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Posts posted by djt832

  1. A more rational justification for permitted eradication of animal farms is the goal of reducing the global population of mobs (and thus the corresponding lag). This has allowed S to not need any sort of mob cap.

    This current rev, S has actually implemented a mob cap. But this is a fair point. Even with the mob cap, not everyone is keeping animals. It would be interesting to see, if there was a rule protecting animals, if lag would begin to be a major issue again.

  2. What do you think about having a short trial period where we enable a cooldown?

    I would love to have a trail period. I think its the best route to go at this point in time. I've never experieced pearl cooldown before, so it would help me form a better opinion about it.

  3. I'd like to ask a question- 

    Are nether portals in/under spawn a problem? I've made this suggestion, and so have others so I wonder if there is an issue about it. For what I can tell, players don't really get an advantage, and it's faster to leave spawn if you want to. That can be an alternative to having spawn in the nether?

    I would like too see this too, and like buchanman, I don't really see a disadvantage to it. I'd be interested in hearing if their are any problems with this proposal.

  4. It isn't just - are you, the current long term players, satisfied by it - but also what would new players think of it.


    I would love to hear more input from newer players and I dont think any long term players are shutting them out of this discussion. However, it seems that the majority of our new players are not active on this forum. Now, seeing as this is a general feed back thread, lets try to keep it to that. If you would like to give some feedback, instead of just criticising long term players for giving their input, that would be great.

  5. This is then exploitable by the select unsavoury few who could camp that area or the player and kill them repeatedly while they attempt to replace, causing it to never be replaced (or take long enough that it's deemed voluntary grief).


    I prefer the unwritten rule, honestly.

    In my experiences on S, if this situation happnes, the player trying to replace (Player A) can just place a modreq stating they are trying to replace but Player B is not letting them. This usually gets sorted out even quicker if there is a mod online Player A can contact. By taking these avenues, the exploitability of the rule is nulified.

  6. Bumping with a new question.


    What do you guys think about the terrain setup?

    I've enjoyed the terrain set up so far. I am extremely glad that amplified terrain does not take up more of the map. However, I think it was a good move to include it, because there are players that really enjoy it.



    Really need to make a rule about being able to kill everything in your area. If you have a claim and have animals, they should not be allowed to kill everything. They should have to leave atleast 2 of each animal. They are a pain to find and get all the way to your area.

    I dont see this rule changing. I'm not sure the exact reasoning behind why S does not have this rule, but it doesnt seem to be a  big enough issue to most payers to try and implement it. The best thing to do is hide your animals underground. In the rev where we still needed leather to create books, I successfully hid cows under my land claim (which was on a road) the entire rev.


    EDIT: Also just noticed the roads have been modified! Thanks MrLoud or whoever else changed it :D

  7. Interesting Idea, I guess I wasnt aware that the current system caused lots of issues.


    I think claiming land via the forums would cause more confusion than there already (apparently) is. Not every player frequents the forum, and some may not be able to make sense of a set of coordinates.

    • Upvote 3
  8. Im not sure a bounty system is neccessary for S. There has already been an unofficial way of setting bounties (announcing it in chat, for example) that seems to work just fine. Adding in official plug-in for bounties will undoubtedly cause harrassment problems. Also, Im guessing you would need to post a reward, so this could create an issue between users that are able to dedicate a lot of time to gather excess resources and those that are not.

  9. I hope we can keep this discussion clean of arguements over PVE cities from now on.


    Head Admin Elections


    We now host a large community, so certain voting methods have to change in regards to that. So for the nomination of new head admins, I believe the voting should be left to the moderators and head admins. However, I would like this vote to be open for viewing to the general community.


    Contentious Bans


    Bans of this nature should not be handled by a single admin or moderator. When something of this nature arrises, it should be voted on by a panel of admins/ moderators, preferably selected at random or with consideration to personal involvement in the situation.


    Moderator Voting


    Having players nominate moderators could become an extremely messy process. I am not sure that opening up voting to the general community will help this community move forward. It opens a whole new door of drama that could become extremely toxic.


    This being said, I think moderators and admins should be in charge of choosing the nominees and casting a binding vote that cannot be overturned. However, somewhat contridictory to my previous statement, the community should also be involved in this process. Sometimes not all the mods or admins have had interaction with the nominees. In order to give them a quick and easy overview of community opinion, it would be nice to have a seperate community vote on the nominees. This would purely be for a moderator or admin to get a feel of the general communities opinion.

    • Upvote 3
  10. Personally, I've never had that much of a problem leaving spawn, but I don't think this thread would have been started if that was the case for everyone.


    I would say spawn camping is defined by the act of one or more player(s) repeatedly killing a player that has just joined the server or respawned within the confines of the protected area under and around spawn.


    I'm not sure what the minimum amout of kills would be for it to be considered spawn camping. Maybe just until the player asks to  stop being killed while leaving spawn? However, that might be hard to moderate and also not help in making the rule any less vague.

  11. 1) What do you want to see changed about the lag, and how should we go about it?


    I'd like the lag to go away. I've seen a large increase in it, and nothing has changed on my end. As far as how we should go about it? No idea, I don't have much experience with that sort of thing. I would be happy to take part in a donation drive if necessary though.


    2) What steps do you want to take to advertise the servers?


    I think the youtube video's are a great idea. I wish we could get some more recognition on r/minecraft, but that seems to not be an option. I'm sure there are other ways to advertise for free.


    3) What do you think should be changed with staff and moderation, and how do you think we should go about it?


    All the staff I have been in contact with have been helpful and respectful. It would be nice to increase the staffing on S, as the last moderation vote seemed to be all PVE players.


    4) What rules would do you think should be changed, added or removed? Why?


    Im not extensively familiar with the rules, so I don't have any problem with them how they stand. The don't be a dick rule seems to be an ongoing issue, but it has its uses.


    5) Is there anything you want to change about clans? Why?


    When I joined S their were a lot more active clans. I'm not sure how we can achieve that again. I saw the post about mixing clans up, and while that might be a good idea, I think some players would not be able to trust new clanmates.


    6) Is there anything you want to change about enchantments? Why?


    I like the idea of limiting enchants. If we could find a nice middle ground between no enchants and full enchants, I think we might be able to retain more players. This will also allow for a faster style of gameplay.

    • Upvote 1
  12. I'd really like to hear from prominent PVPers about the lag issue. Has anyone quit the servers, or felt like PVPing was worthless because of lag? I think this issue is often overlooked. Perhaps something can be done, raise more money to upgrade the servers or get different providers?

    I'm by no means a prominant PVPer, but I have started to try to PVP more often in previous revs. I have experienced more lag than ever this rev and it's really discouraging me to put on good gear. I dont have a lot of time to dedicate to creating a good kit at the moment, so i'd rather not lose it due to lag spikes while fighting.



    Advertising. The more players, the better the experience!

    I also agree with this. The server was very busy the first rev I joined (rev 14 maybe?) and that made for a very fun experience. Lately, when we address the issue of our slimming player base, we seem to be focusing on why the current members have left rather than ideas for getting new members. I was very happy to see Skylord's video and I think its a great start.

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