You've been warned previously for grief, and even if it's just a joke, It causes modreq spam which creates more work for moderators. Because of your previous warnings regarding chat disruptions and grief, you have been banned temporarily for: grief, block spam on P
Note #43010 for Spamasaur on warned for general grief on pve by Bluuefuzzy on 2016-01-28T04:48:22.877
Note #42929 for Spamasaur on Warned for killing a player's horse on pve by TheRandomnatrix on 2016-01-23T22:46:35.986 Note #42564 for Spamasaur on Unbanned 12/26/15 for Deathspam, ect. by Trooprm32 on 2015-12-17T03:53:48.382 Note #42222 for Spamasaur on Warned for being disruptive in chat on PvE by Trooprm32 on 2015-09-25T03:43:57.802
This is the grief for this specific instance:
Please reply here quoting the rules you broke, and promising you won't do this again, or future bans will carry a harsher punishment.