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Posts posted by WyndySascha

  1. Thanks for your reply totemo! totemo sees all


    I'm afraid I'm just not able to make the sort of time commitment to Minecraft and P that would let me build all the Big Wonderful Things, which obviously makes me sad. :(  I was never looking for spectacular rates, just not as bad as what I've got, so I might concede defeat for the time being.  That having been said, the info that's been shared has made a few different ideas swirl around in my head so I might revisit things later in the Rev.


    Thanks for everyone's help and advice, especially as it relates to P-specifics! :D

  2. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is partially my fault.


    But Seriously, Denevien, and jll and sansa: thanks for your answers: they cover two of the three things I thought might be to blame. I'm still not sure about the role of sheer numbers, but it seems plausible - I suppose that, as the Rev progresses and opportunities arise to run the grinder with very few players on, it'll be something that's test-able.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on the bug I mentioned? Is it observable on P?

  3. tl;dr Bad spawn rates in darkroom spawner, don't think it's simply a matter of player numbers


    I hope this is right place to post this - I didn't want to harass any one person! - and please bear with me if I get my terms wrong, I'm not particularly technically-minded myself.


    For clarity, I'm interested in the technical, server possible explanations of what might be wrong: I'm not asking people to solve my build design problems for me, that wouldn't be a fair thing to expect and I'm practically positive it's not a design issue; I also don't want to give any impression that I want a server technical policy changed (those discussions are for other places, I think).  I simply want to know if there's a known reason for the problem, so I don't spend any more time fiddling with a design already at the stage it should be at!


    I've built (the relevant parts of) a darkroom spawner system on P; for the interested, its co-ords are x2540 y220 z-2390 (Ambrosia, NE Portal).  The spawn rates are terrible.  Ordinarily I'd blame myself for crappy design.  However, I've built this setup before on servers and in single player worlds and the spawn rates are much, much higher.  Quick design description:

    • 9 darkrooms
    • all build high-up enough so they're the only places where something can spawn
    • each darkroom containing 4 spawning pads
    • each pad measuring 3x3, with a slab in the centre to limit spawns to 2x1 mobs
    • ... for a total of 288 spawning surfaces, each of whose light levels are <8
    • player spot is 24-32 blocks away from each surface

    So, all pretty straightforward.


    However, as I say, the rates are terrible.  I suspect I'm falling foul of one or all of several things:

    • An overall, server-wide mob cap beyond the ordinary that I'm unaware of and doesn't seem to be documented under /moblimiter (although the latter applies to chunk unload despawning, so it probably wouldn't be)
    • what's outlined in this subreddit post (although I feel I've played on servers with more people than right now at a short while into P/Rev14 and not had rates these bad) [EDIT - players were kicked from P today, on re-logon there were only twelve of us, did a test - rates were still just as bad]
    • This bug, which I've reproduced in a local Creative world:
      • [1.7.10 local Creative] render distance <10, spawn rates tank with the above design
      • [1.7.10 local Creative] render distance >=10, spawns are what you'd expect with the above design

    (... I'm fairly sure the chunk render distance on P is currently set to 5)


    Can someone please shed some light?


    Thanks in advance, and to anyone whose ear I've already bent over this! :D

  4. I've read through quite a few forum posts now, and I'm a little sceptical as to the utility of "per-comment" voting.  Casting a vote on one particular chunk of or comment within a larger debate feels like atomizing arguments that should be seen as greater wholes, or like being part of a voting setup that imperfectly indicates the weight of a particular pro or con.


    The situation's not helped by the fact that there doesn't seem to be any consensus as to what the votes are meant to represent: recognition of contribution or redundancy? agreement or disagreement? and so on.  It's also a bit disturbing to me that the tone of debate, when it becomes heated, "poisons" the way people see the voting of others... votes become more likely to be attributed to bad faith than to genuine belief, as though any of us could make windows into each others' souls.


    This is a forum.  Doesn't the word "forum" imply discussion and debate primarily?  To aid the progression of that debate, I'm in favour of:

    • eliminating the per-comment voting altogether
    • making a positive effort to read previous comments in a thread and not repeat anything that's been substantially said before
    • when the thread starts to "fizzle" or when matters otherwise need to be closed, lock commenting and post a poll for a final vote...
    • ... this vote to be a secret ballot, where how people voted is not visible to others

    Hopefully, this might remove some of the personal animosity that crops-up from time to time.  It would also give a finality to things debated, and aid how discussions unfold.


    EDIT soz, didn't know this was discussed on other threads.  Moral - check first! :/

    • Upvote 3
  5. I've only been around nerd.nu for a little while, but here's my two minutes of thought:


    No system of people choosing other people for something has ever been free of bias, drama, or disappointment.  The best systems are structured so the outcomes are as effective as they can be, while the people are as flawed as the human beings they are.


    As an ordinary player - not a mod, or mayor, or anything like that - I'm happy that my modreqs are actioned just fine.  Water is made to flow.  The skeleton in P's Creeper Grinder is occasionally replaced.


    That's why I'm voting No.  I'd certainly like to see a bit more transparency in some areas, consistency in others - that's a discussion for another day perhaps - but, unless someone can ELI5 that the server is somehow fundamentally broken and things aren't functioning as tolerably as they seem to me to be, I'd prefer to stick with the Devil I've Got.

    • Upvote 5
  6. Quick question: is there a way of grabbing feeds for various parts of the forums?  I like to keep track of things in my feed reader.  So far, I've found the obvious two ('Ban Appeals'; 'Community Calendar') but no others.  The help section doesn't seem to help with this.  Thanks!  ~Sasch

  7. tl;dr - perhaps a future rev should only have one portal?


    Hello Everyone,


    I'll begin by saying how great I think PvE is (I'm sure Creative and Survival are just as great, but I hardly ever go there!).  I lurk on every rev, but I'm planning on actually getting involved in the new one.  The people are friendly and helpful, and the builds are always impressive in some way.


    That having been said - and please bear in mind I'm somewhat new to the Reddit Public way of doing things - I had a query about new rev creation, or maybe even a suggestion for the future.


    There's been a lot of discussion recently about new PvE terrain, and the subject of portals comes up often.  Essentially, from what I can gather, there's a mad initial dash for the portals and then cities grow up around them.  This is reasonable: using the Nether cuts down on transit time; and it's useful having easy access to the Nether to obtain the goodies that are only found there (quartz, blaze rods, &c).  Portals, then, are prime assets to have.


    My thought is this: maybe PvE could take a stab at only having one portal, based centrally on the map at Spawn or in some other suitably impressive building.  I know this seems to contradict the benefits of many portals that I've touched on above.  However, I think it would introduce some interesting social dynamics to the rev:


    For one thing, it would encourage the development of the Overworld's infrastructure.  Cities would have to construct roads, rails, boat canals &c to Spawn and to each other and these would be used frequently - right now, for example, the Overworld has some impressive rail infrastructure but with apparently little use.  PvE is, I think, full of amazing builds like tower blocks and residences, but often these just stand empty and without use... infrastructure would be a creative thing and useful.


    Additionally, needing to build rails might make things like iron and gold more scarce, valuable resources (farms notwithstanding) - this might encourage trade and other interesting activity.  Also in terms of trade, neighbouring cities might find it more convenient to exchange nether stuff with each other rather than obtain it themselves through the one portal.  There would be more community interaction.


    If there were only one portal, "publically administered", it would perhaps also remove some of the uncertainty and debate about who's-got-what-portal, and perhaps give smaller, "non-portalled" cities a more even footing with much larger ones.


    So, that's my idea.  Does anyone have any experience with a situation like this?  I've outlined some of the ways I think things on PvE might be made a bit more fun and interesting, but it's all supposition - it'd be great to have an informed voice give an opinion!


    Thanks for your time,


    All best wishes,



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