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Posts posted by WyndySascha

  1. The reasons for having portals at points of cardinality are straightforward.  However: does anyone else think it'd be a good idea to have portals pseudo-randomly scattered across the map, while retaining a rough equi-distance from each other?  City location and connecting infrastructure always seems to me to be a fairly predictable thing, perhaps a bit of uncertainty and chance exploration and organic spread would be interesting for the new Rev.


    Perhaps, if the map ends-up being several moderately-sized biomes of different types, each biome could have it's own portal somewhere around its central point?

    • Upvote 4
  2. There was a neat idea in chat a few days ago: a few large, central landmasses set in ocean; encompassed around the map borders by an encircling ocean; the ocean running off into the void, so people can "fall off the world" (or, if they're so inclined, build off the edge of the world). Very like the Discworld, in fact.


    (The world edge would be at a certain point, the world border would be some distance away, to prevent escape and more land generating).

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