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Everything posted by Bluuefuzzy

  1. Thank you for taking the time to read the rules. I'll unban you exactly 24 hours since you were banned, which will be a little over three hours from now.
  2. You have been banned for Grief, Block spam on P nerd.nu/appeal You've had previous warnings for chat disruption and grief. Note #43066 for SKABY on c.nerd.nu: Muted for being disruptive in global. by Zomise on 2016-02-02T00:40:21.165 Note #43064 for SKABY on c.nerd.nu: Warned for being disruptive in chat. by Zomise on 2016-02-01T23:52:31.349 Note #43009 for SKABY on c.nerd.nu: warned for general grief on pve by Bluuefuzzy on 2016-01-28T04:48:12.335 Note #42563 for SKABY on c.nerd.nu: Unbanned 12/26/15 for Deathspam, ect. by Trooprm32 on 2015-12-17T03:53:35.804 Note #42221 for SKABY on c.nerd.nu: Warned for being disruptive in chat on PvE by Trooprm32 on 2015-09-25T03:43:33.571 You were responsible for some of this block spam as seen in this image: http://i.imgur.com/cPjRtqR.jpg Please read the rules and reply back with which rules you have broken, and promise you will not do it again, or face harsher punishments in the future.
  3. You've been warned previously for grief, and even if it's just a joke, It causes modreq spam which creates more work for moderators. Because of your previous warnings regarding chat disruptions and grief, you have been banned temporarily for: grief, block spam on P nerd.nu/appeal Note #43010 for Spamasaur on c.nerd.nu: warned for general grief on pve by Bluuefuzzy on 2016-01-28T04:48:22.877 Note #42929 for Spamasaur on c.nerd.nu: Warned for killing a player's horse on pve by TheRandomnatrix on 2016-01-23T22:46:35.986 Note #42564 for Spamasaur on c.nerd.nu: Unbanned 12/26/15 for Deathspam, ect. by Trooprm32 on 2015-12-17T03:53:48.382 Note #42222 for Spamasaur on c.nerd.nu: Warned for being disruptive in chat on PvE by Trooprm32 on 2015-09-25T03:43:57.802 This is the grief for this specific instance: http://imgur.com/a/ob6j6 Please reply here quoting the rules you broke, and promising you won't do this again, or future bans will carry a harsher punishment.
  4. I have a few ideas I still need to put together. I like many ideas that have been put forward too.
  5. I really liked S, but it makes me sad that I apparently started playing as it was dying.. I wish that wasn't the case..
  6. I wish I had seen this post sooner :( haha
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