreddit before) I know when i was first doing my training, Johnadams took me onto C and went through the little tutorial deal, then i forgot half of it. Later, Tharine gave me a confusing as hell grief req to handle by myself with like 4 different griefers all overlapping, redstone and giant mushroom blocks of all sorts for flooring - and i rolled on the floor weeping. So... maybe I'm just a slow learner but doing it all at once was a bit overwhelming to me. I also was embarrassed that I hadn't picked everything up as quick as i should have, so I was afraid to ask for help, particularly the longer i waited. It might be a good idea to see about scheduling a day, maybe a couple days after regular training, to review and fill in gaps, answer questions, etc. When Redwall, JudgeDread, and LadyRavenOwl gave me a refresher the other day, it was very helpful to me to have a decent-sized list of *various* modreqs, to ask them specifically how you handle each one after they had already explained *generally* what to do, and then close them out. I was most proud of finally being able to approach modreqs for spawn-camping after they've happened. I think training is a good thing. If I can be present for any of it, on S C P or E, I would like to be.
I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.8. I have never heard of bUpload until now. That is incredibly handy-sounding. I find it surprising I haven't heard of it before. I'm not really sure what that implies. Does it mean that I'm not smart enough to have looked at all possible useful modifications or macros? Does it mean that there ought to be a public list of macros and mods which may assist players on nerd.nu, like optifine and reis, etc.? Am I at a disadvantage if i don't know about those mods/programs? Or only for some of them? I really don't know what the best route here would be. I've used autohotkey scripts in the past to rapidly paste in texts into writable books, and when i asked mods back then it was okayed. Was this an advantage I had over others who might have wanted to create some kind of service that used lots of copies of written books? I recently shared my scripts with Redwall_HP, but unfortunately he was unable to run them because AHK code doesn't really work on Macs yet (not to mention i couldn't even get them working like they used to on my windows computer). Even using the script in windows took a little bit of tinkering because they aren't very user-friendly, and the average person wouldn't be able to get it to work without guidance. They didn't modify the client, just the keyboard and mouse inputs, but obviously they weren't accessible to everyone. There are plenty of other macro scripting languages and programs out there though. This seems like an important issue to come to an understanding on. I hope that it ends up with a clear resolution.
Thanks so much for the information!
Forgive me if this is already being discussed or has been discussed elsewhere and I've missed it, but what are the current plans for admin/mod-hosted arenas on S? I know we had one spur-of-the-moment arena night not long ago, and i had been under the impression there was some kind of arena league planned as well. Have there been other arena nights which I've missed? Is one individual currently in charge of this? Are multiple S admins working together to manage arena planning right now? If so, where is the planning taking place? I know it's been mentioned that moderators may be able to host arena events too - has that idea been developed? I'm basically coming into this blind, having just tried to search through the forum posts and meeting notes for my background information. Most importantly, what can I or the other moderators, or the players even, do to help get arenas going and going well?
Having been re-modded fairly recently, I'm a bit rusty on a lot of things. I actually wouldn't mind having a general refresher, and an update on whatever has changed since i was last a moderator. For example: I only today learned about /warngrief. Or is it /griefwarn?
Evidence for this? Conversations with moderators/admins for servers of comparable size without safebuckets or something similar?
Hi. Newly re-modded former S rev. 19 librarian/book-publisher/mini-game-enthusiast here. Are the contents of the books just a brief summary, like a sentence or two, of the actual story/book? Or are they like, a chapter out of the story?