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Posts posted by Silversunset01

  1. Alright guys, after a bunch of discussions and thinking we've decided we're going to give Discord a shot.

    The group will be open to anyone, whether they play on our minecraft servers or not. So bring your friends for other games, and encourage others to do the same - we are a gaming community after all!

    Some ground rules:

    • CHAT MODERATION - should be extremely light. It's like clanchat - it's all opt-in and people can block anyone they don't want to see so the need for us to step in should be relatively small. THAT DOESN'T MEAN DON'T - if someone comes to you and asks for assistance or a user is being overly trolly/spammy/troublesome we can still hop in and moderate.
    • CHANNELS - for now I've set channel creation to staff-only. Go ahead and create any channel people want to have made - the reason is because the "manage channels" permission also allows users to *delete* channels and that's bad.
    • ANNOUNCEMENTS CHANNEL - I've created an "Announcements" channel - all users will be able to read this, but only staff will be able to post. This is to be used to post ... you guessed it, ANNOUNCEMENTS. This should be used sparingly,
    • HELP CHANNEL - I've also created a help channel. If people are having trouble (connecting, using discord, with a game, etc) that would be the best place to go to separate it out from the regular chatter. If it becomes confusing or unused we can delete it later.
      • Staff can change the server nickname of a user (it is disabled for normal players) - only use this if someone has a really inappropriate username, and this should really be used sparingly as it's local to the server (dm's still show your true username since it's outside of the server)
      • Staff can delete messages other people type - again, this is only to be used in certain cases but it's an option if needed.
      • People can ping usergroups, so you can ping @Moderators, @Head Admin etc. I'll be adding all the admin groups as well for any staff who joins.
      • Feel free to use user "goldbeam" as a test subject for any sort of staff testing. It's just my fake play account. Good for testing bans, kicks, etc
      • If you do end up banning or kicking someone please let didy and myself know. We'll probably come up with some sort of system for tracking (forum post, spreadsheet, something) since there's no notes in discord.

    Couple of things i know will be asked:
    WHY NOW?? We spoke about it, and with the minigames server pending we thought it would be a great place for people to ping for games ("@everyone anyone up for some KOTH???) so why not leverage the two together and see if they work well.
    WHAT ABOUT SLACK?? Staff slack is not going anywhere, and you'll still want to make sure you're connected to ping other staff for help/issues/tech reqs/admin stuff. It's the best place for us to collaborate and do our staff things and after doing quite a bit of digging it really doesn't do what we'd want for a community chat program; there are too many hidden limits and too few options to be useful. And most of the slack clones we've tested are almost identical - they're designed for group collaboration not so much open chat.
    WHAT IF IT FLOPS?? If it flops it flops. But we'll never learn if we don't at least try and see how it goes. Lets take the risk and see if it does any good.
    WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO?? You always have the option to ping didy or myself in slack (or discord if we're in while you are) for guidance or help. Since this really doesn't belong to a single server it falls under our area of responsibility to make sure you all know what you're doing and that it's used properly, so ping away!

    I'd really like your support on this - it has the potential to help grow our community and engage better with the users if it's used well.

    To join: just click this link and follow the instructions. We'll be putting something out later with the minigames post to the public so pleasepleaseplease go generate some chatter for people :)

    ***POLL QUESTION RE: VOICE CHAT*** should we allow voice chat in discord knowing that not everyone can use it and it may be buggy, AND that mumble is still the official nerd voice chat *or* should we leave it disabled for now and see what happens?The fear is that having a second voice chat may fracture the mumble user base, and not everyone *can* use the discord voice chat (due to high ping or other reasons). I will be leaving this disabled for now until sufficient votes/opinions can be gathered.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Get your creative juices flowing everyone, we are looking for a few good lobbies to be built for us to use on the nerd.nu lobby! 


    There will be a lobby contest run on creative from August 21st to October 22nd. To enter, go to creative and type /warp lobbycontest. Then chose a plot that isn't used and type /nerdplot claim for it to be protected to you. You will be able to use worldedit in your plot, and can build alone or with friend (just do /rg i to get your region name and then /rg addmember lobby_contest_#### <username> to add them to your region)


    To be considered valid, each lobby must be no bigger than 200x200 (the size of one plot), contain four portals (PvE, Creative, Event, and a blank portal), and adhere to all standard nerd.nu build rules (nerd.nu/rules). Other than that, let your imagination run free!


    At the end of the contest we'll hold a community wide vote and announce the winners, more information on the voting will be put out after the building is completed. 


    Good luck!

    • Upvote 3
  3. So this came up a while ago, and i think i'd like to revisit it. There are times when we need to test or plan things for builds - while the redstone playground is sufficient for redstone builds it's not really appropriate for general build testing (road designs, wall patterns, etc). The only real alternative we have is to do them in the overworld, which i feel sort of ruins the overworld map and just frankly looks ugly.


    Would you be willing to consider a superflat plotted world for 'test building' on creative, so that those of us who do not have their own testing servers to fiddle on could still test and plan builds with their friends. 

  4. hello baileydigger. Cyotie is no longer on staff so i will handle your appeal. It appears you were banned as an alt used for ban evasion for another account which in the past resulted in an immediate permaban. Since this permabanning of alts policy is no longer in place I will unban you now but ask that you refresh yourself on our rules at nerd.nu/rules since it has been so long since your last visit.

  5. Hello all, we're going to be moving forward with a number of permission changes upon our services and reflected on the staff page over the next few days. Permissions will not change straight away as we are going to be contacting each individual before making changes to keep them informed. Data for this was gathered from June 6-July 31st.


    Based on log-in times, we'll be moving the following people from current moderators to inactive:

    • bhrossman

    • c45y

    • willravel

    • marting11

    Additionally the following people will be moved from the inactive staff to our past staff section:

    • JudgeDread
    • Upvote 2
  6. There are a number of reasons why the PvP server is closing at this time, and I'd really like this to not turn into a finger-pointing thread. Right now it is the best decision given the circumstances. We are happy to have constructive feedback, and in the future if more projects come on board it will be important to have that sort of community input to ensure things are successful.

  7. I made a modreq but MasterCommaThe closed it with out accommodating.


    This would be a big favor and make me really happy on my day off to do this. 


    I just want to clarify: as staff we aren't going to go through saving schematics for people - moderators aren't required to have schematica and it's not really part of their jobs. Really this is something players can do for themselves, and I thank zomise for being able and willing to help, however a modreq is really not the right place to ask for something like this. The request was closed because "this is something you can do yourself" and moderator intervention would have been inappropriate.

    • Upvote 2
  8. In summary, it would be Slack or Mattermost, though this is not a decision that needs to be rushed.

    Rushed no, however the longer we sit around and do nothing the harder it will be to get moving. Slack and mattermost both seem to rank similarly in the chart (after we made some modifications) - i'd love to see the mobile apps tested for mattermost if anyone is so inclined (i only have an iphone, and no server to test on)


    perhaps a compromise: we could run slack as a trial - see how interested the community is as a whole, who participates, how much etc. It's free, and can be set up with pretty much no risk. and if that takes off and mattermost testing goes well perhaps migrate at that point. Would give us time to properly fiddle and see if it's even worth switching.



    I don't necessarily have a strong opinion on either, as long as the primary goal of moving staff chat to Slack in the first place is not impeded. The decision was made to facilitate better admin collaboration. (TL;DR not enough staff had IRC bouncers.) So the needs of that goal must be put first. It needs to be something that everyone can use without issue..


    I think the surprise was that slack took off for us as well as it did. And if we really want to be a *gaming* community (rather than just minecraft servers with perks) having a chat option that anyone can join (that isn't tucked away like a private skype group) would be amazing. We've got so many game channels started (and more that could pop up very VERY easily). I am not saying we need to change the staff option right away, but some way to incorporate the rest of the nerd community would be a huge boost for us. The IRC channel is clearly underused, i suspect because people are intimidated or just not inclined to figure out IRC nowadays especially with the lack of chat history/offline messages it's just not worth it to them. 

  9. Why don't we simply add another channel to our already existing Slack Team that anyone can join? That way you can just set the channels that need to be kept private to invite only and anyone else can join the other channels like #irc and #civ. Is there something preventing us from currently doing that? That would also prevent having to have 2 separate slack windows open.

    If we do that then we will run out of chat history in staff channels much faster - and the group chat will be opt-in, not everyone wants to participate in that level of chatter/pestering/etc. If you're running the slack app you can swap between teams and receive notifications from both with no effort (looks like this, i'd set this up a bit ago to test some things, came in handy)




    if you use the browser version you can have tabs open. It's really not hard to have two teams going at once.

  10. This came up during the staff meeting, and some more discussion was had in slack today so I'm looking for some additional input.

    Our slack team has been opening channels for non-staff related things, and I think that's a great thing that we're using the tool . That being said the downside is that we are excluding the people in the community who aren't staff from the discussions.

    IRC works but for most people I think it's hard enough to use they don't want to. The question I have is this: should we open a 'public' slack team for any who want to participate, or follow some other chat program.

    The discussion during the meeting seemed to be that since we are already using slack it would be simpler to create a public team rather than having to run two separate clients. Some other options allow for self-hosting which is reliant on server space and can be vulnerable to attacks.

    Some of the discussion in slack went along the lines of going with something like discord or rocket chat.

    If you weren't able to make the meeting (or needed time to think) what are your thoughts. Personally I like the slack option since it doesn't really require any tech work or server resources and appears to be a fairly stable program that will be around for a bit, and it provides an interface we know how to use and would keep it all within one client.

    I just wanted to make sure anyone with an opinion had a chance to voice it. My plan is unless we can find a better option to open up a nerdnugaming team (with all staff set to 'admin' for moderation purpose) since that seemed to be the consensus during the meeting.

    • Upvote 3
  11. ... I'd say getting rid of PvP and either replacing it with another server or going to a 2-server format and saving ourselves some cash is the way to go.

    Just to throw it out there, our server costs will not change if we host 2 or 3 servers. The box is the box, no matter what we put on it.

    • Upvote 4
  12. Hey everyone! Now that CTF is wrapped up and the fundraiser is set I thought it was time for another financial update. 


    During the drive, we received $3,173.60 in donations, a HUGE thank you to every single person who donated. After fees we get to keep $3,038.98 which puts us just over the 12 month mark for funding! 


    We still have the two servers, the primary one where pve, pvp, creative, and event run, as well as the second box that hosts the forums, map downloads, and holds some of our more critical information in backup. 


    We did enter into a 1-year contract with our server host, which has saved us some money and allowed us to go a bit longer between fundraisers. This dropped our primary box from $238USD/month to $135USD/month (until feb 2017). The secondary box is still at $51CAD/month, with the forums at $25USD/6 months. With the 1.9 update we did have to pay for one of our plugins, but that is expected to be a one-time fee.


    The plus side is this does leave us with the ability to expand some of our infrastructure - most notably that it takes an increasing amount of space to hold all of our old maps and backups as revisions progress; we'll be following up with the techadmins to get a clearer picture of our needs.


    Below is a summary of our expenses since the last fundraiser 

    (all figures in USD)



    • Upvote 11
  13. Silver Stealth Edit:


    The server will be running a custom resource pack as well (prepared by our very own Sapphric!). You can play without it, but it will be way more fun to see all the fancy things he's added!

    For those who have trouble with server-side resource packs sapphric has given the link for download so everyone can enjoy the fun (even if they have potato internet like me!!)

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