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Everything posted by marting11

  1. Join the Christmas Build Contest! Participate by going to /warp WeeklyBuild Begins: December 14th Ends: December 31st There will be a public vote on January 1st where the winner will be decided. The poll will take place on Discord, in the #creative Channel. The winning build will be placed in the build contest hall of fame and also in a suitable Spawn City location. Rules: - Christmas/Holidays oriented builds only - Teams are allowed - Multiple entries are allowed - Claim plots by using /nerdplot claim while standing in a plot. Happy Building!
  2. Here's an idea with a Steve head wearing the nu glasses of the logo Separate 64x64 files : All icons together, a bit larger for viewing :
  3. Closing as this was dealt with already. User was banned by accident during a spambot attack.
  4. Congrats to the winner, a true patriot, Poxl3! Your build has been added to the museum & I will contact you shortly regarding Spawn Plot #1 ! Stay tuned for the next Weekly Build!
  5. until
    Rejoice! Here comes the first weekly build of Revision 36! With Canada Day and Fourth of July coming up we though it would be appropriate to host a Patriotism themed Weekly build! We are not limiting this to Canada & USA, showing your pride for any other country is accepted. Theme : Patriotism Start date : June 26th @ 10PM Eastern Time End date : July 4th @ 11:59PM Eastern Time Rules : Single player or team builds are allowed. The winning build will be picked by CAdmins. To participate, do /warp WeeklyBuild while on Creative. Prizes : Winner(s) will be granted access to Spawn Plot #1 to build anything they wish! Winning build will be added to the weekly build museum.
  6. Rejoice! Here comes the first weekly build of Revision 36! With Canada Day and Fourth of July coming up we though it would be appropriate to host a Patriotism themed Weekly build! We are not limiting this to Canada & USA, showing your pride for any other country is accepted. Theme : Patriotism Start date : June 26th @ 10PM Eastern Time End date : July 4th @ 11:59PM Eastern Time Rules : Single player or team builds are allowed. The winning build will be picked by CAdmins. To participate, do /warp WeeklyBuild while on Creative. Prizes : Winner(s) will be granted access to Spawn Plot #1 to build anything they wish! Winning build will be added to the weekly build museum.
  7. Join us on Creative Revision 36! Helpful links Revision 36 info post Live map to find that special piece of land you are looking to claim
  8. Copied from your previous appeal to which you did not reply : In a few minutes on the Creative server you attempted to use tnt to grief and then manually tore down a house until I stopped you. You were also triggering a lot of NoCheat warnings, which is an indication that you might be using a modified Minecraft client. All of which are against our rules. Do you really intend to be a productive member of our community?
  9. Hello yourface44, I'll handle this since your banning moderator is inactive. Your ban is indeed very old (2012). You are unbanned. Please take some time to review our rules & welcome back.
  10. Hello RaffaelOfficial, In a few minutes on the Creative server you attempted to use tnt to grief and then manually tore down a house until I stopped you. You were also triggering a lot of NoCheat warnings, which is an indication that you might be using a modified Minecraft client. All of which are against our rules. Your appeal is a bit bare. Can you tell me why you want to be unbanned? Do you intend to be a productive member of our community?
  11. until
    Love is in the air! With February 14th approaching, Creative will be hosting a Valentine's Day Themed Weekly Build Contest! Players can join the contest by going to /warp weeklybuild and use the command /nerdplot claim on a free plot. Players are allowed to build on one plot entry as a solo or group build. There will be a public vote on the forums for the winner. Builds will be presented in a voting post. Prize: The winning build will be placed in the Weekly Build Hall of Fame Duration: Saturday February 6th @ 10PM EST(after Spleef) and ending Sunday February 14th @ 6PM EST. Voting will then begin. ~cadmins
  12. The winner is AndyJF! Thanks everyone for voting. Stay tuned for the next weekly build.
  13. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Christmas Weekly Build Contest! The winner will be decided with this public vote. You can view the entries in this post, but make sure to visit them at /warp WeeklyBuild too! Some of these entries have intricate details that are worth checking out and that are impossible to snap in a single picture. Choose your favorite entry! The vote will close Tuesday, December 29th at midnight EST! Entry Guide Rockefeller Center by LetsBFehr Polar Express by Tomzski Gingerbread Village by iceberg76 Snowman by marting11 Santa's Workshop by venom20078 Christmas Doll House by AndyJF Winter Cabin by Lilah427. Lilah has expressed interest to remove her entry from voting.
  14. Hello iceberg76, I'll handle this since MasterCommaThe is currently inactive. This note is old and not relevant anymore. I have removed it.
  15. We are pleased to let you know that all WorldEdit commands and brushes normally available to region owners are back in working order. The WorldEdit limit has also been increased from 50k to 100k. Happy building! - CAdmins
  16. Handy-dandy Links A notice about WorldEdit at the beginning of revision 35 Creative Revision 35 information post Handy-dandy Maps Since the live map is not up yet, here's a couple maps. These map do not show the claims made by other players but they should help you navigate to the terrain of your choice. Live map is up!
  17. Not yet, it's conflicting with another plugin, we are looking at a workaround. Yes
  18. End of revision TNT party! Creative Revision 34 will be taken down Friday January 31st at ~8:30 PM EST The TNT party will begin shortly after, at around 9PM. Come blow some stuff up with us! TNT will be enabled for 24 hours right up to the launch of revision 35 at around 9PM Saturday February 1st. The final save of Revision 34 (pre-TNT destruction, of course) will be available for download at mcp-dl.com —— A notice about WorldEdit at the beginning of revision 35 As stated in the previous information post, a stable build of FastAsyncWorldEdit is still not available, so in order to update to 1.14, we will use the standard WorldEdit. However, an additional plugin we previously used to restrict WorldEdit usage to region owners has not been updated for a while. We found a temporary solution which will give region owners access to the following WorldEdit commands : //cut //copy //paste //set //undo //redo //replace. If you need another WorldEdit command performed, you will need to request the assistance of a moderator using /modreq. Protecting your region and enabling WorldEdit will be done in 2 steps, the latter will need to be performed by a CAdmin. Please note that this is a temporary measure, as : a) Tech Admin Challenger2 has committed to bringing back to life the plugin that used to handle WorldEdit region restriction, b) We plan to use FAWE as soon as a stable version is available. You may find out that your WorldEdit edits can extend past your region border. We are aware of this problem and we’ve decided to go with this temporary solution anyway because we trust you not to abuse this bug. However we will keep an eye out. If anyone if caught intentionally abusing this bug, it will be considered as griefing. - CAdmins
  19. Creative Revision 35 will launch at around 9PM.
  20. Launch date Creative Revision 35 will be launching on Saturday, February 1st 2020, finally ending Revision 34 which will have been our longest revision ever (1 year, 2 months and 2 days). Minecraft version We will launch the new revision on Minecraft 1.14.4. Info & changes We will be launching without FastAsyncWorldEdit since a stable version of it is still unavailable for 1.14.4. So we will be running with standard WorldEdit. In order to remove some load from the server, the maximum block edit limit will need to be decreased temporarily. As soon as a stable build of FAWE is available, it will be installed on the server. The main map is a custom Worldpainted map made by Bardidley. The size of the main map will be 7000x7000, smaller than the current one. To put that in perspective, it is the same size as the current PvE map, and the same size as Revision 32 and a lot of previous revisions. The main aim of that change is to bring builds closer together. Spawn is a completely original build by marting11 There will be no spawn city for this revision. There will be a buffer zone around spawn, but after that free land. Players are welcome to build a city around spawn. CTA fans, do not worry! The CTA has a reserved spot within spawn for the spawn station. The archived version of revision 34 will be accessible via a multiverse, just like revision 33 is currently. The redstone and testbuild multiverses will be transferred with their contents to revision 35. The default warps will be : bigtown, spleef, pixelart, playspleef, spawn, speedbuild, weeklybuild, WETutorial. If you have an unfinished build that you would like to continue working on, it may be possible to copy it over to the new map, please contact us so we can see what we can do for you. The spleef event normally scheduled Feb 1st at 9PM will be postponed to Feb 8th. This revision of Creative is sponsored by Bob Ross! The final save of the revision 34 map will be available at http://mcp-dl.com ~ The CAdmins
  21. Congratulations to the winner of the first Christmas Themed Weekly Build : Raffone_Bros ! The next theme will be : Holiday Treats You have until December 28th to complete your build. Happy Building! ~Cadmins
  22. The Halloween Build winner is AndyJF. Congratulations! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame!
  23. Recording of the meeting, for those who missed it! https://soundcloud.com/marting-eleven/nerdnu-creative-meeting-december-6-2015
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