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Posts posted by Four_Down

  1. I spent some time last night going through old threads just reading comments and reminicing of the good times at Nerd. I ended up going through a bunch of old Survival threads from when we had to deal with the cretin that was MrLoud and I noticed something odd. In a lot of the threads, there were blatant gaps where comments had been removed and any replies or other traces to those comments had also been removed, or edited without leaving any kind of evidence of it. These comments often appeared to be from staff members, some of whom are still staff now.

    I'm pretty confused - Perhaps I'm being silly, but I don't seem to have the ability to delete (or even edit) my own comments that I've made, so what gives? Have certain staff members gone through old forum threads and used their mod powers to remove comments to save face? Is there some sort of public moderation log available to monitor that sort of stuff?

  2. XkinOEC, if you're talking about the site williammck and I wrote, it's still on github. I heard from a nerd staffer (I forget who) a few weeks ago that nerd might just run it. If they did decide to do that, i'd help with updating it and finishing features if someone asked me. I still think it's one of the cheapest (in terms of man-hours) ways to attract and retain players at nerd.

    He could also be referring to the one Slide was apparently making at one point.

    • Upvote 1
  3. This server is now a small community and the staff still treat it as if it is the big server it was two years ago.


    You create a divide between player and staff, and while that's the case, nothing will change.



    We have moderators to help players with things that are impossible for them to do manually, like escape a hole in a protected region, or get their builds protected or water flowed. Mods aren’t there to help with things people can do, but don’t feel like doing, like digging a horse out of a hole in an unprotected area, or helping them find their way out of a ravine.

    This very statement is one that supports my point. In these cases, a staff member helping the player would cause little to no work given the tools that they are provided, it would be a simple task that would help the player out and keep them happy.


    Evolving into being more community orientated would be a good move for Nerd, and now that he is gone, there's a very good opportunity to do that.

    • Upvote 8
  4. Thanks for raising this suggestion Four_Down, we would usually like to jump straight into some form of end of revision event for Survival 29 however in this case we will not be wrapping up the revision with one.


    The main reason for this is the server activity, it died off more than the low numbers we've seen playing, a few weeks back. The previous chaos event we had, while fun, was generally a lonely experience from when I was running around on it. The next major pvp event we have coming up is the charity fundraiser, organised by SkrapssparkS, which I feel would be far more fun to get involved in given the work we've put into it.


    TLDR: Would prefer to give survival a chaos sendoff- No-one is likely to be playing it to make it worthwhile.

    That's a shame.


    I'm sure with enough advertising of an event, enough people would have shown up to make it worth while.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Youve got the Orangered and Periwinkle in ultrahub's, the antenna in Avada's, and snoo makes an appearance in marting's

    martings screenshot is showing how it would look when used on the subreddit, it's going to have snoo in it.

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