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Everything posted by Draykhar

  1. Thanks for responding, xoxx. Sorry I couldn't get back to this one sooner. I appreciate barlimore unbanning you in a timely fashion. For most of your concern, I believe Denevien covered most of it accurately. it's easier to pull the player aside and talk it out here then simply throw them another warning and note. As the rules properly quote it " In most cases, an attempt at establishing communication will be made prior to a ban. However, during certain times the server can be very busy, and depending on reason for the ban, you may not be warned. In situations where the player is significantly changing the game environment, they may be banned without any warning.Whilst you say that your previous notes "souldnt have any role on your reason for banning", I left those out of this ban entirely: a typical ban length for racism/homophobia is 4 days. Although your previous notes did not give me a reason to ban you, your actions did. Within the past month you've gotten two notes added for harassment of other players: Note #30770 for xoxx on c.nerd.nu: sexual harassment on s, warned. by bhrossman on 2013-05-06 15:22:26 Note #31494 for xoxx on c.nerd.nu: warned for harrassment by draykhar on 2013-05-27 18:47:07 Add this ban to it, and we've clearly got a trending habit with you: The way you treat other people through what you say isn't okay. I'd like to consider this ban me pulling you aside and letting you know that we've seen the way you treat others, seen it very well, and unless you start treating other people a little more reasonably, you can expect to be excluded from this community.
  2. Hello xoxx, To start, I don't dislike you. I dislike the approach you've taken to chat and speaking with other players lately. I'm indifferent towards you, and aim to treat this ban appeal as I would any other. I banned you for your homophobic outburst in chat earlier. As you well know, the nerd servers have a zero tolerance policy with racism, homophobia, and various other types of hate speech or harassment. Combining this occurrence with some of the other complaints you've gotten recently you're heading yourself down a path to a much longer ban than this. I strongly advise you reconsider the way you treat other people in chat. I don't want to see you here again. Please reread the rules as well as this (https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/20-banned-for-a-homophobic-or-racial-slur-read-this/ ) and post back here no sooner than Friday, May 31st, and I'll see to it your unbanned.
  3. Hey leemur, I appreciate you coming clean in your ban appeal, it makes this a lot quicker for both you and I. The standard ban for a combat log is a week. Please bump this thread one week from your ban (so June Second) quoting which rule you broke (http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules) and We'll see that you're unbanned.
  4. As it's a debate thread, I'll give my .02 You've got a lot of purple prose here. Let's cut out the unnecessary pathos and bring it all down to the brass tax. So Hundo got gibbed by Laugh, who was too slow to grab the loot which was instead grabbed by Hundos friend Buddy. So he placed the head down, and then Laugh killed him and broke the head, and took it? In my book, it looks like Laugh griefed. 1.The first one is a null point as he lost possession of the head. Killing someone doesn't entitle you to the loot on S. You've been around plenty long enough that you know nothing is yours until it's safely in a locked chest. 2. Two 'griefs' don't solve an issue. If laugh thought the skull being set on someone elses land was grief he ought to have made a modreq. (As a sidenote, you really think Hundo would have considered his friend putting his own head in his base 'grief'?) 2013-05-27 03:00:20 | <xTheHundreds> xoxx I TOLD Him to place it there on MY land 1. Don't be a dick rule is a catch-all for unforeseen circumstances, But more oft than not - in my eyes this situation - it's the one that everyone screams to whenever they feel something (or someone) isn't being fair to them. Even so, stealing loot has long been in the spirit of survival. I'm neigh certain nearly everyone on Survival has been on BOTH sides of this type of situation. 2. How in the hell is Buddy supposed to determine if Laugh can be responsible for his own actions? And the conditions a block being placed doesn't justify something as being griefbait. But I'll play on with you. If the skull is 'griefbait' as your claiming it is, then Laugh ought be banned for breaking it. Pure and simple. 3. Somewhat fair, but again, it appears Hundo gave him permission to build on it, going sofar as to yell at you to give it back because "<xTheHundreds> THATS GRIEF" I cannot, sorry. I was not on, and am only going off xoxx's statements here, as well as what I can compile from the logs. xoxxs statement shows me that you broke a block someone else placed. Regardless of who 'owned' that block (again, all you own on S is what's locked in a chest or built.), regardless of who placed it or where it was placed, that's grief.
  5. Never. The Gentleman Bastard base will never be complete. It's always a work in progress. Scaffolding abound, half torn-up rooms, nothing new. And no, unce. It'll never be your base :P Oh god slug. All of the shenanigans you pull are the best.
  6. I appreciate you coming clean in with me in your ban appeal, that expedites this process. You had been warned about logging to avoid combat before I banned you for this incident. This shows me that you don't understand the rules. I'd like you read over them all again, and post back here in One week from your ban date (So the 30th of may), quoting which you broke. Thanks!
  7. Ohhh god. That's a tough one. I'll have to get back to you on that. I'll edit in answers to that as I remember them... 1. The frag shack at the end of the road rev 15(I think), with KOTCT. That was probably the rev that actually got me into survival. 2. Rev 19 building GB base with Jack, Slug, and Tharine. I think that base was beautiful, and loved working with em. 3. Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill!
  8. Haha. I've always been a bit of a devils advocate. The carrot is the way to true sight, and ye know it!
  9. Thanks. I've got big shoes to fill, and look forward to helping to better heighten the s.nerd experience for everyone! I'm still getting the hang of everything, but I'm hoping for a smooth transition into my new responsibilities. If I could change one thing, regardless off all consequences, fallout, and judgement of it, I'd rework the rules, not only for survival, but for the mcpublic servers in general. They're dusty old things that aren't cohesive. They have things that are more-so information about the servers than rules, they repeat themselves unnecessarily, and they're vague where they need to be concise (i.e don't be a dick). I'd like to bring all of this to an open discussion at some point or another, and hear input on them. From there, I'd hope for each of the server admins to rework their own servers rules accordingly, and bring that forth to the headadmins. I remember the spawn of rev 12, but I didn't play much that map, so I'd say about rev 13 of survival. I vaguely remember playing on Creative for a minute, but Survival has always softly called.
  10. Hey, draykhar here. Figured I'd hop on the AMA train and begin my own. Feel free to ask me anything. If I don't feel comfortable answering it, I'll just skip it.
  11. I would say both of those situations are against the rules, albeit the second one harder to prove than the first one. You are timing a login as a function of pvp. I agree with den, ban the main account. As for a length? How long do we usually ban people who log out during combat? I'd say 2 weeks.
  12. maybe the bow had punch? I'll see myself out.
  13. Why haven't you built any slug eyes yet this rev? We have the wool and everything! Also, what's your best memory of the nerd servers?
  14. :O Right in the feels. You'd probably be still trapped in those labyrinthine mines. Damn it, Cakesphere. EDIT: And, for a question. What do you see as the biggest problem with S right now, and how can we move past it?
  15. What sort of outcome would you like to see as a result of winning a duel? I like the wager system described in this post. I would like for it to show up in chat, similar to the red kill messages, but in another color -blue?-. "So and so dueled X for Y diamonds, and won/lost!" I think it'd be useful if winning a duel gave you something like a 30 second speed (or invisibilty) potion effect, alongside the lightning strike that used to be typical upon armored kills.The lightning strike/death message would potentially bring out pvpers looking to vulture in after a fight, and the potion potion effect would make it easier for the winner to attempt to run and chest their won goods. What requirements should there be (if any) for allowing a duel to take place? Out of spawn, for the obvious reasons. Put a minimum wager on it so people don't spam the hell out it / constantly do it for whatever buff might be put on it. Should duels have limitations to them? Put an expiration on them - like an hour. Should there be the ability to cancel the duel at any time? Yes. I think it'd also be neat to be able to have multiple people in a single 'duel' . Say I want to /duel Slugfrompluto and JackTheLumberr for 30 diamonds. It'd be nice for that to work, and the last man standing to get all 90 diamonds.
  16. Unbanned per DrMantas Request
  17. I appreciate your follow through, and even going so far as to explain how you broke each of them. It shows you have a much firmer understanding of the rules than when I banned you. Thank you! I'm unbanning you now, I suggest reading the rules in spawn one last time, and then have fun!
  18. How can we work towards improving C's low average player count?
  19. I appreciate your honesty, that'll expedite this process. It's very uncommon for us to issue a permaban on the servers, and I don't see the need in an incident like this. Please remember to replace what you break. Although pvp is actively encouraged on these servers, taking other peoples blocks or crops (without replanting) is not. Please read the rules (http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules) and reply here, citing which you broke, and I'll see your unbanned.
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