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Everything posted by XeTrain

  1. Please keep your messages and replies to your original thread. I will close this one Thank you
  2. Reminder to please reply to this thread after the given date, and we will unban you again.
  3. Hello MrKalaszek You were re banned as you continued to grief despite confirming 2 days ago during your previous ban that you had read our rules which clearly state this is not allowed. You also continued harvesting other players planted crops, which you had also been warned about in the past. You will stay banned for 1 month (August 6th, 2023) Thank you.
  4. Duplicate appeal, closing
  5. Hi all, as you may know, Bluuefuzzy and I are working on the north road this rev, if you're along this line please let us know if youd like us to build a connection to your town/base, you can reply here or just /mail us ingame! Thanks 🙂
  6. XeTrain


    Never thought id say this but... XeTrain
  7. Hi all! Just wanted to let you know we have a public creeper farm that is located in Frontier! Cords are: -2537 -1992 And not to toot my own horn, but drops are quite good 😛
  8. Hi, I asked for a 3 day self imposed ban because I wanted to focus on getting IRL stuff sorted, mostly so I could get job applications sent out, was expecting it to take around 3 days but ive finished way sooner, so was wondering if I could be unbanned sooner? XeTrain
  9. XeTrain


    I have a town with quite a few people in, if you do /place frontier in PvE you can come check it out, and if you'd like to live here just let me know! As for players who migrated to PvE, only person I know is shanty_sniper, but im sure many more still play 🙂
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