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PvE Admins
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Everything posted by Cujobear

  1. Looks like I will be gone Friday and Saturday (may 12-13) with no access to game and then things will be up in the air for a couple of weeks. Manbear accepted a new job which means another move although this one will be easier. This weekend we need to go and look at some possible living spaces. Move should happen either end of May or very early June.
  2. I will be out of town with no access to the game from Tuesday May 2 - Tuesday May 9. I should have some access to slack during that time.
  3. Don't forget to vote on part 1!
  4. Cujobear

    PvE Awards Rev 19

    Don't Forget to vote in Part 2 also! I've added screenshots when I had them.
  5. Just a few thoughts I have. I do enjoy the CTF for a bit but get burned out on it pretty quick because I am awful at PvP. It would be fun to section the fundraiser into creative build contests that are then used in the event. 2 possible events come to mind where we could start with a build contest that could then be used in play. Nerd Olympics where we start with a day of building events and arenas. Archery, boat race courses, horse tracks, spleef, thimble, etc, etc. Then we could switch and actually compete in all the events. My other thought that could run basically the same way is a carnival full of mini games, rides and mazes/puzzles. I know there would be a lot of little details to consider but just brainstorming big picture right now.
  6. Cujobear

    Rev 19 Feedback!

    Greetings PvEers! We’re a little over 2 months into rev 19 and while there is still PLENTY of time to build, we’re looking for feedback so we can start planning for the next map. The things we’re mainly looking for feedback on are: Iron grinders: So, after a trial of having iron spawners not ‘buyable’ but pre-existing in the world, we added them back in. How would you feel about having them not existing at all for a duration? We would have a date announced at the start of the revision when they would become available.What do you feel is a true fair cost for the ability to have unlimited iron? What would you like to see changed to increase the difficulty without making them completely inaccessible to non-town players? Nether portals: How do you feel about the number of portals on the map? Would you like to see nether portals handled differently? if so, how? The nether: Should we continue to have a custom Nether or should we try going back to the vanilla generated nether? Would you like to see a classic nether return with the possibility of a custom nether added later into the revision? Custom flora: Should we continue to add custom flora to the map? Would you prefer to see a mix of custom and vanilla trees? Terrain: Is it time to go back to a vanilla generated map or should we continue to do World Painted maps? Were there any features lacking this rev that should be brought back? Any biomes or terrain features you would like to see added? Ore distributions: How do you feel about ore distribution this rev? MapWorld: Should MapWorld be brought back in the next rev? Were there enough plots? Should we make plots of different sizes again? Spawn: Was there anything you felt spawn and the spawn area was missing this rev? Was is it easy to find food and the exit? Special spawners: Should special spawners be removed from the map? Or to avoid rarer items being flooded into the economy early, should we look into adding these later into a revision? Are there any unique spawners you'd like to see added? Events: Adventurers Guild -- Are you enjoying the hunts and trials added to the Adventurers Guild? Are there ideas you would like to share for future scavenger hunts or events? Should we continue to create events for the Guild? Seasonal Events -- We've heard feedback on having too much happening at the start of a rev, so that has been considered. Which events/holidays would you like to see us celebrate and how would you recommend we tastefully do that? Collection Challenge -- If this were to return or be re-envisioned for rev 20, how would you like to see it play out? Plugins Should we continue to use our current plug-ins? Did you like the addition of the chair plug-in? Should we continue with custom recipes? Now that totemo has had some time to tweek Easyrider and Hypercarts how do you like them? Rev 20: Special number! How would you like to see this revision made more special?
  7. Good to hear. Just be sure to careful in the future. You are now unbanned.
  8. Thank you for responding so quickly. I was looking into a claim of grief done to a pond inside a claimed area. And although claims do not protect resources there was clearly a sign posted just a couple of blocks from where you dug clay asking that the pond be left as is. This could have gone with just a warning but due to your recent griefing and warning I felt a short ban was necessary to make sure our point was made. Please verify that you have read the rules (nerd.nu/rules) and will follow them and I will unban you.
  9. I will be out of town Jan 5 - Jan 9. I have to fit in a few extra hours at work in the 3rd and 4th before I go, so I may not be on much then as well
  10. Hello fellow nerds! How often have you thought or heard, "Man I wish I could smelt this armor and get some ingots out of it"? I for one have thought about it and have heard others discuss it as one of those things Mojang should have added by now. So let's discuss it. Is this something that should be added to PvE? We've recently added a plug-in to allow the crafting of the elytra as well as red sand and sandstone. Should we look into including a recipe to smelt our unwanted armor into ingots? A reminder please to stay on topic in this thread and not to delve into bigger and broader topics of rev's past and how 'vanilla' the server is. This is simply a poll to see if this is something the community wants and why or why not. I will have totemo add a response with some of the nitty gritties.
  11. I really like both of these ideas. I know last rev there was a group that had fun trivia nights but it was in a clanchat to not disrupt genchat. I for one joined the clanchat just to be involved although I was crap at getting the answers right. During some down time I can start jotting down some questions and see if I can come up with something. As for the spawn secrets, I think I remember some talk about such a quest before although I thin ktime did no permit anyone to follow through. (It's a great idea that we can discuss to include it in next rev planning) /me takes notes
  12. This was my problem too. Then I extended it to try and sneak mine in and got sidetracked again.
  13. Cujobear

    PvE Rev 18 Awards

    First off I want to say sorry for the delay and thank you to everyone who submitted nominations. I decided not to submit any nominations as with the few I received it would look as if I was "stacking the deck". This poll is for the categories that had more than one nomination. Some categories had one or no nominations for rev 18 and later I will be re-working the PvE Awards and seeing if it is something I should continue or not. Please visit the reddit post to see pictures provided. I will leave the voting up through Sunday and will then post the winners. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the future of the PvE awards (or tell me to stuff it because nobody cares) please do so in the comments below. Thanks cujobear
  14. This. I think Sapph and I must be related in some way. It's all about the alliteration.
  15. I have been in favor of this since the first time I saw it on C.
  16. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know what you love and hate about this rev. This will help the Padmins determine what we need to focus on for future revs. Thanks -cujobear
  17. Will be out of town next weekend July 29-31. The Spam Museum is having it's GRAND Opening and we thought it would be better to just leave town for a couple of days rather than be trapped in the apartment.
  18. Hello players! It's time to sharpen your swords and your tracking skills. The July Admin Hunt is here! The first round will start at approximately 9:15pm EDT on Friday July 22nd. We will host a second round on Saturday July 23rd at approximately 12pm EDT. Friday Saturday Each padmin will be carrying a prize for players to collect, who knows what they'll be carrying when you kill them. After the June hunt we have decided to make a few changes to our buffs, but we will still be a challenge! Friday's hunt will include Sapphric, SwitchViewz, Trooprm32, defiex, and cujobear. Saturday's ~~targets~~ participants are TBD.
  19. Hello All! Thanks to redwall_hp we have a new tool in game that allows you to see all the regions you are a member/owner of. Just type /myregions to get a listing of region names you are a part of.
  20. A big thanks goes to redwall_hp who has given us a cool new tool to use in PvE! Typing /myregions in game will list all regions you are an owner/member of. An alert has been added in game, and I will make a post announcing it on Reddit tonight.
  21. I will be out of town from Wednesday 6/15 through Sunday 6/19. Will have internet access but no Minecraft.
  22. I had asked for screenshots during the nomination process. I also was unable to get to all the builds to take screenshots for the voting. The screenshots I was able to get or were given to me are on the /r/pveawards subreddit. I will also try to remember to add a 'none' type choice next time. Thanks for the comment.
  23. One vote per player please. Voting ends in one week (6/2) Awards will be handed out once we all get semi settled in Rev 18 (and once I finish designing it)
  24. It's time again for the PvE Awards. I am changing things up just a bit this rev. There will be 12 categories in which you can nominate players or builds. To enter a nomination add a text post with the title as follows: Coords - Location Name - Award Nominated for or Player(s) - Award Nominated for. Starting this rev I will also be adding Hidden Gem Awards. These will be awards for anything rev 17 related that may not fit into one of the categories but deserve recognition. Silly awards are fun but please keep it nice :) Anyone is welcome to nominate a Hidden Gem. Use a text post title as follows: Hidden Gem - who/what - title of award (ex: Hidden Gem - Pez252 - Master of Fast Travel) Here are the categories up for nomination: Best City Must have at least 3 builders Best Personal Build 90% of the build was completed by 1 player Up and Coming City City started this rev Most Unigue City Most Unique Build Best Small Build no larger than 25x25x25 Best City Rivalry Best Arena Spleef or PvP Greenest City Most Automated City What I like to call the lag award Best Spawn Embassy Best Odd Couple Please include a screenshot when possible.
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