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Everything posted by totemo
It's a new year and time for me to change my focus. So I'm stepping down from my role as a technical administrator and I'll ask another tech to remove all of my permissions shortly. I do not intend to stay on as a moderator. I plan to continue updating my client mod, Watson, and I expect I will occasionally write server plugins as time permits. If the need arises I'll still be contactable on these forums, the subreddit and the email address associated with my github. I started playing Minecraft in October of 2010. The earliest screenshot that I still retain shows version Alpha 1.1.2_01. I first played on Reddit Public during the tail end of PvE Rev 1, probably during late February 2011. I also briefly played on Survival - probably Rev 4 - at this time. I was present for the bewildering initial hours of PvE Rev 2 when the server was suddenly reset following instability. My experiences of that revision got me hooked and I've been a fixture on PvE ever since. During PvE Rev 5, in September or October of 2011 I became a moderator and 7 months ago I joined the tech team. I've had the privilege of being involved in the move of the server to it's new hardware and hosting environment, and being instrumental in the transition from Bukkit to Spigot. I've also made numerous minor improvements to facilities for players and staff alike. My proudest achievements, though, were the most recent CTF event and the seasonal events on PvE for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year. For a programmer, there really is no better feeling than seeing others enjoying one's creations. My involvement with the servers has been quite a journey for me. I've, quite unexpectedly, learned a lot about human nature and the dynamics of organisations, as well as picking up a few new technical tricks. My thanks and best wishes go to all those with whom I've had the pleasure of building over the years. You know who you are. Thanks also to all of the staff for their support and counsel, and particularly to my fellow techs, the PvE admins with whom I've worked closely on numerous occasions, the S admins and the heads.
- 34 replies
- 27
Closing this appeal now due to lack of response. Actually having done the grief in question is no obstacle to being unbanned. We merely want you to follow the rules from now on. Appeal again if you would like a second chance.
Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below, stating that you will abide by them. Then I, or whichever staff member comes along next will unban you.
Although you were careful enough to not use the same IP for the xraying alts as your primary accounts, you inevitably established a connection by the need to exchange items between accounts.
My further remarks on the 20th: Adding the relevant server logs from evert_dutch: Notable: 12:58:03 - Skewer logs out 12:59:45 - evert_dutch logs in at as a brand new player 13:01:27 - Skewer logs in at at his base near the portal 13:02:34 - evert_dutch kills Skewer with a written book - Skewer drops the E4ST1U3 diamond pick that evert_dutch uses to mine. He drops no armour and just a stone sword. 13:09:36 - 13:13:06 - evert_dutch xrays diamonds (see screenshot at bottom) 13:16:22 - Skewer kills evert_dutch who drops the diamond pick, 31 diamond ore, and the proceeds of griefing Dando2's base, including 2 diamond blocks, 4 gold blocks, 14 iron blocks and 21 lapis blocks. 13:17:53 - Skewer logs out again. 13:19:31 - Skewer logs back in again at his portal base. 13:20:13 - Skewer dies by falling, presumably from the railway above his portal base. He drops the E4ST1U3 diamond pick again and the iron blocks. The diamond ores and the other proceeds of griefing Dando2's base are already stowed in Skewer's chest. 13:22:07 - 13:26:46 - evert_dutch xrays diamonds (see screenshot at bottom) 13:34:54 - evert_dutch dies by falling, dropping another 36 diamond ore and the E4ST1U3 diamond pickaxe. Also some iron and gold ores. 2013-08-17 12:44:59 | Skewer killed Evil_Person with a stone sword 2013-08-17 12:45:10 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer, 1xSTONE_SWORD:10(DAMAGE_ALL:4,FIRE_ASPECT:2,DURABILITY:3), 8xCARROT_ITEM:0 2013-08-17 12:45:10 | Skewer fell from a high place 2013-08-17 12:45:51 | TopHatJohn killed Skewer with a iron axe 2013-08-17 12:45:51 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer 2013-08-17 12:46:42 | Skewer killed TopHatJohn with a fist 2013-08-17 12:46:46 | <Skewer> wtf lol 2013-08-17 12:47:03 | CH: Running original command on player Skewer ----> /modlist 2013-08-17 12:47:24 | Skewer killed TopHatJohn with a stone sword 2013-08-17 12:47:28 | TopHatJohn killed Skewer with a fist 2013-08-17 12:47:28 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer, 1xSTONE_SWORD:19 2013-08-17 12:47:42 | Skewer lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 12:47:42 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-17 12:54:58 | Skewer has 4 notes. 2013-08-17 12:54:58 | Skewer[/iP EXPUNGED:50851] logged in with entity id 261605 at ([world] -28.016809524290355, 74.0, 1.386245179705355) 2013-08-17 12:54:58 | [strikeDeath] Skewer + K:D - Deaths: 95 Kills: 173 2013-08-17 12:58:03 | Skewer lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 12:58:03 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-17 12:59:45 | evert_dutch[/iP EXPUNGED:53989] logged in with entity id 292726 at ([world] 0.5, 108.0, -2.5) 2013-08-17 12:59:45 | [strikeDeath] evert_dutch + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 0 2013-08-17 13:01:27 | Skewer has 4 notes. 2013-08-17 13:01:27 | Skewer[/iP EXPUNGED:51048] logged in with entity id 304724 at ([world] -300.5693903565421, 73.0, -15.080161640067756) 2013-08-17 13:01:27 | [strikeDeath] Skewer + K:D - Deaths: 95 Kills: 173 2013-08-17 13:02:34 | evert_dutch killed Skewer with a written book 2013-08-17 13:02:34 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer, 1xSTONE_SWORD:8, 1xDIAMOND_PICKAXE:0(DIG_SPEED:4,SILK_TOUCH:1,DURABILITY:3) 2013-08-17 13:02:34 | evert_dutch killed Skewer with a written book 2013-08-17 13:06:41 | evert_dutch lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 13:06:41 | §eevert_dutch left the game. 2013-08-17 13:06:46 | evert_dutch[/iP EXPUNGED:54087] logged in with entity id 326468 at ([world] -497.54218486028844, 76.0, 23.366305818106724) 2013-08-17 13:06:46 | [strikeDeath] evert_dutch + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 1 2013-08-17 13:07:31 | [NoCheatPlus] evert_dutch failed SurvivalFly: tried to move from -501.38, 45.85, 32.48 to -501.38, 45.41, 32.48 over a distance of 0.45 block(s). VL 1427. 2013-08-17 13:08:21 | evert_dutch lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 13:08:21 | §eevert_dutch left the game. 2013-08-17 13:08:27 | evert_dutch[/iP EXPUNGED:54100] logged in with entity id 337934 at ([world] -501.375974179794, 28.0, 32.47975410954075) 2013-08-17 13:08:27 | [strikeDeath] evert_dutch + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 1 2013-08-17 13:08:49 | evert_dutch lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 13:08:49 | §eevert_dutch left the game. 2013-08-17 13:08:53 | evert_dutch[/iP EXPUNGED:54110] logged in with entity id 343620 at ([world] -501.375974179794, 22.0, 32.47975410954075) 2013-08-17 13:08:53 | [strikeDeath] evert_dutch + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 1 2013-08-17 13:10:37 | [NoCheatPlus] evert_dutch failed WrongBlock: broke another block than clicked. VL 31. 2013-08-17 13:10:37 | §eevert_dutch left the game. 2013-08-17 13:10:37 | [NoCheatPlus] (CONSOLE) Kicked evert_dutch : Block breaking out of sync! 2013-08-17 13:10:44 | evert_dutch[/iP EXPUNGED:54130] logged in with entity id 365609 at ([world] -499.50868863980395, 5.0, 65.75172159536244) 2013-08-17 13:10:44 | [strikeDeath] evert_dutch + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 1 2013-08-17 13:10:49 | [NoCheatPlus] evert_dutch failed WrongBlock: broke another block than clicked. VL 32. 2013-08-17 13:10:49 | §eevert_dutch left the game. 2013-08-17 13:10:49 | [NoCheatPlus] (CONSOLE) Kicked evert_dutch : Block breaking out of sync! 2013-08-17 13:10:57 | evert_dutch[/iP EXPUNGED:54137] logged in with entity id 367319 at ([world] -499.50868863980395, 5.0, 65.75172159536244) 2013-08-17 13:10:57 | [strikeDeath] evert_dutch + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 1 2013-08-17 13:16:22 | Skewer killed evert_dutch with a stone sword 2013-08-17 13:16:22 | [KitchenSink] [drops] evert_dutch, 1xDIAMOND_PICKAXE:-108(DIG_SPEED:4,SILK_TOUCH:1,DURABILITY:3), 57xSTONE:0, 1xSTONE_SWORD:13, 35xDIRT:0, 18xCARROT_ITEM:0, 2xDIAMOND_BLOCK:0, 4xGOLD_BLOCK:0, 14xIRON_BLOCK:0, 21xLAPIS_BLOCK:0, 2xREDSTONE_ORE:0, 1xTORCH:0, 64xSTONE:0, 2xCOAL_ORE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 31xDIAMOND_ORE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 27xIRON_ORE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 1xWRITTEN_BOOK:0, 1xGOLD_ORE:0, 54xSTONE:0, 15xGRAVEL:0 2013-08-17 13:17:53 | Skewer lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 13:17:53 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-17 13:19:07 | Trooprm32 issued server command: /trace-r evert_dutch 2013-08-17 13:19:10 | CH: Running original command on player Trooprm32 ----> /trace-r evert_dutch 10 2013-08-17 13:19:29 | [WARNING] evert_dutch moved wrongly! 2013-08-17 13:19:31 | Skewer has 4 notes. 2013-08-17 13:19:31 | Skewer[/iP EXPUNGED:51187] logged in with entity id 424474 at ([world] -301.69999998807907, 73.0, -13.837506094387495) 2013-08-17 13:19:31 | [strikeDeath] Skewer + K:D - Deaths: 96 Kills: 174 2013-08-17 13:20:13 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer, 21xCARROT_ITEM:0, 1xDIAMOND_PICKAXE:-108(DIG_SPEED:4,SILK_TOUCH:1,DURABILITY:3), 64xSTONE:0, 35xDIRT:0, 64xSEEDS:0, 1xSTONE_PICKAXE:7, 1xIRON_SWORD:40(DAMAGE_ALL:4,FIRE_ASPECT:2), 64xSTONE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 1xWRITTEN_BOOK:0, 47xSTONE:0, 14xIRON_BLOCK:0, 1xSTONE_SWORD:13, 2xTORCH:0, 5xSTRING:0, 1xIRON_PICKAXE:-12, 14xLOG:0 2013-08-17 13:20:13 | Skewer fell from a high place 2013-08-17 13:20:52 | Skewer pressed button at -171x, 65y, 7z 2013-08-17 13:21:14 | Dando2 killed Skewer with a potion 2013-08-17 13:21:14 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer 2013-08-17 13:21:58 | CH: Running original command on player Trooprm32 ----> /trace evert_dutch 2013-08-17 13:22:21 | Skewer killed Dando2 with a stone sword 2013-08-17 13:24:26 | Trooprm32 issued server command: /trace-r evert_dutch 2013-08-17 13:24:28 | CH: Running original command on player Trooprm32 ----> /trace-r evert_dutch 10 2013-08-17 13:24:31 | Skewer issued server command: /lock 2013-08-17 13:24:36 | Skewer issued server command: /lock 2013-08-17 13:24:45 | CH: Running original command on player Trooprm32 ----> /lbrb-r evert_dutch 10 2013-08-17 13:24:46 | Skewer issued server command: /lock punchmytree 2013-08-17 13:25:02 | Skewer issued server command: /lock punchmytree 2013-08-17 13:26:03 | CH: Running original command on player buzzie71 ----> /trace evert_dutch 2013-08-17 13:26:53 | CH: Running original command on player Trooprm32 ----> /trace evert_dutch 2013-08-17 13:27:01 | buzzie71 issued server command: /lb player evert_dutch block diamond_ore since 7d sum b 2013-08-17 13:29:15 | buzzie71 issued server command: /lb player evert_dutch block diamond_ore coords 2013-08-17 13:29:20 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer, 1xSTONE_SWORD:103 2013-08-17 13:29:20 | Skewer was slain by Zombie Pigman 2013-08-17 13:31:13 | buzzie71 issued server command: /lb area 5 player evert_dutch sum b 2013-08-17 13:33:52 | Skewer killed Orochikaku with a stone sword 2013-08-17 13:34:15 | <Skewer> yep 2013-08-17 13:34:54 | [KitchenSink] [drops] evert_dutch, 41xCARROT_ITEM:0, 1xSTONE_SWORD:13, 64xSTONE:0, 64xSEEDS:0, 64xSTONE:0, 1xDIAMOND_PICKAXE:30(DIG_SPEED:4,SILK_TOUCH:1,DURABILITY:3), 40xSTONE:0, 1xIRON_PICKAXE:-12, 5xSTRING:0, 14xLOG:0, 64xSTONE:0, 1xSTONE_PICKAXE:7, 1xIRON_SWORD:40(DAMAGE_ALL:4,FIRE_ASPECT:2), 64xSTONE:0, 1xWRITTEN_BOOK:0, 14xIRON_BLOCK:0, 3xTORCH:0, 46xDIRT:0, 64xSTONE:0, 36xDIAMOND_ORE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 23xIRON_ORE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 18xGRAVEL:0, 64xSTONE:0, 7xCOAL_ORE:0, 64xSTONE:0, 14xGOLD_ORE:0, 6xSTONE:0, 1xLAPIS_ORE:0, 2xGRASS:0, 8xNETHER_BRICK:0, 8xICE:0, 7xSMOOTH_BRICK:0, 1xNETHER_BRICK_STAIRS:0, 3xIRON_FENCE:0 2013-08-17 13:34:54 | evert_dutch fell from a high place 2013-08-17 13:34:55 | CH: Running original command on player Skewer ----> /modlist 2013-08-17 13:34:59 | <evert_dutch> omg 2013-08-17 13:35:03 | <evert_dutch> fuck this server 2013-08-17 13:35:35 | <evert_dutch> omg i hate this :((( 2013-08-17 13:35:38 | <evert_dutch> FKFKFKFKF 2013-08-17 13:35:40 | evert_dutch lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 13:35:40 | §eevert_dutch left the game. 2013-08-17 13:35:43 | CH: Running original command on player Trooprm32 ----> /ban evert_dutch Grief of solid ore blocks on S 2013-08-17 13:35:43 | [MCBouncer] Trooprm32 banning evert_dutch - Grief of solid ore blocks on S nerd.nu/appeal 2013-08-17 13:35:43 | User evert_dutch has been banned by Trooprm32. (Grief of solid ore blocks on S nerd.nu/appeal) 2013-08-17 13:37:00 | Skewer lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-17 13:37:00 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-17 14:29:41 | PunchMyTree has 6 notes. 2013-08-17 14:29:41 | PunchMyTree[/iP EXPUNGED:56300] logged in with entity id 947734 at ([world] 0.22293038445122396, 102.5, 7.9492643584407165) 2013-08-17 14:29:41 | [strikeDeath] PunchMyTree + K:D - Deaths: 66 Kills: 93 2013-08-17 14:31:01 | §ePunchMyTree left the game.
My initial remarks on Aug 20, 2013: Oh and one final point I missed before I think: both evert_dutch and jaymie129 left empty ender chests. I copied their player data to mine to check. They also did not place any chests, trapped chests, furnaces, hoppers, droppers or dispensers.
Further remarks by me on the 19th: Extracts from traces: PunchMyTree: created 143, destroyed 147 diamond oreAll except 4 of these in their portal base. Skewer: created 67, destroyed 84 diamond ore All except 17 of these in the portal base. Wakaru mined 8 diamonds underground and that is all. All diamond deposits. Note that placed, silk touched diamonds get condensed down into a single deposit of just a few. Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] There are 46 ore deposits. Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 1) 08-10 19:40:12 ( -299 12 20) 56 [ 4] Skewer Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 2) 08-10 20:20:16 ( -393 14 28) 56 [ 8] Wakaru Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 3) 08-11 14:24:16 (-1123 10 -521) 56 [ 4] PunchMyTree Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 4) 08-11 14:31:53 (-1121 12 -589) 56 [ 6] Skewer Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 5) 08-11 14:35:34 (-1109 9 -598) 56 [ 7] Skewer Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 6) 08-15 09:36:10 ( -298 73 -17) 56 [12] PunchMyTree Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 7) 08-18 14:23:17 ( -662 3 -75) 56 [ 5] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 8) 08-18 14:23:51 ( -670 3 -78) 56 [ 2] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 9) 08-18 14:24:25 ( -653 5 -63) 56 [ 5] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 10) 08-18 14:25:42 ( -628 13 -65) 56 [ 4] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 11) 08-18 14:26:43 ( -619 6 -79) 56 [ 4] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 12) 08-18 14:27:02 ( -609 8 -76) 56 [ 5] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 13) 08-18 14:27:42 ( -635 6 -84) 56 [ 5] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 14) 08-18 14:28:05 ( -635 3 -101) 56 [ 7] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 15) 08-18 14:29:36 ( -647 7 -117) 56 [ 4] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 16) 08-18 14:29:54 ( -662 7 -116) 56 [ 6] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 17) 08-18 14:30:24 ( -672 10 -111) 56 [ 4] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 18) 08-18 14:30:52 ( -697 10 -113) 56 [ 6] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 19) 08-18 14:32:12 ( -694 9 -137) 56 [ 6] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 20) 08-18 14:32:31 ( -696 9 -144) 56 [ 6] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 21) 08-18 14:33:17 ( -706 6 -136) 56 [ 5] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 22) 08-18 14:34:06 ( -708 7 -160) 56 [ 4] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 23) 08-18 14:34:16 ( -715 8 -153) 56 [ 5] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 24) 08-18 14:34:27 ( -722 9 -153) 56 [ 8] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 25) 08-18 14:35:04 ( -708 7 -179) 56 [ 8] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 26) 08-18 14:35:48 ( -727 8 -191) 56 [ 4] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 27) 08-18 14:36:16 ( -745 11 -189) 56 [ 5] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 28) 08-18 14:37:53 ( -772 13 -189) 56 [ 4] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 29) 08-18 14:38:16 ( -773 5 -203) 56 [ 6] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 30) 08-18 14:38:34 ( -781 7 -208) 56 [ 6] jaymie129 Client> 2013-08-19 20:45:28 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ( 31) 08-18 14:39:13 ( -786 9 -189) 56 [ 6] jaymie129 From the above list of ore deposits (Watson) we can see that by actual mining: Skewer mined 3 diamond deposits of 4, 6 and 7 (total 17) diamonds. PunchMyTree mined 4 diamonds. Wakaru mined 8 diamonds only In total, Skewer and PunchMyTree have aquired mined 21 diamonds in the wild but 210 diamond ore are unaccounted for. I have been taking screenshots of all of these things including the contents of the chests in the base. It seems that most of the diamonds are in those chests at the portal base still. I feel that I've spent too much time on this now. Will post more screenshots later. However, I will note the following facts from the logs: jaymie129's first edit was just down the road (away from spawn) from Skewer/PunchMyTree's base. His last edit was back up the road towards spawn, where he griefed Dando2's lapis floor (for the second time in as many days), at 14:47, two minutes before he died with almost no items on him. Skewer's many button presses were on the railway line above his portal base. Skewer's log in coordinates after restart were just behind the iron door (safe side) at his portal base. There's also a suspicious amount of lapis blocks in Skewer's chest. Note that the first time Dando2's lapis floor was griefed, it had diamond and I think gold blocks in it too. Maybe Skewer is sentimental about his trophies. Skewer has mined a total of 5 lapis ore. PunchMyTree has mined none. Wakaru none also. None of these players has any edits of condensed lapis blocks. evert_dutch, the other tplayer who xrayed and then griefed Dando2's floor mined 67 diamond ore, coincidentally the exact number that Sketwer placed. evert_dutch also broke exactly 21 lapis blocks - the same number in Skewer's chest. Also 2 diamond blocks - the same number as in Skewer's chest. And 4 Gold blocks.. Skewer's chest contains 3 gold blocks and 3 gold bars. Skewer, PunchMyTree and Wakaru have mined 7, 24 and 2 (total 33) gold ore between them. Some gold could conceivably have been acquired from pigmen. Screenshots below illustrate these points: I also have screenshots of their respective ender chests (Wakaru has nothing in his) and I'll post those later. Dando2's base lapis and spawn to the left. Skewer's base centre. jaymie129's first (crop) edits to the right. Skewer's Chest: PunchMyTree's top chest: Evert Dutch: Lapis: Skewer's button: Skewer's login point: It would seem to me that evert_dutch and jaymie129 were in fact carbon copy incidents where xray was used, Dando2's base was griefed and diamond ores were dropped off to Skewer through the door of his base.
My remarks in admin discussions from Aug 19, 2013: We had an xrayer on survival today named jaymie129. He was on for just 30 minutes and mined 133 diamond ore. About an hour later, PunchMyTree broke 130 diamond ore. PunchMyTree has virtually no diamond edits apart from placing and breaking ores. The normal trace of someone who was silk touching diamonds and taking them back to base to fortune them would show approximately twice as many destructions as diamond ore constructions. Whereas PunchMyTree and his clan mate Skewer both have about equal numbers of diamond ore constructions and destructions each. The other clan member, Wakaru, has too few diamond edits to mention. Timeline today: Note that: jaymie129 died carrying coal ore, likely indicating that someone gave him a silk touch pick. He logs in after restart at the same time as Skewer, but so did just everybody else. 2013-08-18 12:40:05 | PunchMyTree lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-18 12:40:05 | §ePunchMyTree left the game. 2013-08-18 13:02:39 | PunchMyTree has 6 notes. 2013-08-18 13:02:39 | PunchMyTree[/iP EXPUNGED:52145] logged in with entity id 440226 at ([world] -177.00515750760945, 63.0, 1.4785911173099753) 2013-08-18 13:02:39 | [strikeDeath] PunchMyTree + K:D - Deaths: 96 Kills: 158 2013-08-18 13:02:46 | CH: Running original command on player PunchMyTree ----> /modlist 2013-08-18 13:03:03 | PunchMyTree lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-18 13:03:03 | §ePunchMyTree left the game. 2013-08-18 14:06:50 | Skewer pressed button at -299x, 133y, -17z 2013-08-18 14:08:41 | Skewer pressed button at -299x, 133y, -17z 2013-08-18 14:09:44 | Skewer killed Emercery with a bow 2013-08-18 14:12:43 | <Skewer> LOL 2013-08-18 14:12:59 | [WARNING] Skewer moved wrongly! 2013-08-18 14:12:59 | GetaFever killed Skewer with a iron sword 2013-08-18 14:12:59 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer, 1xMINECART:0, 3xBAKED_POTATO:0, 1xIRON_PICKAXE:11, 1xIRON_SWORD:-89(FIRE_ASPECT:2), 49xSMOOTH_BRICK:0, 1xBOW:21, 2xSTONE:0 2013-08-18 14:18:26 | jaymie129[/iP EXPUNGED:49948] logged in with entity id 1615290 at ([world] -1.5, 108.0, -1.5) 2013-08-18 14:18:26 | [strikeDeath] jaymie129 + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 0 2013-08-18 14:23:14 | Skewer pressed button at -294x, 75y, -10z 2013-08-18 14:23:39 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 14:23:42 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 14:23:49 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 14:24:35 | Skewer issued server command: /lock wakaru punchmytree 2013-08-18 14:25:22 | Skewer issued server command: /lock wakaru punchmytree 2013-08-18 14:31:01 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-18 14:31:01 | §ejaymie129 left the game. 2013-08-18 14:31:11 # starting minecraft server 2013-08-18 14:31:25 | Skewer has 4 notes. 2013-08-18 14:31:26 | Skewer[/iP EXPUNGED:51279] logged in with entity id 981 at ([world] -300.01102544286346, 73.0, -13.699999988079076) 2013-08-18 14:31:26 | [strikeDeath] Skewer + K:D - Deaths: 128 Kills: 245 2013-08-18 14:31:26 | jaymie129[/iP EXPUNGED:50275] logged in with entity id 1784 at ([world] -695.5386320650983, 10.0, -115.10073415698486) 2013-08-18 14:31:26 | [strikeDeath] jaymie129 + K:D - Deaths: 0 Kills: 0 2013-08-18 14:33:24 | Skewer issued server command: /lock wakaru punchmytree 2013-08-18 14:36:35 | Skewer lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-18 14:36:35 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-18 14:37:37 | Skewer has 4 notes. 2013-08-18 14:37:37 | Skewer[/iP EXPUNGED:51288] logged in with entity id 52647 at ([world] -313.69999998807907, 148.0, 5.682850076130004) 2013-08-18 14:37:37 | [strikeDeath] Skewer + K:D - Deaths: 128 Kills: 245 2013-08-18 14:39:15 | Skewer issued server command: /lock wakaru punchmytree 2013-08-18 14:49:15 | [KitchenSink] [drops] jaymie129, 1xWRITTEN_BOOK:0, 1xWRITTEN_BOOK:0, 11xCARROT_ITEM:0, 49xDIRT:0, 14xSTONE:0, 17xCOAL_ORE:0, 7xSAND:0 2013-08-18 14:49:15 | jaymie129 fell from a high place 2013-08-18 14:49:39 | jaymie129 lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-18 14:49:39 | §ejaymie129 left the game. 2013-08-18 14:51:02 | Skewer lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-18 14:51:02 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-18 14:52:00 | PunchMyTree has 6 notes. 2013-08-18 14:52:00 | PunchMyTree[/iP EXPUNGED:50809] logged in with entity id 228402 at ([world] -295.3082137044564, 73.0, -1.4697873551312672) 2013-08-18 14:52:00 | [strikeDeath] PunchMyTree + K:D - Deaths: 96 Kills: 158 2013-08-18 14:52:12 | CH: Running original command on player PunchMyTree ----> /mail inbox 2013-08-18 14:52:46 | [KitchenSink] [drops] PunchMyTree 2013-08-18 14:52:46 | PunchMyTree fell from a high place 2013-08-18 14:56:53 | <PunchMyTree> hiya 2013-08-18 14:56:57 | <PunchMyTree> please leave 2013-08-18 14:56:58 | <PunchMyTree> :) 2013-08-18 15:11:12 | Skewer has 4 notes. 2013-08-18 15:11:12 | Skewer[/iP EXPUNGED:51805] logged in with entity id 471667 at ([world] -282.7149468663285, 126.0, -17.48926238248764) 2013-08-18 15:11:12 | [strikeDeath] Skewer + K:D - Deaths: 128 Kills: 245 2013-08-18 15:15:09 | [NoCheatPlus] Skewer failed SurvivalFly: tried to move from -281.41, 125.23, -17.40 to -281.55, 125.08, -17.40 over a distance of 0.21 block(s). VL 1215. 2013-08-18 15:15:11 | §eSkewer left the game. 2013-08-18 15:15:11 | [NoCheatPlus] (CONSOLE) Kicked Skewer : Kicked for flying (or related) 2013-08-18 15:15:17 | Skewer has 4 notes. 2013-08-18 15:15:17 | Skewer[/iP EXPUNGED:51812] logged in with entity id 538840 at ([world] -284.5456422128222, 128.07835507270218, -17.408891466681922) 2013-08-18 15:15:17 | [strikeDeath] Skewer + K:D - Deaths: 128 Kills: 245 2013-08-18 15:16:41 | Skewer pressed button at -299x, 133y, -17z 2013-08-18 15:18:05 | Skewer pressed button at -299x, 133y, -17z 2013-08-18 15:18:10 | [KitchenSink] [drops] Skewer, 2xSPIDER_EYE:0, 6xCARROT_ITEM:0, 6xSMOOTH_BRICK:0, 4xCOBBLESTONE:0, 1xSTEP:5, 8xIRON_ORE:0, 1xSTONE_PICKAXE:88, 1xSTRING:0, 2xSUGAR_CANE:0, 4xWOOD:0 2013-08-18 15:18:10 | Skewer fell from a high place 2013-08-18 15:21:33 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 15:21:34 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 15:21:34 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 15:21:36 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 15:23:04 | Skewer pressed button at -299x, 133y, -17z 2013-08-18 15:25:42 | Skewer pressed button at -297x, 102y, -14z 2013-08-18 15:25:50 | Skewer pressed button at -294x, 75y, -10z
Diamond ore edits: PunchMyTree placing and breaking 130 silk-touched diamond ores on the day that jaymie129 was banned for xray: Skewer's trace showing placement and destruction of 67 silk-touched diamond ores in addition to 17 diamond destructions "in the wild":
To the second matter: xraying with alts. I'm dealing with you, Skewer, and PunchMyTree as one indivisible unit. By your own testimony you are brothers: You live together (in real life and in game) and you both benefited from xraying. Of the 84 diamond ores broken by Skewer, 67 were silk-touched by evert_dutch, who was banned for xraying. evert_dutch was a brand new player who used a silk-touch diamond pickaxe that he acquired firstly from Skewer by killing Skewer with the rule book (as if Skewer would allow himself to be killed). After evert_dutch had xrayed 31 diamond ores, Skewer kills him for the ores and the diamond pickaxe. Four minutes later, Skewer suicides by jumping off the railway tower at his base, again dropping the pickaxe so that evert_dutch can xray and silk touch the remaining 36 ores of the 67. I have no doubt that evert_dutch was under the control of one of either Skewer or PunchMyTree. In the linked CivCraft appeal "Our Apology", PunchMyTree states that "event_dutch" (a deliberate but subtle misspelling intended to grant some plausible deniability and protect the name of the real alt, evert_dutch) is his alternate account. PunchMyTree acquired 130 diamond ores from jaymie129, also banned for xray. PunchMyTree has two prior bans for xray: http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/14902 http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/66013 PunchMyTree's prior xray bans factored into the ban duration I imposed, together with the two xray incidents here by alternate accounts. The most blatant evidence in this is the passing of the silk touch diamond pickaxe between Skewer and evert_dutch, back and forth a couple of times, while conveniently moving diamond ores to the Skewer/PunchMyTree base. For the remainder of the evidence I am simply going to copy my remarks from admin discussions, with personally identifying IP addresses expunged. More to follow shortly.
To the first matter: accessing chests through walls:
Indeed. Although I still have many technical tasks on my plate, the festive season is now over and I have had some time to reflect on these appeals. I will finalise this appeal by this time tomorrow.
Nonsense. With the exception of the base area protection and some glitz to do with flags and buffs, it's practically the same configuration as Survival. In the base areas, the WorldGuard region makes it directly analogous to a large town on PvE. It only takes one player with an agenda and region membership to cause a lot of disruption and extra work. We have a steady influx of people who would do it, given the chance. LogBlock does a poor job of rolling back liquids still, as slide points out.
During CTF event, the heads thought it would be a really great idea to give the staff a break from all the water modreqs and instructed me to turn off SafeBuckets. Well, of course, it didn't take long before blue base was covered in lava, and then the staff really had some work to do. The reason we don't have much visible grief in any given place is because of WorldGuard, SafeBuckets and a lot of time donated by the staff. Of course we need to restrict flowing liquids. Anyone who says otherwise either has a short memory or is ignorant of the realities.
I wish I knew more about this stuff. I haven't had much time to play this rev. Last rev, when I set up a couple of chest sorting machines I had no end of frustration, either from them getting stuck due to being active on restarts, or items going into the wrong chests because of overflow on the sorting mechanism. I ended up adding an overflow detection circuit that sets an RS-NOR latch to disable the whole thing. I think that hoppers are inherently pretty flaky. I would recommend that you introduce a circuit at the item input that throttles the rate at which items enter the system (add an extra chest to buffer the items and use a comparator to sense the presence of an item in the buffer chest and only enable the hopper that feeds the buffer chest when it is empty).
Ban for tranimal on c.nerd.nu for griefing bookshelves on S nerd.nu/appeal by dan1son on 2012-07-18 20:46:23 (no more bans, no notes) Please be patient while you wait for dan1son to respond. If he has not answered in 48 hours, feel free to bump this post. Until then, please refrain from posting.
Thank you for the detailed answer. I note that you are a relatively new player, and that makes me more willing to accept that you were not aware of the broader context of the kind of gameplay we try to foster on P. I'm unbanning you now.
Seems like Ooer is on holiday. The logs of your edits have expired. I see from the chat logs that you said some alarming things about griefing the house in question and later clarifed that you were joking. However, we have no confirmation from FLoaf that you had his consent. We only have your word. It's because of situations like this that we don't want players to remove each other's builds unless there is some really clear indication of shared ownership, like, for example, a WorldGuard region in both your names. Please leave other people's builds alone in future to avoid these kinds of problems.
The /enchant-book command was unintentionally available to players as the result of a single-letter typo in the file describing the command's permissions. You used the command 170 times between the 15th and 25th of December. I can see from what you say in chat that you also consider books to be quite valuable. You expressed your distress at dying and possibly losing 20 of them while transporting them for sale to other players. This is despite the books costing no XP at all and leather being very cheap on PvE due to the mob drop buff. What I am most curious about is whether you completed any sales with other players, and if so whom, and whether you passed on any books or enchanted items to other players that were enchanted by the use of this command, irrespective of whether payment was involved.
#22 - 24 13:28:40 - 13:28:49 you dug into the floor of one of your clanmate's branch mines and spiralled down to lava-adjacent diamond: #25 - 26 13:24:44 - 13:24:49 more pre-exposed well lit ore, fitting the pattern of xray texture pack
Allow me to say up front, before it gets mired in the details: You're banned for a month. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 29th of January, stating that you will abide by them from now on. Also: feigning righteous indignation does nothing to help your chances. Now onto your edits: 26 diamond ores in 8 deposits. Ore blocks numbered in reverse order by time stamp, so #1 is the most recent: Ores #1 - 4 13:57:05 - 13:57:11 exposed in branch mine, possibly legitimate #5 - 9 13:53:10 - 13:53:48 exposed in abandoned mine, not worth my time to contest this though it fits the pattern of texture pack usage. #10 - 11 13:50:53 - 13:50:56 also exposed in abandoned mine And now it gets interesting: #12 13:49:10 Single ore block under lava. You backed up from the end of the tunnel (torch in screenshot) and mined the ore from below. #13 - 16 13:36:07 - 13:36:15 to the side of someone else's existing walkway over lava; your edits around there are minimal demonstrating how you homed in on the diamond under lava #17 - 21 13:31:23 - 13:31:36 Spiral down to a lava-adjacent diamond. Remainder of the screenshots/edits in the next comment.
The server logs clearly show that 99zombies made a mess of this floor and destroyed more carrots than were planted. Who am I talking to? What is your in-game name?
I still haven't had time to update the client mod, so here are a few screenshots from the time of the ban:
I was hoping to get Watson updated for 1.7 and produce better screenshots for this appeal but I've just had too much to do. Previous appeals: Fly hacking: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/695-nos-pumas-smiler100/#entry4579 Solemn oaths made in reference to said fly hacking: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/825-nos-pumas-smiler100/ Xray: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/157-nos-pumas-cmdrtebok/ Griefing: http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/18465/nos_pumas-tharine/p1 Racism: http://nerd.nu/archives/index.php?p=/discussion/18568/nos_pumas-buzzie71/p1 In light of the previous xray ban and the flying, I'm setting the ban duration at 2 months. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 22nd of February 2014. Here are some assorted screenshots of some of the tunnels you made to dungeons:
There was a single letter typo in the plugin file that sets the permission for that command, allowing it to be used contrary to our wishes. I note that you are a relatively new player on the server and for that reason I don't think it is reasonable for us to expect you to question the game-breaking nature of the command. So even though you used it quite a few times, I'm unbanning you today. I ask in future that if something appears to be too good to be true that you question it with a staff member. And if there are books or enchanted items that you still have that you would not have without the use of the command, please surrender them. I've gone through your and jakesboy2's inventories and chests (with a brief look at navyvinny) and confiscated any items that appear to have resulted from the illegitimate use of the command. You're now unbanned.