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Everything posted by XeTrain

  1. Hello Tuwekk_ On the 22nd of July, you were banned for mass block and block spam, as this is your first offence, I will unban you once you confirm you have re-familiarised yourself with our rules, listed here: https://nerd.nu/rules/#pve Please also note, we always treat bans as if they were done by the owner of the account, for future reference, I highly recommend securing your account so nobody else can come on as you. Thank you, XeTrain
  2. Hello YalaaBoy I appreciate your apology, and thank you for confirming you have re-familiarised yourself with the rules I have unbanned you, welcome back! Thanks, XeTrain
  3. Hello Yalaaboy Today, I caught you xraying in the nether to find ancient debris, once caught, you continuously harrassed me in messages, begging me to not ban you, I stated, multiple times, it was up to the admins to decide, and to stop spamming my messages, you however did not stop messaging me, you continuously ignored my warnings, which resulted in the ban you now have. Due to the xray side of this ban, please note that your inventory and builds have been completely wiped, as per our xray policy. You will be banned for 2 weeks, so your unban date will be on the 11th of August, once you are ready to be unbanned please reply to this appeal stating you have re-familiarised yourself with our rules ( https://nerd.nu/rules/#pve ) Thanks, XeTrain
  4. Closing because player has been unbanned.
  5. Hello KiingJ I will be happy to unban you once you confirm you have re-read the rules here: https://nerd.nu/rules/#pve Thanks, XeTrain
  6. This was not within Aethelstans claim, and was reported by another player. As I said, you will be unbanned on the 9th of June. Thanks
  7. Hello KiingJ You were banned on the 2nd of June 2024 for continued grief, your note history implies you have been warned multiple times for similar offenses. In this case, you were banned for taking down a players build made of cherry wood. any size build that is created is protected under our No Grief rule, regardless of if it looks abandoned Because of this, you will be unbanned on the 9th of June 2024. Which is 1 week from today Thanks, XeTrain.
  8. Thank you for confirming You have now been unbanned.
  9. Kevcraft8, Please reply to the original thread confirming you have read the rules. Do not make a new appeal
  10. Please keep one appeal per player. I will lock this one
  11. Hello Kevcraft8, You were banned on the 7th of March for continious block and crop grief on PvE after being warned twice beforehand. Some examples of this grief include crops (wheat, bamboo, sugarcane, etc) as well as blocks like scaffolding and other player-placed blocks As a PvE survival server, we have 0 tolerance for griefing, as this is not what our servers are about. However seeing as this is your first ban, I am happy to unban you once you can confirm you have read the rules, found here: https://nerd.nu/rules/#pve Thank you, XeTrain
  12. Thank you for confirming you have read the rules, you have been unbanned. Thanks, XeTrain
  13. Hello MetricBox, Thank you for reaching out and appealing your ban You were banned on the 3rd of June for continued grief after being warned not to do so, this includes emerald blocks, glass blocks and crops, you were not banned for the water you were placing in The End. However, because this is your first ban, we are willing to give you another chance, however this time please remember to follow the rules correctly. Once you have confirmed you have read the rules, I will unban you Thanks, XeTrain
  14. Thanks Citlalin, I've now unbanned you. XeTrain
  15. Just a reminder that your ban has expired, let me know you've re-read the rules and I will unban you. Thanks, XeTrain
  16. Real and in the flesh! (ignore the mirror damage xD its old, very old)
  17. Thank you for correcting me, your unban date will be the 21st of August with your original ban date taken into account. Thank you, XeTrain
  18. Hello Citlalin Thank you for your apology towards not just staff but also players in general. Whilst I understand things can come across differently, not everything comes through as intended in a text chat, and it is not an excuse to continue talking badly about another player, if you're told to stop, you stop. There is a reason we have these chat rules, and as somebody who has been on the server for quite some time now, you should be expected to follow those rules without issue. As I told you ingame, if you have an issue with another player, you DM them about it, you do not continue in general chat where people are clearly getting frustrated with you. I appreciate that you were just joking around in chat, but without context it can definitely come across as very, very different. In regards to you wondering if you can disable chat, you need to go to settings > chat settings > chat:hidden I will unban you on the 25th of August, if by then you feel ready to come back and/or if you have any questions, please reply to this thread confirming you have re-read the rules. Thank you, XeTrain
  19. Thank you for confirming. You have been unbanned. I hope to see you around! Enjoy 🙂
  20. Hello Mrkalaszek Thank you for making a new appeal. I will be happy to unban you once you have confirmed you have re-read the rules: https://nerd.nu/rules/#pve
  21. Closing due to inactivity, once you would like you be unbanned, please make a new appeal confirming you have read the rules and we will unban you.
  22. We cannot take responsibility if another person (sibling, friend, ect) has been on your account, that is at your own risk and we treat all offenses as if the account owner is responsible. As stated, I will unban you after that date once you reply to this thread. Thank you
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