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Posts posted by kittypuppet

  1. C just crashed at 3:45ish PM PST today during the speedbuild competition.

    Though I personally doubt the clock has anything to do with it, a lot of people were saying that maybe the clock was causing the lag (for them). Lots of block lag going on, also I had to fly over everything to reload the chunks or I'd see invisible blocks being placed and broken.

    Despite this, the lag has been ongoing since the beginning of August for me.


    3:56PM PST - timed out again. I got this when I refreshed: http://i.imgur.com/IAAnJAk.png


    4:02PM PST - the server came back up, but it also rolled back about 3 - 5 minutes. 

  2. Yep, it's been the same way for me Taco. Since the beginning of august I've noticed it's slowly gotten laggier.


    Today it lags to all hell when I just fly, it's really choppy. Also, I have to pause every few seconds when placing blocks to make sure they register.

  3. 1:52AM PST - I finished building my doorway when suddenly I got kicked back a few blocks, and my work had been undone. A lot of other people just got kicked from it as well. 


    Will post further lagspikes/problems I run into on C here.

  4. With name change being a thing/becoming a thing, how will you guys handle it in the case of bans?


    I'm not 100% sure that you guys ban by IP, considering proxies and universities/schools sharing IPs are a thing, so I would like to know, for a peace of mind, how you would go about handling it? 

  5. I used to play on a server where /AFK was enabled - basically you enter the command and it tells everyone you're AFK (*<player name> is now AFK), and when you come back you re-enter it and it pulls you out of it (*<player name> is no longer AFK).


    Maybe even have /AFK move you to spawn or even the lobby, and when you re-enter it it essentially spawns you back in your previous location (/back basically)? I feel like it could be helpful. Would it even be possible to find a way so when you do /list, it shows who's AFK and such? I feel like that could be super useful.

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